寻求专业翻译 句子中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译软体 !!!

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01
222寻求专业翻译 句子中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译软体 !!!

When I brought my child to have a walk in the park, there happened a lot of troubles.
Some kids hit and pushed each other which made my teacher unhappy.
Some kid had fell down a lot of times because his shoes kept coming out. Then we was picking up his shoes all the way.
What a busy morning.

After the snack time, I start to do my job.
I used the puppet to talked about the people which served us in the community with children.
For instance, police,doctor, cameraman and so on.
Kids all loved that I used the puppet to play with them.

After the activity, my teacher would explain the next activity to the children.
Teachers tried to let the children play color painting for art.

So, we let the children wear bibs to protect the painting away from their clothes.
Then let them have the painting.
Teachers divided two parts from the paper which were happiness and sadness.
Teachers let the children chose the color which represented the happiness and sadness, and painted in these two parts.

I was really surprised that most of children would chose yellow to represent sadness.
I could only tell that the children were special.

After the painting, we let the children to wash hands.
Then started to have dinner.

Today is also a busy day.
Tomorrow we will have the pedalogical day.
Thus the kindergarten is closed.


His families’ mother tongue are France,he also speak France at home,however he learned English when he was a kindergarten child。

This the second year of he stay at kindergarten,most time he was lead to kindergarten and fetch back home by his mother。He is strong dependence,rely on his parents to deal with everything。
Brief assessment( summery):
I discovered that his language abilities development is a little less than ather children,but the language abilities is increasing。 I also notice that it’s always vague he saying everytime 。 I suppose he is unable to catch a thing that he need through language how expressed,so he used to made body language to express his requirement。
By the way,it’s easy to be anxious and fretful for him which is sensitive about feelings,he prefer to accept encouragement and praise。
.I found out he is a strong dependent child,he is rely on me and other teachers to help him dress up coat and shoes all the time。
He is a passiveness kid,everytime we let him go to the toilet,he is unwilling to following our demand while reject,urine on the bed and pants,even cry and scream not urine on the stinkpot。
He is such a strong mind of reluctanting to toilet,sometimes our teachers have to hold his hand force him to the bathroom。I want someone to offer me several skills to improve his independence,including he can able to ask us his desire want to bathroom。

Intervention plan/ Twostrategies/:

The first method, I will talk about the case and express which way is right when urine onstinkpot by send them pictures in my circle time,of course,let them take a bathroom in sequence is necessary。 The target of this method in order to make they know they must be active tell us or turn to bathroom by themselves when they want go to the toilet ,rather than we ask them,even urine on pants。

The other means that make this kid watch other kids how to have a right bathroom-washing following sequence,he try bravely and no need to worry about anything on longer。
At the same time,I and my teachers will spend some time to let him urine on the stinkpot,in order to make himself urine on the stinkpot success,not reject to go to the toilet anymore。

Summarize this observation/ assessment of benefit ofthe intervention:
After I implement strategy,he get a bit improvement,he has no reject to sitting on the stinkpot。He is willing to take a challenge and urined on stinkpot succeed。 All of us feel proud of him。When we praise him,he feel great happy。He is dependent,we have to ask him when he want to urine,but he has made a great development compel with the past time。The times he urined on pants are incredible decrease。I bless him will be more actively to talk about our us teachers he want to go to the toilet。

1.The reason why I choose this child to carry out my survey is that he is from a very special country(Iran),which I myself rarely connect and learn about. Therefore,I want to know more about the culture and traditions and the alike of the country through this survey.
2. The child has more than twenty-four months old and he and his were both natives of Iran. They have been in Canada since ten years ago(2005). They thought Canada is rich in resourses and it is an attractive place whether in education or working payment,so they chose this country for their immigration desstinnation.
3. They speak their own language (Persian)in their family,including communicating with their child. Because Vafa has just been two years old and he is the development of his language ability , they hope Vafa can learn and has the habit of speaking Persian. However,they hope Vafa can learn to communicate with others in English or French when he is the kindergarten.That is also because we all speak English and communicate with one another in the kindergarten,so it is natural for Vafa to communicate with us in English.
4.Vafa is the first and the only child of this family.That is to say, he has no brother or sister and he was born in a normal family.