
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-23

  我认为,当翻译员有很多好处。第一,我能够帮助别人,为人民服务;第二,既然我想成为翻译员,那么,如果我能够实现我的理想,我将非常高兴。     当翻译官是我小时候梦寐以求的职业。每次看着电视机前英资飒爽,我都会以羡慕的眼光看着      假如我是一名翻译家,我希望在我的语言中有热情.自豪.激动这三个方面,“不断地记,不断地学,不断地读”,为国家新文化事业做出卓越贡献。    
    当然,这项工作如果只懂中、英,两种语言,是远远不够的,还要学习其他国家的语言。如:德语、韩语、俄语、法语和日语等多种语言,要门门语言都精通。 所以在现在我要好好学习语文和英语这2个学科,在课余时间找一些关于学习外语的资料,努力学习,不懂的地方可以问老师,也可以在网上找找知道会了为止。   

My hometown in Lanzhou, where beautiful scenery and beautiful Wu Quanshan Baita Mountain. 黄河铁桥像一道彩虹横跨黄河两岸,景色迷人的四十里黄河风情线为人们提供了旅游休闲的好去处。 Yellow River Bridge, like a rainbow across the Yellow River, Yellow River, forty miles stunning style line for people to provide a good place for tourism and leisure.
一提起兰州,外地人第一反应必定是香喷喷的“兰州拉面”,没错,拉面不仅是兰州人生活中的一部分,更是兰州文化的精髓。 Mention of Lanzhou, the first reaction of outsiders must be tasty, "Lanzhou noodles," Yes, Ramen is not just part of life in Lanzhou, Lanzhou is the essence of culture. 拉面馆,是一个没有阶级的地方。 Ramen Museum, is a classless place. 每个兰州人都爱吃拉面,一碗几块钱的面就将各个阶层的人联系了起来:无论你是做什么工作的,无论你今天有怎样的心情,进了拉面馆,点上一碗面,放上辣椒,蒜苗和香菜,你只管尽情的吃,站着,坐着,蹲着,怎样都行。 People love to eat each Lanzhou noodles, bowl a few dollars, the surface will contact the person who all levels up: No matter what you do, no matter what mood you are today, into the Ramen Museum, points on a bowl, put pepper, garlic and parsley, you just enjoy eating, standing, sitting, squatting, how to do. 拉面馆就像一个小社会,却是更温暖和谐的那种,忙碌的人在这歇歇脚,吃上一碗热腾腾的面;游子归来必定要来拉面馆点一份加蛋加肉的“豪华套餐”,找回那种久违的亲切感和归属感。 Ramen Museum is like a small community, but it is more warm and harmonious kind of busy people in the rest a while, eat a bowl of hot surfaces; wandering back to the Ramen Museum must be a point of egg and meat. " Deluxe Package "and find that returning to the intimacy and sense of belonging. 简单的两个字,拉面,对于兰州的孩子来说却像一道咒语,在心中反复念着:回家吧,回家吧。 Simple word, ramen, for children who are like a Maryland mantra recited repeatedly in the heart: Go home, go home.
兰州是一个有着鲜明四级的城市。 Lanzhou is a city with a distinctive four. 春季,春回大地,五泉山上的冰雪融化了,走在被垂柳掩映着的公园小溪旁,耳畔响起了山泉丁冬的歌唱声,公园内百花齐放,鲜花芬芳扑鼻,大多数人也许喜欢的正是这个季节。 Spring, spring, melting snow on the Wuquan Shan, and walk in the park is shaded by weeping willows small stream, small spring ears sounded the singing voice winter, the park blossom, fragrant scent of flowers, most people may prefer It is this season. 夏季,艳阳高照,黄河游艇里坐满了纳凉观景的人,也许很多人陶醉于这个季节。 Summer, sunshine, filled with cool air in the Yellow River scenic boat people, perhaps many people revel in this season. 冬季,雪花飞扬,北风呼呼,动物们躲在屋里不肯出门,可是孩子们不怕冷,出去溜冰、堆雪人、打雪仗,可快活了! In winter, snow flying, the north wind whistling, the animals were hiding in the house refused to go out, but the kids do not stand the cold, go skating, snowmen, snowball fights, can be happy it! 我更喜欢兰州的秋天,每到秋季,兰州的天空是那样的高远,当你漫步在黄河水车园,听着吱吱呀呀水车转动的声音,望着漂浮在蓝天下的朵朵白云时,你的脑际会想起很多很多……在这个季节,瓜果飘香。 I prefer the fall of Lanzhou, every fall, Lanzhou, lofty as the sky is, when you walk through the park in the Yellow River water tankers, water tankers creak Ya Ya listening to the voice of rotation, looking under the floating clouds in the sky When you think of mind as will many, many ... In this season, fruit fragrance. 不仅我们这些嘴馋的孩子们可以大饱口福,吃上甜蜜的白兰瓜、香甜的葡萄、脆嫩的鸭梨……那些辛勤劳作的果农们更是收获了他们用汗水浇灌来的喜悦。 We not only can these greedy kids a real treat, eat sweet white melon, sweet grapes, crisp pear ... those hard-working farmers are even more watered with the sweat of their harvest to the joy.
在我心中,兰州的四季都是美的,我爱我美丽的家乡 In my mind, Lanzhou seasons are beautiful, I love my hometown

My ideal is to be an inventor . I want to invent a robot . He can do everything. He can help mothers to do housework , he can play with children and sometimes he can help students to solve difficult problems. I believe that if I study hard , my ideal will certainly become true.

To be an inventor is my ideal. I will invent a robot. He can do almost everything. He can help mothers do housework, play with children and sometimes help students solve difficult problems. I believe that as long as I study hard, my ideal will certainly come true.

2)What do I want to do when I’m older? Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sport. Someone wants to be a writer and to make the writing. Someone wants to be a teacher because they like teaching children.
I like playing the piano and I good at it. So I want to become a piano player. Play the piano is very interesting. And you can learn something of music. Piano can make you like music. A lot of musician and singer are love playing piano.
I play the piano when I’m ten years old. Now I’m in grand five. I hope when I’m sixteen years old , I can become grand eight. I’ll be harder and harder to practise.
Become a piano play is a hard job. But I believe I can do

i have a dream. But it's lost now.

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