
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

1. Focus on design
2. Trust jobs
3. Forget everything, from the beginning
4. Believing the apple are strong than all other companies
5. Value outside views
6. Never yielding
7. Always pay attention to details
8. Only jobs is the essential character
9. Confidentiality are supreme
10. Leading market is the most important thing
11. Bigoted on innovation
12. Promoting the apple's characteristics
13. Expand sales channels
14. Adjust allied forces
15. Highly Praise the elite culture


Can not find a suitable tone of voice you explain the scars of whether he actually hurt you more deeply you never Hangsheng the expense of the people you alone I am sorry that I distressed Taichun can not tell you a fraction of the Midnight listen to you cry for love into your paper - Thinner to me why people do not say to you I quietly mime few scars Xu Qirentaishen his love for you become sad Leiliu to people why I should not say I cold-shouldered the sidelines I would also like to silence you and I changed for the paper who can not find a suitable tone of voice to explain to his relentless

  • 英语高手请进啊~翻译请尽量地道 谢谢了啊
    答:请英语高手帮我翻译一下,请尽量地道些,千万不要翻译机器。谢谢 Frankly speaking, Mr. James, Katie is very beautiful, even though she does not make up and dress geously. I did have some girlfriends before, some of them are more beautiful or higher educated than her, but none ...
  • 英语高手请进(翻译)(200高分)
    答:您好!1. And native English-speaking chat with the people is very useful experience from which we can learn many things.2. In the mayor's help, we finally allowed contact with the victims of this accident.3. Bob and Frank, and has not. They are embarrassed, they will work ...
  • 急```英语高手请进!帮我翻译下!在线等!
    答:2,I think I fall in love with you,I've been thinking about you all day.I know things may not work out between us,but I can't control myself.I'm in pain now,isn't it silly or not?Could you please tell me what to do?绝对很地道,,美剧里很多这话噢~~~我听得很多~~...
  • 英语高手进,请帮助我翻译一下
    答:真挚的谢谢你! 我偶尔会去图书馆。我们再也承担不起他了,我估计到夏天的时候,我们再也不是一户平常的人家了。我会和你保持联系。今天早晨我女儿带Peanut去看肿瘤医生了,我在等待他们的消息。谢谢所有的祈祷者!Quote的结束语 如果有谁想给Sher发条信息,请发给我,我会把所有的信息放在一个邮件中...
  • 请英语高手帮我翻译下啦,谢谢!
    答:5.全部工程的跟踪的邮局。保存收到的硬性和软性的副本的纪录,以更好进行邮局踪迹的管理。6.签订回顾。 推内部的合同评论过程,跟踪签署用的全部合同 7.协调有关功能,使用户能及时落实现有帐户和新帐户。 引导报价单启动会议,研究编制用户提供的文档,如有任何问题,寻求客户或协调人员的帮助。8.深入...
  • 英文翻译高手请进 急!
    答:我的专业:My profession:商务英语,这并不是我的对将来职业选择的重要考虑,也不是我人生目标的重要考虑,但我相信学以至用。Business English, this is not my choose to the occupation in future of the important consideration be not the important consideration of my life target either, but ...
  • 英语高手请进,帮我翻译成英文,先谢谢各位大侠了!有加分。
  • 请英语高手来帮我翻译一下,有点难度的
    答:就当练练手,帮你翻译一下,希望能帮到你,呵呵 有点晦涩 萧饮寒译 《the unforgiven II》 不可饶恕者 Lay beside me, tell me what they've done 躺在我身边 告诉我他们做了什么 Speak the words i wanna hear, to make my demons run 说说我想听的话 驱走我的恶魔 The door is locked...
  • 英语高手请进 帮我翻译下面一段话, 因为我还要翻译成日语, 所以要准确...
    答:被称为一个orbital.Fromψ的数学观是一个复杂的 一个真正的和一个函数,它描述了虚部(微观)系统 完全在空间和时间上,一个实体进行(然而,只有一个标志 一些特殊情况下,是ψ确切知道的概率,根据密度 对物理学的定律,定义的平方ψ2(例如:一个真正的数字)发现一个电子的概率在体积元dV所获得 ...
  • 英语高手请进...速度帮翻译一下 急急急!!! 在线坐等。。。用的词汇最...
    答:这是我正月18日 在拍摄的夜景 This is the night scene I took on January 18th of Chinese Lunar calendar.拍摄时间2月18日……地点柳州市任命广场。人造喷泉可以说是柳州市夜景的亮点之一…..柳州市区中几乎所有的建筑上都装点有彩灯….在漆黑的夜里明亮而华丽….Taken on Feburary 18th. Place...