suppose的用法?  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

1. suppose + that 从句,表示“猜测;假定”。如:
I suppose that you are right. 我想你是对的。
You can suppose that A equals B. 你可以假定A等于B。
2. suppose +名词 / 代词 + to be...,表示“认为……是……”。如:
Many people suppose him to be over 50. 许多人认为他已经50多岁了。
3. suppose用于祈使句中,表示“让……”。如:
Suppose we go for a swim. (= Let's go for a swim.) 让我们去游泳吧。

be supposed to 的用法
用法一: be supposed to... 其中to是动词不定式符号,不是介词,其后要跟动词原形。当be supposed
to... 的主语是“人” 时,意为“应该……
Everyone is supposed to wear a seat-belt in the car.
Teachers are supposed to treat all the students alike.
用法:当be supposed to... 的主语是“物”时,它表示“本应;本该”,用于表示“某事本应该发生而没有发生”。如:
The new laws are supposed to prevent crime. 这些新法令本应该起到防止犯罪的作用。
The train was supposed to arrive half an hour ago. 火车本应在半小时之前到达。
用法三: be supposed to后面接“have + 过去分词”时,表示“本应该做某事而没做”。如:
You are supposed to have handed in your homework by now.
He is supposed to have arrived an hour ago. 他应该一小时前就到了。
用法四: be supposed to... 的否定结构为be not supposed
She was not supposed to be angry about that. 她本不该为那件事而生气的。
You are not supposed to smoke on the bus. 你不应该在公共汽车上吸烟。

suppose 一词的用法很灵活,在高考中常以不同的面目出现。这里对 suppose 的用法进行归纳总结。 1. suppose 意为“认为,猜测”,后常接“宾语+宾语补足语”形式。 ① suppose sb./sth. (to be) +形容词 / 介词短语的结构。 Everyone supposes him (to be) poor, but he is really quite wealthy. 大家都认为他很穷,实际上很很阔。 She was supposed to be an excellent student in our school. 她被认为是我校优秀的学生。 ② suppose sb./sth. to have done 的结构。 They supposed the paper to have been lost during the war. 他们认为那个文件在战争期间丢失了。 The police arrested him because he was supposed to have killed the lady. 警察逮捕了他,认为他杀死了那位女士。 ③ suppose + it +形容词 / 名词+ to do 的结构。 I suppose it my duty to help those in poverty. 我认为帮助那些处于贫困中的人是我的义务。 2. suppose 可用于“ be supposed +不定式”的结构。 ① be supposed to do sth. = should do sth. 意为“应该 / 理应做某事”,表示被期望或被要求(按规则、惯例)做某事。 We are supposed to help each other. 我们理应互相帮助。(要求) You are supposed to hand in your papers before class is over. 希望你下课前交卷子。(期望) ② be not supposed to do sth. 常用来表示不允许或禁止做某事,表示委婉的禁止。 Students are not supposed to play football in the classroom. 学生不允许在教室里踢足球。 ③ be supposed to have done = should have done = ought to have done 表示“过去本该做某事但实际上未做”。 The train is supposed to have arrived an hour ago. 火车应该在 1 小时前到达。 3. suppose 可用过去完成时表示“未曾实现的愿望”。 We had supposed that we would be able to see more of Shanghai, but time didn't permit. 我们本打算能多看看上海,但时间却不允许了。 注意:与 suppose 这种用法相同的还有: hope, think, expect, mean, want, intend, plan (一些表示心理状态的动词)等。 4. suppose 可用于“ suppose + that (从句)”句型。 What makes you suppose (that) I'm against it? 你根据什么认为我反对这件事? It was generally supposed that it would not happen again. 一般认为此事不会再发生。 5. 由 suppose 引导的宾语从句,如果主句的主语是第一人称 I 或 we ,并且主句谓语是一般现在时态,从句的否定一般要转移到主句上来,其反意疑问句一般与宾语从句一致。 I don't suppose for a minute that he'll agree. 我认为他决不同意。 We don't suppose they will say sorry to her, will they? 我们认为他们不会对她说对不起,是吧? 注意:与 suppose 这种用法相同的还有: think, believe, imagine, expect 等。 6. suppose 可用于简略答语中,用 so 代替一个肯定的宾语从句;用 not 代替一个否定的宾语从句。 — Do you suppose he'll fail to catch the train? —你认为他会错过火车吗? — I suppose so./ I suppose not. (= I don't suppose so. ) —我想会的。 / 我想不会。 注意:与 suppose 这种用法相同的还有: think, believe, expect, imagine 等。但应注意 hope 和 be afraid 则不同于以上的用法。 — Will he win the game? — Yes, I hope so./No, I hope not. (不能用 I don't hope so. ) 7. suppose 可用于插入语中。 ① do you suppose 用作插入语,用来征询对方对某事的看法,常放在疑问词的后面,并且句子要用陈述语序。 What do you suppose made her so angry? 你认为什么事使她如此生气? When do you suppose we shall begin our class? 你认为我们什么时候开始上课? 注意:与 suppose 这种用法相同的还有: believe, expect, think, imagine, guess 等。 ② I suppose 也可用作插入语,表示说话者的态度或看法,常用于句中或句末。 You don't mind my smoking, I suppose? 我想你不会介意我抽烟吧? She'll be there today, I suppose. 我想她今天能到那儿去。 8. suppose ( = supposing) 可引导条件状语从句,意为“如果,假如”。 Suppose ( = Supposing) he is absent, what shall we do? 假如他缺席,我们怎么办? 注意:如果想表示“即使”,应用 supposing 而不用 suppose 。 Supposing you miss him, he is not likely to miss you. 即使你碰不到他,他也可能碰到你。 注意: suppose 或 supposing 引导的条件状语从句应用一般现在时代替将来时。 9. suppose 用来表示建议,常用在祈使句中,意为“……怎么样”。 Suppose we go to the seaside for the weekend. 我们去海边度周末怎么样?

