
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02
1. 商务英语合同中提到的专业术语有哪写

Business English contract characteristics of the English language problem that the format of the report (Universal)

As the report of the problem that is embodied in the text of the total concept papers, which do not have too much space, but should plan to study how to study the application of theory, and other major issues to make it clear that should include o parts: Overview, outline.
1 Overview
The overall problem that the report should make reference to some of the topics and concise explanation of the purpose of topics, issues related to the current study, the application of theory, methodology, the necessary data and so on.

2 outline
Problem that the report contains an outline of the paper can be a broad-brush, is a study of the idea of the basic framework. May be the whole sentence or the entire piece in the form of an outline. In the opening phase of the title, the outline aims to make clear the basic framework of the paper, there is no need to catalog as detailed as the paper.

3 References
Problem that the report should include the relevant reference directory

4 request
Problem that should be the cover page of the report, the total number of pages should not be less than 4. Page format should meet the following requirements.

Open title report


First, subjects significance

1, the theoretical significance
2, the practical significance

Second, the paper Summary

1, the theory of the origin and evolution
2, the study of foreign Summary
3, domestic research Summary
4, I summarized above asses *** ent

Third, the papers outline



2. 商务英语专业名词的英语解释是什么

Budget 预算


Return 回报

thegainfromaninvestment, onthesaleoftheinvestment.



Royalty 专利税


Patent 专利权


3. 商务英语中,常见的缩写有哪些全称和意义是什么

Bat battery 电池
b.b. bearer bond 不记名债券
B.B., B/B bill book 出纳簿
B/B bill bought 买入票据、买入汇票
b&b bed & breakfast 住宿费和早餐费
b.c. blind 密送的副本
BC buyer credit 买方信贷
B/C bills for collection 托收汇票
B.C. bank clearing 银行清算
b/d brought down 转下页
Bd. bond 债券
B/D bills discounted 已贴现票据
B/D bank draft 银行汇票
b.d.i. both dates inclusive, both days inclusive 包括头尾两天
B/E bill of entry 报关单
b.e., B/E bill of exchange 汇票
BEP breakeven point 保本点、盈亏临界点
b/f brought forward 承前
BF bonded factory 保税工厂
Bfcy. Beneficiary 受益人
B/G, b/g bonded goods 保税货物
BHC Bank Holding Company 银行控股公司
BIS Bank of International Settlements 国际清算银行
bit binary digit 两位数
Bk. bank 银行
Bk. book 帐册
b.l., B/L bill of lading 提货单
B/L original bill of lading original 提货单正本
bldg. building 大厦
BMP bank master policy 银行统一保险
BN bank note 钞票
BO branch office 分支营业处
BO buyer’s option 买者选择交割期的远期合同
BOM beginning of month 月初
b.o.m. bill of materials 用料清单
BOO build-operate-own 建造—运营—拥有
BOOM build-operate-own-maintain 建造—运营—拥有—维护
BOOT build-operate-own- transfer 建造—运营—拥有—转让
b.o.p. balance of payments 收支差额
BOT balance of trade 贸易余额
BOY beginning of year 年初
b.p., B/P bills payable 应付票据
Br. branch 分支机构
BR bank rate 银行贴现率
b.r., B/R bills receivable 应收票据
Brok. broker or brokerage 经纪人或经纪人佣金
b.s., BS, B/S balance sheet 资产负债表
B/S bill of sales 卖据、出货单
B share B share B 股
B.T.T. bank telegraphic transfer 银行电汇 上一页 [1] [2]

4. 什么是商务英语术语具体内容····


5. 〔商务英语的缩写〕

1. =Pan-AmericanCongress泛美大会;
2. Personal AnalogueComputer 小型模拟计算机;
3. Pilotless Aircraft 无人驾驶飞机;
4. Pla *** a Arc Cutting 等离子体电弧切割;
5. Private Aviation Committee 专用航空公司委员会([英]CAA);
6. Program Advisory Committee计划顾问委员会[美];
7. Project Analysis and Control设计分析与控制
1. =political action mittee (美国)政治行动委员会(现改为政治教育委员会)
1. 无人驾驶飞机(气动辅助支架)

1. =Engineering Command 工程指挥, 技术控制

1. =Partial Differential Equation 偏微分方程;
2. Prefessional Development and Ecation 职业开发与教育委员会[英]


