
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01



第三章 Academic listening

Listening 2

一、Before your listening

1、Task 1

1)electronically      B.(adv)by means of…

2)sufficient           H.(adj)as much as is…

3)unique               D.(adj)being the only…

4)features             A.(n)important parts…

5)combination       F.(n)two or more…

6)vary                   C.(v)to be different…

7)pretended          E.(v)to make some...

8)absolute            G.(adj)complete or…

2、Task 2









二、Global listening

1、Task 1

1)DNA testing                           E

2)photo IDs                              A

3)PINs                                     B

4)iris recognition                      F

5)fingerprintrecognition           C

6)voice recognition                  D

三、Close listening

1、Task 1

1)Question 1        C、A security chip

2)Question 2       D、They can be stolen

3)Question 3       D、Each fingerprint is...

4)Question 4       D、He should speak...

5)Question 5       C、It isn’t totally...

6)Question 6       B、To indicate an advantage

2、Task 2

1)What does a Photo IDgenerally include?


A photo ID generally includes a person's photo, name,nationality, gender and an identification number. It may also include the haircolor, eye color, and height of the person.

2)What does a Photo ID generally include?


The speaker thinks that using biometric identificationis a reliable way because it is based on a person's unique physical features.He also predicts that there will continue to be new reliable biometric ways toidentify people as technology develops.

3、Task 3


四、Academic listening skill



2、Task 1


1)so what about

2)let's turn our attention to

3)Let's move on to the last type of


1)in addition to the above mentioned, we have other types of identification:

2)let's switch to

3)I would like to give you the last type of

五、Oral practice

1、Task 1


The following sentenceswill help you talk about methods of identification. Translate the Chinese inbrackets into English using the words and expressions you've just learned, andthen record each sentence.



1)身份窃取Identity theft

2)独一无二的生理特征Unique physical feature

3)个人识别码 PIN

4)证实身份 establish identity

5)提取 extracts

6)提取 extract

2、Task 2


Read the followingparagraphs about iris recognition and record them. Pay special attention to theunderlined words or phrases that guide you through the paragraph.



第四章  Critical thinking

一、A cross-cruturalview

1、A cross-cruturalview


2、Task 1







3、Task 2

1)What are the traits of collectivist cultures?


Collectivist cultures are known as "we"cultures where people work cooperatively to solve problems and achieve goals.Collectivist cultures encourage people to do what is best for society and placemore importance on collective interests than on individual needs. People incollectivist societies believe that maintaining harmonious relationships,attending to other people's needs and meeting social expectations are veryimportant.

2)What are the traits of individualistic cultures?


Individualistic cultures are known as "me"cultures where individual needs and goals are prioritized. Individualisticcultures encourage people to do what is best for themselves. People in suchcultures believe they should be responsible for their own well-being, so self-relianceand independence are highly valued. People in such cultures also show lessconcern for how others feel and prefer to talk straight.

3)Why are people in collectivist cultures good at achieving long-term goals? Can you explain the correlation between the traits of collectivist cultures and the tendency to achieve long-term goals?


Collectivist cultures are more efficient in accomplishinglong-term goals because everyone contributes to fulfilling these goals. In asociety where people believe what is good for the society is also good forthemselves, it is easier for the government to mobilize all kinds of resourcesto achieve goals that ensure national interests in the long run but that mightnot reward individuals in the near term. Take China for example. China hasinvested a lot in infrastructure construction in rural areas and liftedhundreds of millions of people out of poverty. None of these could happen ifChinese people put personal gains before collective interests.

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