
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-23

All objects always keep uniform motion or stationary, unless the force acting on it make it change that.

Until today, people still remember and celebrate what this man of integrity and honesty, whi laid the foundation for the automobile industry.

人工翻译, 但愿对你有用:
I am glad to be the referee of A, who chose my bilingual biochemical lesson in the 2nd term of 2007, and now is studying varieties of experimental techniques in my lab and is preparing for the graduation design.
To be honest, I did not pay more attentions to him during the biochemical lesson. However, his meticulousness and scores above others touched me at the end of the course. He joined my laboratory of cellular signal transduction two months ago. He also shows his organizing capacity in the experiments. He always thinks over each steps of experiment to be done in advance, which results in fewer mistakes, such as pollutions, failure operation. He loves his major and keeps enthusiastic about the latest scientific advances. I have reviewed his notebook for experiments, on which, not only detail records, but also skeletons and expressions regarding professional literatures he has read can be found. In additional, A is very conscientious and never complains. Whatever tasks are assigned, he will do his best to do. It is also worthwhile to mention that his English skill is good and is with no obstacles of understanding professional courses, reading and writing. He is always seen to read English literatures without any dictionary at hand. He also acts as a translator for others. A is kind and humor, ready to help others and gets on well with his classmates.

Be glad to be the recommendation of a schoolmate people very much. He finishes school term the pair of language biochemistry having chosen my religion class on 7 years , at present, studies the various experiment technology , prepare graduation practice in my laboratory. Telling the truth (to be honest) , the biochemistry class hour, he shows the methodistic strip reason (meticulousness) taking place in examination paper with outstanding have an exam achievement (above others) has let me remember him when I do not pay attention to being over to him, but the course. In February in the front, he enters my cell signal rotating leading a laboratory (laboratory of cellular signal transduction). He is hit by in the experiment also same have shown the very strong strip reason. Before each time entering the ultraclean workroom, the perfectly cleat that experiment every single-step that he always will compose think of begins to get to work just now. Therefore, his experiment faults such as contaminating , handling by accident appears on very few. He loves special field chosen by self heartily , progresses to up to the minute science to fervency having maximum armful. I had read his experiment notebook, except that everyday detailed experiment takes notes, his special field document summary having arranged a lot of everyday what be watched and what one has learned from work. Besides, the aa schoolmate does a thing being responsible , never complaining that carefully. Disregarding what mission assignment arrives at, he all as far as possible achieving is best. Being deserving to be mentioned , his good English good, any does not hinder writing to the document understanding that special field is similar to the English course , reading. Often can see him browse the English document under the situation of not having the English dictionary on hand , be that others resolves the translation problem. Character aspect , aa schoolmate kindhearted humorous , be eager to help people, with the laboratory be in the same school other get along with very harmonious.

I am very pleased to be the referee of a schoolmate. He attended my bilingual biochemistry class during his second term in the year 2007, he is currently learning various types of experiment skill in my laboratory ,and preparing for his graduation design.

Frankly speaking,I did not notice him at all while he was attending the biochemistry class, nevertheless when the course finished, he put on display in his test papers a meticulous character of presentation and an outstanding examination results, this let me to remember him firmly at the end.
Two months ago, he entered my laboratory of cellular signal transduction. He showed a very strong nature of systematic presentation during the experiment. Everytime before he entered the
ultra-clean workroom, he always thought very clearly each step of the experiment he was going to do, only then he started work.
Consequently, there were very few appearances of contamination, and operating errors etc., He was passionately fond of his chosen profession,and espoused with great enthusiasm the latest scientific development.I have seen the record book of his experiment,apart from the detailed daily experiment records, he also puts in order the highlights of professional writings that he comes across daily and things he has learned in the course of his study. Moreover, aa schoolmate works conscientiously and responsibly,and he never complains.He always does his utmost whatever tasks were assinged to him.
It is worth mentioning that his English is good, there are no hindrance whatsoever with regards to the understanding of professional type of English courses, reading documents and writing.
It is quite often that he could be seen, without having English dictionary,translating and reading English documents to help others solving translation problems. On the aspect of his character, aa schoolmate is kindhearted and humorous, happy to help others and gets on very harmoniously with other schoolmates from the laboratory.

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