6. 商务英语缩略语


7. 商务英语的专业词汇有哪些

I. 外汇与汇率

通汇合约 Agency Agreement
通汇银行 Correspondent Bank
商业汇票 Commercial Bill of Exchange
银行支票 Banker’s Check
国外汇票 Foreign Bill of Exchange
关键货币 Key Currency
汇率 Exchange Rate
直接标价法 Direct Quotation
间接标价法 Indirect Quotation
汇价点 Point
买入汇率 Buying Rate
卖出汇率 Selling Rate
中间汇率 Medial Rate
现钞汇率 Bank Note Rate
即期汇率 Spot Rate
远期汇率 Forward Rate
基本汇率 Basic Rate
套算汇率 Cross Rate
固定汇率 Fixed Rate
浮动汇率 Floating Rate
可调整的钉住 Adjustable Peg
单一汇率 Single Rate
复汇率 Multiple Rate
贸易汇率 Commercial Rate
金融汇率 Financial Rate
交叉汇率 Cross Rate
远期差额 Forward Margin
升水 Premium
贴水 Discount
平价 At Par
固定汇率制度 Fixed Exchange Rate System
金本位 Gold Standard
纸币 Paper Money
贴现率 Discount Rate
浮动汇率制度 Floating Exchange Rate System
自由浮动汇率 Freely Floating Exchange Rate
管理浮动汇率 Managed Floating Exchange Rate
单独浮动汇率 Single Floating Exchange Rate
联合浮动汇率 Joint Floating Exchange Rate
钉住汇率制 Pegged Exchange Rate
区域性货币一体化 Regional Moary Integration
欧洲货币体系 European Moary System (EMS)
欧洲货币单位 Eutopean Currency Unit (ECU)
欧洲货币联盟 European Moary Union
含金量 Gold Content
铸币平价 Mint Par
黄金输送点 Gold Point
官方储备 Official Reserve
外汇管制 Foreign Exchange Control

即期外汇交易 Spot Exchange Transaction
远期外汇交易 Forward Exchange Transaction
交割日固定的远期外汇交易 Fixed Maturity Forward Transaction
选择交割日的远期交易(择期交易) Optional Forward Transaction
掉期交易 Swap
即期对远期掉期 Spot-Forward Swap
即期对即期掉期 Spot-Spot Swap
远期对远期掉期 Forward-Forward Swap
地点套汇 Space Arbitrage
直接套汇(两角套汇) Direct Arbitrage (Two Points Arbitrage)
间接套汇(三角套汇) Indirect Arbitrage (Three Points Arbitrage)
时间套汇 Time Arbitrage
现代套汇交易 Cash Against Currency Future
套利 Interest Arbitrage
非抵补套利 Uncovered Arbitrage
非抵补利差 Uncovered Interest Differential
抵补套利 Covered Arbitrage
期货 Futures
期货交易 Futures Transaction
国际货币市场 International Moary Market (IMM)
伦敦国际金融期货交易所 London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE)
“逐日盯市”制度 Market-to-Market
期权 Options
外汇期权 Foreign Currency Options
协议价格 Strike Price
敲定价格 Exercise Price
期权费/权力金 Premium
期权到期日 Expiration Date
美式期权 American Options
欧式期权 European Options
看涨期权(买权,买入期权) Call Options
期权买方 Call Buyer
期权卖方Call Seller/Writer
看跌期权(卖权,卖出期权) Put Options
期权协议价格 Strike Price
敲定价格(履约价格) Exercise Price
期权费(期权权利金,保险费) Premium
期权保证金 Margins
期权内在价值 Intrinsic value
价内期权 In the Money
价外期权 Out of the Money
平价期权 At the Money
期权时间价值 Time value
易变性 Volatility
国际收支 Balance of Payments
国际货币基金组织 International Moary Fund
国际收支平衡 Balance of Payments Statement
经常项目 Current Account
贸易收支 Goods
劳务收支 Service
单方面转移收支 Unilateral Transfer
资本项目 Capital Account
长期资本 Direct Investment
热钱/游资 Hot Money
平衡项目(储备项目/结算项目) Balancing or Settlement Account
官方储备 Official Reserves
自主 *** 易 Autonomous Transaction
调节 *** 易 Acmodating Transaction
事前交易 Ex-ante Transaction
事后交易 Ex-post Transaction
国际收支顺差 Balance of Payments Surplus
国际收支逆差 Balance of Paymentd Deficit
贸易差额 Trade Balance
经常项目差额 The Current Account Balance
外汇风险 foreign Exchange Exposure
获得利益 Gain
遭受损失 Loss
交易风险 Transaction Exposure
营业风险 Operation Exposure
转换风险 Translation Exposure
经济风险 Economic Exposure
竞争风险 Competitive Exposure
借款法 Borrowing
投资法 Investing
借款-即期合同-投资法 Borrow-Spot-Invest
提前收付-即期合同-投资法 Lead-Spot-Invest
提前或延期结汇 Leads & Lags
资产负债表保值法 Balance Sheet Hedge
资金部主管 Treasury Head
首席交易员 Chief Dealer
交易主任 Senior Dealer
交易员 Dealer
助理交易员 Assistant Dealer
当日平盘 Day Trade
隔夜敞口 Over Night
交易单 Dealing Slip
交易后线 Settlement Office
汇付 Remittance
电汇 Telegraphic Transfer,T/T
信汇 Mail Transfer,M/T
票汇 Demand Draft,D/D
托收 Collection
光票托收 Clean Collection
跟单托收 Documentary Collection
付款交单 Documents against Payment,D/P
承兑交单 documents against Acceptance,D/A
信托收据 Trust Receipt,T/P
信用证 Credit;Letter of Credit,L/C
银行保函 Letter of Guarantee,L/G
即期保函统一规则 Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantee
投标保函 Tender Guarantee
履约保函 Performance Guarantee
退款保函 Guarantee for Refund of Advance Payment
定金 Down Payment
还款保函 Repayment Guarantee
保留款保函 Retention Money Guarantee
商业票据 Commercial Paper (CP)
短期国库券 Treasury Bill (T. Bill/Bill)
出价收益率(买入收益率) Bid Yield
要价收益率(卖出收益率) Asked Yield
大额可转让定期存单 Negotiable Certificate of Deposit (CD)
息票率 Coupon Rate
贴现利息 Discount Charges
贴现市场Discount Market
票据经纪人 Bill Broker
贴现商 Bill Dealer
票据商 Note Dealer
贴现公司 Discount Houses
承兑公司 Acceptance Houses
平价发行 At Par
溢价发行 At Premium
低价发行 At Discount
外国债券 Foreign Bond
扬基债券 Yankee Bond
欧洲债券 Eurobond
股票 Stock
普通股 Common Share
优先股 Preferred Share
证券存托凭证 Depositary Receipt (DR)
美国存托凭证 American Depositary Receipt (ADR)
全球存托凭证 Global Depositary Receipt (GDR)
国际储备 International Reserves
黄金储备 Moary Gold
外汇储备 Foreign Exchange Reserves
特别提款权 Special Draw Right, SDR

