
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-08-31

Language can not be separated with culture, and culture relies on language. One should start to learn an language with learning its culture. This article described the importance of culture education as well as its content and approaches from the point of inseparability between language and culture education, discussed the key point and some method for strengthening culture education, in order to help students deepen their understanding of English and use English rationally, so as to breed multi-cultural communication ability.

1. The main source of nutrition is food, so whether the food is healthy or not becomes the key factor of absorbtion.
2. Supplying the necessary nutrition to the body correctly, which means having less food that adds burden to the body.
3. Food with high fat and high calories will cause the overload of nutrition. To make things worse it will lead to serious disease like cancer and diabetes.
4. Absorbing more healthy nutrients could improve the quality of self immune system so that to prevent disease.
5. Stress produced by work and study in life also affects the absorbtion of nutrition.
6. Great pressure will cause disorder in body system.
7. Having more meals a day but less food at each and eating some coarse food grain will help to reduce stress. But what accounts the most important is to adjusting mentality in time and always look on the bright side of life.
8. Selecting a life style that insure a better absorbtion of nutrition is also a necessary part in health and nutrition.
9. A heathy body could only be built through a good lifestyle.

Secondly, the movie emphasis so much on gratitude and visualization.

I always take gratitude as a life attitude. I find that if you have more gratitudes. You can have more meanings.

One can be lost in lure eventually when he always asks for something instead giving to the others.

But visualization, it means something you imagined. Something you feel that you are using it.

I don't think it's a bad thing.Because when you imagine. You feel happy. You would try something to make your imagination be real.


For example, if you want to have a car. Maybe you would pay more attention on roads and parks than usual or maybe you want to have a drive licence. Those are all good for yourselves.

Second, the film emphasized gratitude and visualization. I always think that grateful is a very essential life attitude, I found the more the grateful you to get it will be more. If a people only know to blindly to take but not know how to feedback, will one day found that they have lost in their own desires. while visualization is to imagine what their own want, and make themselves feel that you are using it. I do not think this is a bad idea, because when your own imagination, you will not only feel happy. You will try to do some things to help themselves achieve the aspirations. For example, if you want to have a new car, you may pay special attention to you usually tend to go on the road and parking position, or go to the driving test. These are some of the beneficial effect of their own.


Secondly, in the movie emphasized the gratitude and visualization. I always think gratitude is a very necessary attitude to life, I found that the more grateful you receive will be more. If a person only know blindly for and not know how to feedback, someday will find yourself has been lost in the desire of. And visualization is imagine what you want, and make you feel that you are using it. I don't think this is bad idea, because when you in your own imagination, you will not only feel happy. You will also begin to do things to help own wishes come true. For example, if you want to have a new car, you may be special attention at ordinary times you often go roads and parking position, or go to a driver's license. These are some favorable effect.

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