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jack 是什么意思啊???

Jack/Jacking is a form of dance,查了好多资料,最后去国外看了,jack/jacking是一种舞蹈的形式

Jacking or Jackin', the term by which the form is more commonly known, is a dance technique and music form that first became popular in the late 1980s s one of the myriad music forms which arose from the last days of disco. Though there continues to be some dispute as to a single absolute stylistic origin, "Jacking" music and dance most likely came from the multicultural roots in the early underground Chicago house. Both concepts of Jacking have their origins in various African and types of Latino and Hispanic dance culture, with a fair amount of influence from early European and American disco culture.
Originally Jacking's two most prominent divergent forms, the Chicago Jacking scene is link to other styles Chicago house music like Acid house and deep house. while the European Jacking form trended slightly towards a tribal "hard house" underground, punk and house scenes. The dancing and music forms of jacking itself were sexually charged in its earliest forms, with couples (often two men or two women) grinding their pelvises together. Jackin's style merged with many dance styles popular during the early American acid house scene and UK House scenes.
When referring to house dancing this word has taken on a slightly more specific and somewhat less sexual meaning. Jacking is a dance technique that comes from moving the torso forward and backward in a rippling motion, as if a wave were passing through it. When this movement is repeated and sped up to match the beat of a song it is called jacking, or "the jack." This technique is arguably the most important movement in house dance because it is the foundation that initiates more complex movements and footwork. Jacking has also permeated many other divergent forms of house and freestyle broken beat music and dance. Just as house music itself grew from the discotradition, so too, did jacking's dance develop from the self-expressive styling of disco dancing.[1] Unlike partner ballroom type dance forms such as the waltz andfoxtrot, Jacking is considered a freestyle dance.

jack 英[dʒæk] 美[dʒæk]
n. 千斤顶; [信] 插孔,插座; 男人; 纸牌中的J;
vt. 提高,增加; 用千斤顶顶起; 抬起; 抬起,使想起;
vi. 用篝灯打猎(或捕鱼);
[例句]Jack and Stephen were waiting for them on the quay.

  • 意思:




  • 例句:

1、Jack and Stephen were waiting for them on the quay.


2、Jack and his missis are as happy as two lovebirds now. 


3、Sorry to keep you, Jack 


4、He told her their affair would have to stop, because Jack Smith was blackmailinghim 


5、Auntie Hilda and Uncle Jack couldn't fuss over them enough. 


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