1、suppose用作连词引导条件状语从句时,它必须置于主句之前,但supposing用作连词引导 条件状语从句时,则可置于主句之前,也可以置于主句之后。

如:We'd love to come and see you on Saturday, supposing I don't have to work that day.



如:Suppose you were given a chance to study in America, would you accept?


3、suppose + that 从句,表示“猜测;假定”。

如:I suppose that you are right.


4、suppose +名词 / 代词 + to be...,表示“认为……是……”。

如:Many people suppose him to be over 50.



如:Suppose we go for a swim.(= Let's go for a swim) 





例如:We can't assume anything in this case.



例如:You had betterpresume no such thing.



例如:You are onlysupposing this on hearsay, you have no proof.

你只是根据传闻想象而已, 并没有证据。


例如:I guess this hall to accommodate 1, 000 persons.



例如:Let’s postulate that she is a cook.


Suppose的用法suppose一词的用法很灵活,在高考中常以不同的面目出现。这里对suppose的用法进行归纳总结。 1.suppose意为“认为,猜测”,后常接“宾语+宾语补足语”形式。 ①supposesb./sth.(tobe)+形容词/介词短语的结构。 Everyonesupposeshim(tobe)poor,butheisreallyquitewealthy.大家都认为他很穷,实际上很很阔。 Shewassupposedtobeanexcellentstudentinourschool.她被认为是我校优秀的学生。 ②supposesb./sth.tohavedone的结构。 Theysupposedthepapertohavebeenlostduringthewar.他们认为那个文件在战争期间丢失了。 Thepolicearrestedhimbecausehewassupposedtohavekilledthelady.警察逮捕了他,认为他杀死了那位女士。 ③suppose+it+形容词/名词+todo的结构。 Isupposeitmydutytohelpthoseinpoverty.我认为帮助那些处于贫困中的人是我的义务。 2.suppose可用于“besupposed+不定式”的结构。 ①besupposedtodosth.=shoulddosth.意为“应该/理应做某事”,表示被期望或被要求(按规则、惯例)做某事。 Wearesupposedtohelpeachother.我们理应互相帮助。(要求) Youaresupposedtohandinyourpapersbeforeclassisover.希望你下课前交卷子。(期

)suppose +that 表推测,假定,假如,认为
例如:I suppose that you are right. 我想你是对的。
It is supposed that he was at home during that time.据推测,他当时是在家的。
Suppose (that) this is the most beautiful flower you can find on the earth, then...

Suppose we go for a swim. (= Let's go for a swim.) 让我们去游泳吧。

(3)suppose +名词 +to be 表示“认为……是……”。
Many people suppose him to be over 50. 许多人认为他已经50多岁了。

suppose [sə'pəuz]
1. 假使,假定:
Supposing he isn't out, how can I do then?


Let's first suppose the second defense line has been destroyed.


2. [用于祈使句]让:
Suppose we wait until tomorrow.


Suppose I tell you.


3. 猜想,推测:
I suppose he'll come back now.


You can't suppose whom I met in the street.


4. 认为,以为:
What do you suppose I will do?


5. 意味着;说明(或证明)…的事实(或情况):
The number of the cars supposes that the city traffic would get busier and busier.


That doesn't suppose you were absent at the scene of the crime.


6. 假定…的存在;需要…的存在为先决条件:
First, we have to suppose that she was out to make money.


7. [用于被动语态]认为应该,认为必须;认为…必要;[口语]认为可以:
I'm not supposed to be at the party.


The motorbike is supposed to make annoying noise.


No need to suppose about.


Say as you suppose.


1. 假使,假如
2. 假使…结果如何(或怎样)


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