more than什么意思?  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

more than是超过的意思。


英式发音:/mɔː ðæn/

美式发音:/mɔr ðæn/




  • more than用作比较级的加强,表示“超过”或“更多”。例:He has more than 100 books.(他有超过100本书。)

  • more than表示“不仅仅是”,用于强调某事物的额外或意外的特质。例:She is more than a teacher; she's a mentor.(她不仅仅是一位老师;她是一位导师。)

  • 在某些情况下,"more than" 可以用来强调很大的差异。例:The cost was more than I expected.(费用超出了我的预期。)


more than happy(非常高兴)

more than enough(绰绰有余)

more than ready(完全准备好)

more than likely(很可能)

more than capable(非常有能力)


  1. I am more than happy to help you with your project.(我非常乐意帮助你做项目。)

  2. We have more than enough food for the party.(我们的派对食物绰绰有余。)

  3. She was more than ready to take on the new challenge.(她完全准备好迎接新的挑战。)

  4. It is more than likely that it will rain tomorrow.(明天下雨的可能性很大。)

  5. He is more than capable of handling the situation.(他非常有能力处理这个情况。)

More of something than something = to be something rather than something 你自己选择适合的四个例子 (1) It was more of holiday than training exercise. (2) She is more of a poet than a novelist. (3) He was more of a business partner to her than anything else. (4) The film is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story. (5) More of the land is planted to cabbages than to tomatoes. (6) The servants were more of a hindrance than a help
参考: Longman English Dictionary
-----More of----than can't be wered anonymously!----- It is used as parative of much---a lot of---many (than----)as an adverb. eg:-(1)She was more of a sexual model extreme than beauty. (2)Signing the form is more of a paper than a formality. (3)I will torate you more of 1 year than 1 day! (4)The murderer had more of a crime-act than of an accident!
参考: google website