lol的英文术语  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09
In the world of League of Legends (LoL), players encounter a variety of English terminology. Here's an organized list of common LoL English terms, revised for clarity and accuracy, ensuring the essence of the original content remains intact.
1. FARM: To gather gold and experience by killing minions. "Back" implies retreating, potentially due to danger.
2. CARE: Be cautious.
3. OOM: Out of mana, indicating the player cannot use their abilities.
4. LOM: Low on mana, suggesting the player has limited spells available.
5. FOCUS: Concentrate fire on a specific target, typically in a team fight.
6. TOP, MID, BOTTOM: Refer to the top, middle, and bottom lanes of the map. Some players substitute "TOP" with "LEFT" and "BOTTOM" with "RIGHT."
7. LANE: The path connecting the bases, guarded by turrets, leading to each side's base.
8. RIVER: The waterway that divides the map into two halves.
9. JUNGLE: The treacherous area between the lanes filled with neutral creatures and camps.
10. NEUTS: Neutral creatures, such as the ancient golem and lizard elder.
11. NEUTRALS: Wild creatures inhabiting the jungle.
12. SHOP, BUY: Return to base to purchase items.
13. BRUSH: Vegetation where players can hide from the enemy's view within a certain range.
14. GRASS: Synonym for brush, referring to hiding spots.
15. SIGILS: Buffs obtained by defeating ancient golems and lizard elders, transferring to the killer upon the owner's death.
16. BUFF: A temporary damage increase or other beneficial effect gained by players.
17. BRB: I'll be right back.
18. FFS: For f**k's sake, expressing frustration.
19. PASSIVE: A skill that cannot be activated but provides passive benefits to a hero.
20. AURA: A skill that provides benefits to allies within a certain radius.
Continuing with the revised list of LoL English terms:
1. DD: Direct damage skill, where the player targets an enemy with an ability.
2. SKILLSHOT: An ability that travels in a straight line and requires precision to hit.
3. AOE: Area of Effect, describing an ability that affects multiple targets.
4. PBAOE: A circular area of effect skill.
5. BACKDOOR: Similar to "cowardly" tower-diving without one's own minions for support.
6. ULT: Ultimate ability, a powerful skill that can be used once per game.
7. UNIQUE: Referring to abilities that cannot stack, being exclusive to certain heroes.
8. LAST HIT: To score the final blow on an enemy minion for gold.
9. AP: Ability Power, a stat that increases the damage output of spells.
10. MISS, MIA: Enemy missing in action, a warning that they might be attacking your teammates.
11. JUKE, JUKING: Evading pursuers with calculated movements.
12. FEED: A player who dies frequently, providing enemies with substantial gold.
13. GG: Good Game, a polite way to acknowledge a match's conclusion.
14. GJ: Good Job, a compliment to teammates for a job well done.
15. MS: Movement Speed.
16. BARON, NASHOR, WORM: Reference to powerful neutral camps offering significant buffs.
17. GL HF: Good luck, have fun, a standard greeting at the start of a game.
18. PUSH: Advancing with minions to destroy enemy turrets.
19. D, DEFEND: To protect a base or structure from being destroyed.
20. GANK: A coordinated attack on an enemy by multiple players.
21. TP: Summoner spell that allows teleportation across the map.
22. HEAL: To restore health, including summons, hero abilities, or returning to base.
23. HARASS: To repeatedly attack an enemy with non-lethal attacks to disrupt their actions.
24. BAIT: Luring enemies into a trap by standing in a vulnerable position.
25. DISABLE: An ability that restricts an enemy's actions, such as stuns or silences.
And finally, additional LoL English terminology:
1. SMURF: A player who creates a new account to play against lower-skilled opponents.
2. NOOB SB: Slang for an inexperienced or bad player.
3. FILL: To take a role in a team composition that is needed but not preferred.
4. K: Short for "okay."
5. ADC: Attack Damage Carry, a player focused on dealing high physical damage.
6. SUP: Short for "support," a role focused on assisting their team.
7. JUNGLE: The role of a player who controls the neutral areas and assists the team.
8. TOP: Short for "top lane," where the top-most champion on the map competes.
9. MID: Short for "mid lane," the middle-most champion's domain. AP often refers to mid-lane mages.
10. XD: laughter emoji, indicating humor or sarcasm.
11. ULT: Ultimate ability, the most powerful skill a champion can unleash.
12. THX: Thank you.
13. STRONK: A term to mock or describe an item or ability that seems overpowered.
14. BAN: To disallow a英雄 from being selected in a ranked match.
15. BUFF: Refers to the beneficial effects gained from certain neutral camps.
16. GG: Acknowledgment of a well-played game.
17. GL (HF): Good luck and have fun, typically said at the start of a match.
18. AD: Ability Damage, typically dealing physical harm.
19. AP: Ability Power, indicating a champion's magical prowess.
20. CARRY: A player or champion capable of leading the team to victory.
21. AOE: Area of Effect, abilities that impact multiple targets.
22. MISS: Indication that an enemy is no longer in sight, be cautious of potential ganks.
23. GANK: Ambushing an enemy player with the help of teammates.
24. 3: Slang for "finish" or "escape," indicating the end of an action.
25. FB: First Blood, the first kill in a game.

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