小学五年级英语上册(北师大版 供一年级起)复习资料

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10



太空space 月亮moon 星星star 宇宙飞船spaceship 太阳sun 空气air (is或am的过去式)是was (are的过去式)是were 有、做(梦)had 昨天yesterday
害怕 afraid 昨天晚上last night

说say—said 打扫clean—cleaned 看look—looked 参观、拜访visit—visited
观看watch—watched 做do—did 吃eat—ate 去go—went 来come—came
给give—gave 放put—put 制作make—made 想要 want—wanted 坐sit—sat 玩耍play—played (don’t的过去式)didn’t 看见see—saw 有have—had

首先、第一first 第二second 第三third 第四fourth 第五fifth 第六sixth 第七seventh 第八eighth 第九ninth 第十tenth 运动sport 赛跑run—ran 高的high 跳高high jump

日期date 月份month 年year 季节season 春天spring 夏天summer 秋天autumn 冬天winter 表达几月几日 Jan. 1st Feb. 2nd Mar. 3rd Apr.4th May 5th Jun. 6th
Jul. 7th Aug. 8th Sep. 9th Oct. 10th Nov. 11th Dec. 12th

矮、短的short—shorter—shortest 长的 long—longer—longest 小的small—smaller—smallest
高的tall—taller—tallest 老的old—older—oldest 年轻的young—younger—youngest 为什么why 拿take—took 一个接一个one by one 大的big—bigger—biggest 胖的fat—fatter—fattest 瘦的thin—thinner—thinnest 沉重的heavy—heavier—heaviest
好的good—better—best 照片、图片photo 漂亮的beautiful
1. I had an English class. 我上了一节英语课。 Where were you yesterday? 昨天你在哪?
2. I was at home. / We were at school. 我在家里。/ 我们在学校。
3. They were in a spaceship. 他们在一个宇宙飞船里。
4. He/She was at home. 他/她在家里。
5. What did you do yesterday? 你昨天做什么了?
6. I went to school. 我上学了。 I visited a friend yesterday.昨天我拜访我的一个朋友去了。
7. He wasn’t at home. 他没在家。 They weren’t at school. 他们没在学校。
8. Who was first? Who came first? 谁第一?
9. Mocky was first. Mocky came first. Mocky第一。
10. Did you eat a banana yesterday? 昨天你吃香蕉了吗? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
11. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候? It’s September 3rd. 9月3日。
12. How old are you? 你几岁了? I’m eight years old. 8岁。
13. How old is he/she? 他/她几岁了? He/She is nine years old. 他/她9岁。
14. What is the date today? 今天是几号?
15. Which/What season do you like? 你喜欢哪个(什么)季节?
16. Who is taller, John or Mary? John和Mary谁更高? John is taller than Mary.
17. Who is the oldest? 谁最大? Ken is the oldest. Ken最大。
18. Which is the longest? 哪个最长? The yellow skirt is the longest. 黄裙子最长。
19. How tall are you? 你多高? I am 150 cm tall. 我150cm。(1米5.)


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