世界名人故事英语作文  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-27

Wen Tianxiang, a famous national hero in the late Southern Song Dynasty, lived in hardship when he was a teenager, and only with the help of good-hearted people did he have the opportunity to read.
Once, Wen Tianxiang was misunderstood as a thieves by wealthy classmates. He argued that he was not allowed to be trampled on his dignity, and finally proved his innocence. Through this incident, Wen Tianxiang's ambition to be named in the gold roll was set up.
Chen Ping, a famous minister in the Western Han Dynasty, lived in poverty when he was young and depended on his brother.
In order to uphold his father's fate, glorify his family, do not produce and study behind closed doors, he was not tolerated by his sister-in-law. In order to eliminate the contradiction between his brother and sister-in-law, he faced repeated humiliation and hiding.
With the increasing cost of his sister-in-law, he finally could not bear to leave home, wandering around the world, was recovered by his brother, regardless of past suspicions, to stop his brother and sister-in-law, in the local spread as a beautiful talk.
Eventually, as an old man, Muming came to teach free apprenticeship. After learning, he assisted Liu Bang and achieved some hegemonic career.

Lu Yu, a famous scholar in the Tang Dynasty, was raised by Zen Master Zhiji as an orphan.
Although Lu Yu was in the temple, he did not want to recite Buddhist sutras and chant Buddhas all day long, but preferred to recite poetry and books. Lu Yu persisted in going downhill to study, which was opposed by Zen master.
In order to solve Lu Yu's problems and educate him better, Zen Master asked him to learn how to make tea.
In the process of studying tea art, Lu Yu met a kind wife. She not only learned the complicated skills of making tea, but also learned a lot of principles of reading and being a man.
When Lu Yu finally brought a cup of steaming Kuding tea to Zen Master, Zen Master finally agreed to his request to go down to study. Later, Lu Yu wrote the widely circulated "Tea Classic" to carry forward the tea culture of the motherland.
Bao Zheng Bao Qingtian was smart, diligent and inquisitive since childhood. He especially liked reasoning and judging cases. His father had close contact with Zhixian County. Bao Zheng learned a lot of knowledge about judging cases from childhood.
Especially in the case of burning temples and killing monks, Bao Zheng, according to the spider tracks on the scene, stripped cocoons and drew silk.
After identifying the suspects, he pretended to be the King of Yan and tried to find out the truth, helping Zhixian to arrest the murderers and kill the people.
He worked hard to learn the knowledge of law and punishment, and laid a solid knowledge foundation for judging cases and defending people's grievances when he grew up.
When Lin Zexu was a child, he was talented and wise. He made two couplets under two opportunities. These two couplets expressed Lin Zexu's ambition.
Lin Zexu not only dared to make a decision, but also studied hard. When he grew up, he made great achievements and was admired by later generations.

David Beckham

He is one of the most famous and influential soccer player in the modern world. He started his career in Manchester United, and moved to Spain to join the world most famous club Real Madrid, now he moved on to the United States, playing for the California club LA Galaxy.

三四句的故事基本不会有的, 太短了, 上面是我自己写的, 贝克汉姆, 喜欢就用吧


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