
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

I am studying everytime.
I felt very tired.
My mom used to tell me that if I wanted to succeed, I must be talkative. After that, I am much more confident. I become outgoing. I believe I can be more and more successful.




Put simply,the so-called competiveness is the capacity of scramble of economic main body for resources and market share in market economy

Irreplaceability means heterogeneity, so the stronger heterogeneity is, the weaker substitutability is, and the less competiveness is .

Competitive market: There is so large a number of purchasers and sellers that every individual has little influence on the market price.


Competitive strength,to be simple,is the ability of the economic main party to seize the quota in market economy.
The irreplaceablity means distinction,the more it distinct from others, the less likely will it be replaced by them and the less likely will it be competed.
The competitive market: The market which has so many buyers and sellers that the individual influence is next to nothing.

Simply put, the so called competitiveness is the ability of an economic entity to compete for resources and market share in the market economy.

Irreplaceable is supposed to be unique, the stronger it is, the lesser the alternative, and less prone to rivalry.

Competitive market: there are a lot of buyers and sellers, subsequently the individual impact on the market is insignificant at all.

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