
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-28

头盘及沙拉类 Appetizers, Starters and Salads
  1. 腌熏三文鱼 Smoked Salmon
  2. 凯撒沙拉 Caesar Salad
  3. 鲜蘑鸡肝 Chicken Liver Terrine with Morel
  4. 奶酪瓤蟹盖 Crab Shells Stuffed with Cheese
  5. 鲜果海鲜沙拉 Seafood Salad with Fresh Fruit
  6. 厨师沙拉 Chef's Salad
  7. 金枪鱼沙拉 Tuna Salad
  8. 尼斯沙拉 Salad Nicoise
  汤类 Soups
  9. 奶油蘑菇汤 Cream of Mushroom Soup
  10. 奶油胡萝卜汤 Cream of Carrot Soup
  11. 奶油芦笋汤 Cream of Asparagus Soup
  12. 墨西哥辣味牛肉汤 Mexican Chili Beef Soup
  13. 番茄浓汤 Tomato Bisque Soup
  14. 海鲜周打汤 Seafood Chowder
  15. 法式洋葱汤 French Onion Soup
  16. 牛肉清汤 Beef Consommé
  17. 匈牙利浓汤 Hungarian Goulash
  18. 香浓牛尾汤 Oxtail Soup
  19. 意大利蔬菜汤 Minestrone Soup
  20. 蔬菜干豆汤 Hearty Lentil Soup
  21. 牛油梨冻汤 Chilled Avocado Soup
  22. 西班牙番茄冻汤 Gazpacho

  禽蛋类 Poultry and Eggs
  23. 红酒鹅肝 Braised Goose Liver/ Foie Gras in Red Wine
  24. 奶酪火腿鸡排 Chicken Cordon Bleu
  25. 烧瓤春鸡卷 Grilled Stuffed Chicken Rolls
  26. 红酒烩鸡 Braised Chicken with Red Wine
  27. 烤鸡胸酿奶酪蘑菇馅 Baked Chicken Breast Stuffed with Mushroom and Cheese
  28. 炸培根鸡肉卷 Deep-Fried Chicken and Bacon Rolls
  29. 水波鸡胸配意式香醋汁 Poached Chicken Breast with Balsamic Sauce
  30. 烤火鸡配红浆果沙司 Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce
  31. 烤瓤火鸡 Roast Stuffed Turkey
  32. 烧烤鸡腿 BBQ Chicken Leg
  33. 烤柠檬鸡腿配炸薯条 Roasted Lemon Marinade Chicken Leg with French Fries
  34. 扒鸡胸 Char-Grilled Chicken Breast
  35. 咖喱鸡 Chicken Curry
  36. 秘制鸭胸配黑菌炒土豆 Pan-Fried Duck Breast with Sautéed Potatoes and Truffles
  37. 火腿煎蛋 Fried Egg with Ham
  38 洛林乳蛋饼 Quiche Lorraine
  39. 熘糊蛋 Scrambled Egg


Cooking culture introduces Japan

Mention food and drink , be that food , vegetable , fish and flesh are that Japanesque non-staple food meal burns, and the Western Europe Chinese meal popularizes also very much like not only give first place to rice, before Japan can sample to rich various meal food. Japan is a very rich countries of high grade water resource , hygiene facilities improves and perfects also very much , drinks therefore running water is in any Japanese place being able to. Modern Japan culture is furthermore colorful. Girls are in the culture studying time-honoured Japan tradition, if sado , the ikebana simultaneous, also jump disco. The scene bordering but building the browse downtown area , antiquited temple and tower is not strange. Therefore modern Japan culture is antiquited have been tied in wedlock.


That Japanese loves the birthday department who raw fish is used for food , is covering up with sashimi as a result commonly is the most popular Japan in the homeland food. The Japanese cuisine is particular about the plain taste keeping food very much , does not encourage have added a condiment, use delicate give first place to. The color to cooked food has the very good request especially face to face, not only using all kinds of form , arrangement , colour collocation that the very delicate vessel does load food, to food to have very exquisite thinking also. Be taking a look on that is so meticulous that the day style being just like landscape painting-like takes care of , sometimes cannot bear to destroy that share for the first time to Japanese visitor beautiful.


寿司 sushi 章鱼小丸子 fried octopus dumplings纳豆  fermented soy beans铜锣烧 sweat bean paste in brownd sponge cake天妇罗 deep-fried fish & vegetables生鱼片 sliced raw fishtiny sweet buns of god's faces

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