汉译英 小短文 在线等 高积分赠送!!急~~~

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11


当我学习英语的时候,总会遇到很多问题,比如语法错误.我会把错误写在一个本子上,然后一一去解决,遇到不会的 题就去问老师或者同学.

When I study English, I always run into problems. such as grammar, I write down all my mistakes in a notebook, then try to solve them myself. When I can't solve them, I go ask my teachers or classmates.

If I encounter a vocabulary that I don't know, I try to write dowm that word many times in my notebook as well, I slowly remember them.

This is how I learn English and solve the problems I have.



Firstly, Why not chat with your classmates about their favorites?
if you do so, they can treat you as a friend and get along well with you
Secondly, you can make friends online, and you will know how to communicate with others.
Thirdly,it could be a good idea.IF you like, you can talk to others by opening your heart. By doing so, you must have lots of friends.

First of all,why don't you talk about something which your classmates like. If you do this, you can make friends with them,and I'm sure that you can have a satisfactory relationship with them.
Then,you can make friends on the internet.In this way, you can learn how to communicate with others.
Finally,it must be a good idea. If you would like to share your feelings with others,it is certain that you can make many good friends.

first of all, why not chat with you classmates about their hobbies?
if you do so, they will think that you are a easy-going friend.
next, you can make friends on the net.in this way you can learn how to communicate with others.
the third idea will be good if you are willing to communicate with others with your heart. if you do like this, it is certain that you can make many good friends!

Firstly,why not \try to talk with your classmates on things they like?Doing this\If you do this,they will think you are a easygoing friend.Secondly,you can make friends in the internet,in this way, you can learn how to communicate with others.Thirdly,it is a good idea to open your heart if you are willing to do so.By doing this,you are sure to make a lot of friends.

First, why don't you go and talk about their classmates likes or things
If you do this, they will think you are a nice friend
Secondly, you can make friends on the Internet
So, you can learn how to communicate with others
Third, it will be a good idea, if you are willing, open up with others
By doing so, you will make lots of good friends!