
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

1、always come back to your love(很可能是这个)
2、far away from home
3、for the record
4、brave (珍妮弗洛佩茨的)
5、can't pull me back
6、married man

我知道了,是【the ting tings的great dj】


TARZAN&JANE(SINGLE VERSION) 我特意去翻了下旧碟子,应该是以上的拉~这300分我要了!http://www.my160.com/topic/853455视频肯定是!

Ocio agli spoiler! per chi guarda lost forse è meglio non leggere fino in fondo! from kristin on E!online's forum ugh May 10 07, 3:46 AM man this show is ******* me off. The whole scene with ben talking to the chair was just a little too much. I loved the first season. The tension, the drama, the secrets, it was great. But I worried that it couldn't last. And I hate to say it but I think I was right. In order to keep up the mystery without string us along too much you have to come up with crazier and crazier crap. At this point it feels like they are just trying to out do them selves for the sake of doing it. Too much. Juli from Argentina May 10 07, 4:02 AM Are the writeres on crack Really, an invisible man God!!!!I remember when I started watching the show, I got hook because the writers told us that everything would have a realistic explanation... Now, this ******** is too much. Of course I like the enterteiment, but its a real shame what they did with the original tone and mystery of the show. And now, to kill the most amazing character the show ever had They don t use Sayid character, they waste Desmond charm and now they kill Locke WTF! No dai, altre tre serie sono troppe!!!ormai siamo sconfinati nel demenziale! nel caso foste ancora interessati alla terza serie scaricatela tutta da MoM su emule!

Don't Turn Off The Light
as long as you love me
cry me a river
la isla bonita
Yesterday Yes A Day
Larger Than Life
the coulour of the world
baby one more time
We Will Rock You
by the way
genie in a bottle
better man
Any Man Of Mine
stop! stop! stop!
I wanted it that way
No matter what
the voice within
u2 vertigo single -how to dismantle an atomic bomb-
When You Say Nothing At All
Barbie Girl
super star英文原版
I'll never break your heart
boulaval of broken dream
Everything impossible
pretty boy
come get some
pieces of me


迈克波顿<<when a man loves a woman>>

这是DJ 有毒 歌也不是什么好歌 是DJ 不是爵士 你给的歌词 不太一致 从你这上面给的这些来找
你去DJ吧问问 不想给你找了


come on come on
watch watch them
you just leave

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