求助!CC Me 是什么意思??(急!!)

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

没中文意思 就是个人名。。 蜜雪儿读音比较接近。。不过不标准


last, v: 继续维持下去;经受住;度过;拖过:
The large sum of money will last me a lifetime.

last, v. to be enough for someone for a period of time
last (somebody) two days/three weeks etc
The water supply should last another 48 hours.
We only had $50 to last us the rest of the month.

CC me 就是Send carbon copy to me. 会发送

高手在不??? 帮个忙,谢谢!最后一个CC ME应不应该打钩额""""Personal InformationFirst Name(required)Last Name(required)Date of BirthStudent Number(required) Connect E-mail(valid email required)Alternative E-mail AccountHome Phone numberProgram of StudyYear of StudyHome Country or Province (within Canada)Emergency Contact InformationEmergency Contact Full NamePhone NumberE-Mail AddressRelationshipFlight InformationDeparture DateDeparture TimeArrival DateExpected Arrival TimeFlight NumberAirlineDeparting FromCC Me