
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01

Last month, Annette Harvey, a foregin teacher from Britain, gave us a lecture on British culture. We learned a lot about English afternoon tea from the lecture.
上个月,一位从英国来的名叫 Annette Harvey 的老师给我们讲了关于英国文化的一节课。我们从中学到了不少关于英国下午茶的事情。
"Famous Anglo-American writer Henry James once said,‘There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea,’" quoted Ms. Harvey. She told us that having afternoon tea is an important tradition in Britain. "British people love afternoon tea. They think it's one of the best ways to enjoy life. There are many types of food that they have along with the tea. Among them the most popular one is the scone. It's made of flour, butter, sugar, and salt. It looks like bread but tastes better than cake. Many British people love to put cream and jam on the scone ot add flavor to it."
“‘一位著名的英裔美国作家Henry James 曾经说过 人生中只有几个小时能比喝下午茶还要高兴’”Harvey女士说。她还告诉我们下午茶是英国的一个非常重要的传统。因为他们认为下午茶是最好的享受人生的方法。他们在吃下午茶的时候会有很多种食物的搭配选择。其中最受欢迎的是用面粉,奶油,糖和盐制作的烤饼。这烤饼看起来像面包,但是却比蛋糕还好吃。通常大多数英国人会在烤饼上涂上奶油和果酱去调配自己喜欢的口味。

Then Ms. Harvey gave us some pieces of scone to eat. We liked them a lot. She was very glad and even told us her secret recipe for scones. How nice she was!
From the way British people have their afternoon tea, we can also get to know some traditional British table manners. For example, we can't make noise when drinking the tea, and when a lady arrives or leaves the table, it's polite for all gentlemen at the table to stand up.
I think afternoon tea must be a wonderful part of British people's daily life.


My English teacher graduated from English major in 2013.


希望对你有帮助。O(∩_∩)O~ 又改动了一下。


还信,达,雅” 你是英语专业的吧 学过翻译吧 自己都不会 还让别人说


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