
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

What are you so gloomy about ? Cheer up!
l failed in my test.l must improve my spoken English
Go ahead and practise. Nobody will laugh at you.
But l often make mistakes,l can't relax myself when l speak English
don't worry,you need believe that if you are more careful and brave,nothing will trouble you,
my boy, take it easy now,un-h,hang in there,you can get a good grade next time
l feel much better,thank you
do not mention it

What are you so gloomy about ? Cheer up!
Thank you,l am better now

l am tired out,can l stop?
hang in there.

Why don't you give up sweets to lose weight?
that sounds like a good idea.

they always put me in a terrible state of neglect
If you keep trying, you'll have your day in court

You can go ahead and start the engine now.
but,where's the key to the car?

A holiday will help you relax after your exams
so,you mean you agree with my holiday application?

You ought to be more careful, you know?
sorry,l will

oh,my god,you have read my diary,haven't you?
Don't worry. I wouldn't breathe a word of your secret

do you sure you can control it?
Take it easy, I know how to go about it.

1.Thanks for the gift.
2.Thank you for helping me.
3.Some students are playing basketball,others are playing tennis.
4.One of the pens is mine,the other is just for you.
5.I like lying on the beach.
6.We should look at blackboard when having clgsses.
7.This summer we all had a good time.
8.You look beautiful.
9.Before relaxing we must get there.
10.Mary is on vocation.
11.We will have a outgoing on sunny days.
12.I was surprised at what he did.

1.(1)They ofen go for a walk after supper.
(2)They went for a walk before we came.
2.(1)We have an English party every day.
(2)We had an English party yesterday afternoon.
3.(!)Mom always cooks dinner for us.
(2)He cooked dinner for us last year.
4.(1)I want to stay at home.
(2)Linda stayed at home the day before yesterday.
5.(1)I'm happy to hear the news.
(2)Tom was happy to go there.
6.(1)Mary wants to watch Linda dance.
(2)I watched them have supper together.
7.(1)I always practise playing the piano in the morning.
(2)He practised speaking English yesterday evening.
8.(1)Let's go to see a movie.
(2)They went to see a movie last week.

1.(1)They ofen go for a walk after supper.
(2)They went for a walk before we came.
2.(1)We have an English party every day.
(2)We had an English party yesterday afternoon.
3.(!)Mom always cooks dinner for us.
(2)He cooked dinner for us last year.
4.(1)I want to stay at home.
(2)Linda stayed at home the day before yesterday.
5.(1)I'm happy to hear the news.
(2)Tom was happy to go there.
6.(1)Mary wants to watch Linda dance.
(2)I watched them have supper together.
7.(1)I always practise playing the piano in the morning.
(2)He practised speaking English yesterday evening.
8.(1)Let's go to see a movie.

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