
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

peerless又名 be what you wanna be--darin zanyar


doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师或歌唱家
why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人
you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人
police man, fire fighter or a post man 警察,消防员或者邮递员
why not something like your old man 为什么不是一些你的老伙计?
you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人
driver, actor, lawyer or a singer 司机,演员,律师或者歌唱家
why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人
you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人

i know that we all got one thing 我知道我们都得到一样东西
that we all share together 那就是我们都在分享的
we got that one nice dream 我们都拥有一个美好的梦想
we live for 我们为之生存
you never know what life could bring你不会知道生活会给你带来什么
coz nothing last for ever 因为没有什么能永恒
just hold on to the team 只是坚持住
you play for 为了你所效力的团队

i know you could reach the top 我知道你会达到顶峰
make sure that you won"t stop 确定你不会停下来
be the one that you wanna be 做那个你一直都想成为的人
now sing this with me 现在和我一起歌唱

we may have different ways to think 我们也许会从不同角度考虑问题
but it doesnt really matter 但这没关系
we all caught up in the steam 我们都被人生的一些所征服
of this life
focus on every little thing 执著于每一件琐事
that’s what does really matter 这才是问题所在
luxury cars and bling 金钱(奢华的车)和物质
thats not real life 那都不是真正的生活

i know you could reach the top 我知道你会达到顶峰
make sure that you won’t stop 确定你不会停下来
be the one that you wanna be 做那个你一直都想成为的人
now sing this with me 现在和我一起歌唱

last year i used to dream about this day 去年我还在梦想着有这么一天
now i’m here i’m singing for you 现在这一切都实现,我将为你而唱
i hope i could inspire you 我希望我能鼓舞你的斗气
coz i’ve got all the love, coz i’ve got all love for you因为我得到了所有的爱,我得到了你赐予我的所有的爱

Alyssa Reid - Without You
I don't wanna go
Baby I don't wanna go
I've cried' I've tried
I came out the otherside
I don't wanna go
Baby I don't wanna go
I've cried' I've tried
How can you see me this way?
And then the music plays
What will be left to say?
I came right out of top
I can make your record stop
I've cried' I've tried
I came out the otherside

Don't wanna leave you this way
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over endlessly waitin'
I finally made it here
Without you
I've been down
But I still made it through
And you know
I've got nothing to lose
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you

I don't wanna stay
Baby I don't wanna stay
I've cried' I'm fine
Catch me on the otherside
I don't wanna stay
Baby I don't wanna stay
I've cried' I'm fine
Don't wanna leave you this way
And then the music plays
What will be left to say?
I came right out of top
I can make your record stop
I've cried' I've tried
I came out the otherside

Don't wanna leave you this way
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over endlessly waitin'
I finally made it here
Without you
I've been down
But I still made it through
And you know
I've got nothing to lose
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you
Another day
Another reason why I'm alone
You said you'de stay
But lately I've been standing on my own
Here it goes
You said it wouldn't stop
When the records starts to drop
You'll hear me loud and clear
Without you
And then the music plays
What will be left to say?
I came right out of top
I can make your record stop
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over endlessly waitin'
I finally made it here
Without you
I've been down
But I still made it through
And you know
I've got nothing to lose
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you
can make your record
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you
can make your record
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you
can make your record stop
Record stop' record stop' record stop' record stop' record

We are all in this together.


we are all in this together 歌舞青春


together , together , together , together everyone。。。是这个?
we are all in this together

《Together》 ,Avril。

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