
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04
求一篇分享感到快乐的英语作文 120词左右 在线等啊

It is important to share our happiness with others. When I pass an important, win a prize or do a good deed,I will be very happy to share them with others. In this way I will make others happy and feel happier too. As soon as I have good news, I will tell friends first and then tell my parents. They will feel proud of me. When my parents or friends praise me or congratulate me, I will feel very happy. Sometimes, I will treat my friends with candy to share my pleasure.
In a word, tell others when you are happy,and you will make the world more beautiful. 网上找的

Every year, when Teachers’ Day comes, the students will organize some activities for the teachers and show their respect. Sending flowers and cards are the most popular way. Since I came to middle school, I would always think of my former teachers who taught me in primary school. I would never forget them for the things they passed to me. When Teachers’ Day comes, I will send the messages to them and show my gratitude and they would reply. When I back to my hometown and sometimes met them, they would speak highly of me because I impressed them so much. Every small act will be remembered by others and decides what kind of person we are.

In our life, joy and sorrow are like shadows that follow and go along with us. Sometimes we are in joy. Sometimes we are in sorrow. At times we cannot tell joy from sorrow.
  What is joy? In the nature that is going on forever, joy is a driving power, which pushes the world forward. A joyful person has a sound mind and lives a happy life. He takes part in good activities and shares the joy with his fellows in the cause. It can be said that the joyful person is satisfied from being kind to others.
  Sorrow is often self-sought①。 The desire for power adds to one's sorrow. The desire for power goes side by side with the desire for fame and wealth. When the desire for power and fame and wealth is out of balance② with reality, it becomes the root of sorrow. Besides, envy, revenge ③ and vanity④ are also sources of sorrow. The three evils⑤ exist in man's imagination⑥。 People suffer from them without knowing.
  To be happy one must get free from sorrow led by desire and imagination.

A thing makes me happy sad
Liu Xuefeng
Happy winter vacation has gone, I received new one term, but an in winter vacation thing since one after-thought, make me happy sad.
Happy is our home has a lot of Xiaobai rabbit, I chose from its, it has the palm only so big, the eye is aglow, ear is very big very big, he and I played very long, also produced feeling, she is eating when feeding, mouth easily easily still can sound sometimes come.
Sad is to do not have a few days, small white hare is abrupt dead, it may be be frozen to death!
What small white hare and I enjoy this one winter vacation is very happy, the likelihood is small white hare he died, I am very sad, very sad, miss it very much.

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