learning together,can inspire each other to promote learning.出自哪里

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29
英语两人对话有关一起合作的 learning to work together

A HI,Lily, glad to see you , how is your weekend?
B hi .I had a very exciting sunday and i can not waiting telling you now
A really ?what did you do
B guess what , I visited my sister in Beijing forgien studies university and there was a Ten-Star Singing in their school , and i got a chance to whtach it
A wow, cool . it must very fantastic .what did you see there?
B i saw a very professional singing night , there were about thirty players on show and most of then really sang very well
A so what part did you like best
B aha, you know, they are languangs majors, so many of them sang in a forgien language , it is really a shock and thay were amazing me .
A was that so ? it is really interesting. i hoped that i had a chance to see it
B yeah , and i think it is really cool to sing in a forgien language like Japanese, Korean
A a ~~~, so cool
B be calm ~ i heard of that there will be another one show next month . would you want to go
A if only i had the chance
B yes . i think so too ~~~haha .what is more , i saw many students were studying in those classrooms. and i think they can speak suan a good language just because they had studied so hard and we need learn from them .
A i can not agree you any more , we should set them as examples they can get good scores as well as enjoy thenselves
B en quite right .now ,let me ask my sister may we go their campus next month and latter i will send you a massege
A fine . so i am waiting for your good news
B OK .then , see you
A see you

The theory of multiple intelligences have, on the western education had a certain influence, all countries began to make the theory of multiple intelligences to the teaching practice, and in each discipline also played no small role. Physics students in national schools exist, how effective they are on the theme transformation.In this paper, based on the theory of multi intelligence, discusses how to teaching strategy can better conversion of different intelligence structure of physics students. First elaborated the research significance, the students and the students of physics concept, at home and abroad on the study of students with learning difficulties. Then it introduces the traditional intelligence concept, introduced emphatically the theory of multiple intelligences in the background, contents, characteristics and the theory of multiple intelligences can be the basis of transforming students with learning difficulties. Then through a questionnaire survey and interview methods found physics students causes are manifold, a physical discipline characteristic, school, teachers, students, teaching materials and other aspects. Finally, in the understanding of students with learning difficulties of superior intelligence and weak intelligence under the premise, according to students with learning difficulties in, to multiple intelligence theory as the instruction, according to the different advantages of intellectual students develop different strategies into and conversion method, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, intelligence can make their advantages into full play, and to promote and develop their weak intelligence, gradually developing their self-confidence, improve their interest in learning, to make them into the ultimate goal.Because of my knowledge level, scientific research ability is limited, this research makes the transformation strategies and methods need to be improved; by my time and energy is limited, this study selected experiments with small sample, the lack of universality. In order to more effectively transforming students with learning difficulties, I will be in the teachers together various disciplines, the organic unite students improve the intelligence.

learning together,can inspire each other to promote learning.
Inspiring Teaching and Promoting Learning
The article offers author's insights regarding teaching and learning. The author considers the teaching profession as an art and as a science as well. He says that learning is the focus of the teacher's work, thus, teachers have to model learning in the classroom by being collaborative, creative and passionate. He adds that teachers have to listen to their students and engage them in active learning. Meanwhile, the author says that the success of teaching and learning begins with inspiration.