
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-20
问题一:录取通知书用英语怎么说 admission notice
Local students should go to the office of management school for the graduate to receive the admission notice with their ID card.

问题二:录取通知书的英文怎么说 The admission notice of a key high (senior) school
The key high (senior) school's admisssion notice
如果学校是特指就用the,不特指用a就行了,至于high school和senior school只是英语和美语的一些差异,其实没多大问题,哪种说法都可以被接受和理解。

问题三:录取通知书用英语该怎么说? Admission notice

问题四:录取通知书用英语该怎么说 录取通知书
Letter of admission
Letter of admission

问题五:「录取通知书」用英语怎么讲? admission [acceptance] notice

问题六:录取通知用英语该怎么说 录取通知
[词典] Accepted;
Have you sent an admission notice to an intermediary?

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