
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-01

提供帮助,英语是:offer help.

offer 英[ˈɒfə(r)] 美[ˈɔ:fə(r)]
vt. 提供,给予; 提出,提议; 出价,开价; 表示愿意;
vi. 提议; 企图,想要; 供奉;
n. 提议; 出价,开价; 试图; 求婚;
[例句]He has offered seats at the conference table to the Russian leader and the president of Kazakhstan

help 英[help] 美[hɛlp]
vt. 帮助; 有助于, 有利于;
vt. 治疗; 避免; 招待(客人); 给…盛(饭、菜);
n. 帮助; 助手; 补救办法; 有用;
[例句]He has helped to raise a lot of money

Thank you very much. / Thank you so much.
2. Thanks a lot. / Thanks a bunch.
3. Thanks a million.
4. I appreciate your support.
5. I don’t know how to express my gratitude.
6. I owe you one.
7. I’m much obliged to you.
8. I’m grateful for your help.
9. I’m in your eternal debt.
10. Thanks anyway.

I really appreciate what you’ve done for me these days.


It’s very kind of you to help me.


I really don’t know what I would have done without your help.


I can’t tell you how grateful I am.

How can I thank you enough.


You’ve been so helpful.


I’m very much obliged to you for your gracious hospitality.










Since more than 2,000 years ago, the Olympic Games as a healthy and progressive sports competition rise in the sacred Olympus , it becomes ancient Greeks' dedication to the human spirit. Today, the connotation of the Olympic movement has been far beyond the scope of competitive sports, it has become the cultural event of all mankind and civilization heritage, its richness and its importance to human life is growing. On the connotation of the Olympic spirit, I would like to emphasize the following:

Olympic is a competitive spirit. Olympic spirit is a "faster, stronger, higher," the spirit of self-challenge, but it is also fair, justice, equality, freedom of the spirit of competition in sports. The self-contained Olympic spirit and the challenges posed a spirit of fair competition of contemporary human self-improvement and the cornerstone of social interaction.

Olympic is an attitude toward life. That the Olympic spirit through self-training and self-involvement have good health, optimism and the spirit of a better life and the pursuit of love. This optimistic, positive attitude towards life is that we have complete self-confidence and a powerful driving force to overcome all challenges.

Olympic is a philosophy of life. Olympic Charter, "Olympism is the physical, psychological and spiritual aspects of a balanced combination of quality, it can be improved and a philosophy of life." Olympic sport with culture and education, integration, so that people body and soul, spirit and quality are perfect harmony, and the potential of the human virtues are fully developed, it is by far the best of mankind, the most complete philosophy of life.

Olympic is a kind of harmony, freedom, health, a positive modern ethics. Olympic, by the way of life is to build experience in the course of fighting the fun, the educational value of good example and generally respected the basic ethical basis. Olympic spirit in the ethical values of freedom and human potential to create human civilization and good order of the greatest respect and advocacy, the value of all human fine moral and ethical norms of inheritance and carry forward. It guide the people to pursue the most optimal survival and the development of ethical values, such ethical values of human coexistence with the environment in the individual and assure the coordinated development of society.

The Olympic movement is a common heritage of human civilization. Warm exciting competitions, the training of young volunteers, the construction of stadiums, the idea of urban planning, brilliant performing arts, global coverage of the event broadcast and watch the Olympic Games have become valuable heritage. In the era of globalization, the Olympic movement has become a common civilization and culture to create a spirit of the event.

Today, the Olympic has become a common humanity of the aspirations of a common expectations, and a common wish. With the passage of time it continuously enriched, and constantly adds new content, a human constant innovation and growth in the precious spiritual heritage.


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