look at the elephant写出否定形式?

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-15
look at the elephant写出否定形式?

Dont look at the elephant.把肯定的祈使句变成否定的,只需在动词前加上Don't 。

1 .Let's not have a look at the elephant.
2. Don't let us have a look at the elephant.

祈使句的否定形式在前面加Don't,所以这个句子的否定形式是Don't look at the elephant.

1.否定句是表示否定的句子。必须有否定词。英语中否定句通常借助否定词no,not,never,nothing,nobody,none,etc,半否定词hardly scarcely,few,little,etc.以及否定词缀构成。
一般说来,all/both/every-+ not =部分否定;none/neither/no-=完全否定;any/either/ any-+not =完全否定。
every-,指那些以 every 开头的复合词,如 - everybody,everything,everywhere,etc.
no-,指那些以 no 开头的复合词,如:nobody,nothing,nowhere,etc.
any-,指那些以 any 开头的复合词,如:anyone,anything,anywhere,anybody,etc.
All that glitters is not gold.
2.根据上述分类,建议将Look at the elephant.改写成三种否定句。
(1)Never look at the elephant.全否定。
(2)Don't look at the elephant.全否定。
(3)Scarely look at the elephant.半否定。

look at the elephant, 可以有各种否定形式,最普遍:
Don't look at the elephant.还可以: Look not just at the elephant. 不要光盯著大象。

Don't look at the elephant.不要看那只大象。🐘

Dont look at the elephant.把肯定的祈使句变成否定的,只需在动词前加上Don't 。