储备部分贷款 Reserve Tranche
第一档信货部分贷款 First Credit Tranche
高档信货部分贷款 Higher Credit Tranche
出口波动补偿信贷Compensatory Financing Facility
缓冲库存贷款 Buffer Stock Finacing
石油贷款 Oil Facility
中期贷款 Extended Facility
信托基金Trust Fund
补充贷款 Supp;ementary
维特芬贷款 The Witteveen Facility
扩大贷款 Enlarged Access Policy
世界银行 World Bank
国际复兴开发银行 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development,IBRD
国际开发协会 International Development Association,IDA
信贷 Credit
国际金融公司 International Finance Corporation,IFC
*** 贷款 Government Loan
银行间同业拆借 Inter-bank Offer
伦敦银行同业拆放利率 London Inter-Bank Offered Rate,LIBOR
新加坡银行间同业拆放利率 Singapore Inter-Bank Offered Rate,SIBOR
香港银行间同业拆放利率 Hongkong Inter-Bank Offered Rate,HIBOR
出口信贷 Export Credit
卖方信贷 Supplier Credit
买方信贷 Buyer Credit
中长期票据收买业务(福费廷) Forfiting
卖断 Out-right Sell
混合贷款 Mixed Loan

货币市场 Currency Market
国际资本市场 International Capital Market
银行中长期贷款 Bank’s Medium Term and Long Term Loan
国际黄金市场Gold Market
银行自动柜员机 Automatic Teller Machine, ATM
在线网络金融服务 Online Financial Services
销售点终端 Point of Sales, POS
电子货币 Electronic Money
万事达信用卡 Master Card
电子信用卡 Electronic Credit Card
电子钱夹 Electronic Purse
智能卡 Intellectual Card, IC卡
电子支票 Electronic Check
电子现金 Electronic Cash, E-cash
电子钱包 Electronic Wallet
环球银行间金融电讯系统 the Society for World Interbank Financial Telemunications, SWIFT
美国纽约票据交换所银行间支付系统 the Clearing House Interbank Payments System, CHIPS
伦敦票据交换所自动支付系统 the Clearing House Automated Payments System.CHAPS
电子商务 Electronic Commerce,EC
网络银行 Inter Bank
现金管理系统 Cash Management System,CMS
增值网 value Added Neorks, VAN
自动付费系统 automated Payment System, APS
CA中心网站 Certificate Authority, CA中心
商户对顾客商务模式 Business to Customer, B-C
商户对商户商务模式 business to Business, B-B
网上投资 Online Investment
AAA服务 Anytime Anywhere Anyway(任何时间,任何地方,任何方式)
三中卡的缩写 Europay、Mondexcard、Visa,EMV96
SET协议 Secure Electronic Transaction

8. 商务英语专业术语和口语化英语


9. 商务英语函电的缩写名词列表

asap=as soon as possible 尽快
L/C=letter of credit 信用证
GSP=generalized system of preferences,也称FORM A 普惠制原产地证明书
T/T=telegraphic transfer 电汇
M/T=mail transfer信汇=letter of transfer
D/D=demand draft票汇=bill of remittance
D/P=document against payment 付款交单
D/A=documentary against acceptance 承兑交单
FYI=for your information 供参考
ICC=intertional chamber of merce国际商会
IMF=Intertional moary Fund 国际货币基金组织
OPEC=Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织

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