“keep doing sth”造句?

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09
keep doing sth造句

keep doing sth造句

1、My teacher kept me doing my homework all the afternoon.我的老师要我整个下午都做作业。

2、We should keep exercising.我们应该保持锻炼。

3、He always keeps smiling .他总是保持微笑。

4、Just keep on doing it. 坚持干下去.你也能做得很好。

5、If they keep on doing evils, they\'ll reap what they sow. 如果他们继续作恶, 必将自食其果。

6、The machine kept running. 机器一直运转。

7、I think it would be a good idea to keep on doing morning exercise. 我恐怕在发胖呢.我认为坚持早锻炼是个好主意。

8、Go beyond one\'s duty in doing sth. 超越职权范围做某事(越权)

9、They keep on muddying the waters by raising other political issues. 他们不停地提出其他政治问题,力图把水搅浑。

10、As long as we keep on doing so, we shall not alienate ourselves from the masses. 只要我们这样干了, 就不会脱离群众。

11、Graph those numbers and keep doing everything to make them trend higher. 用图表表示这些数字,并尽力做到趋势向上。

12、If I don\'t nip it in the bud, he\'ll keep doing it. 如果我不防患于未然, 他会继续干这种事的。

13、He\'s up to no good , ie doing sth bad. 他现在没干好事。

14、To know it\'s no use , but keep on doing it -- there can be no greater folly than this. 知其不可而为之,愚不可及也。

15、It is raining, the farmers keep on working in the fields. 天下着雨,农民们一直继续在田地里工作。

I keep making cakes 我坚持做蛋糕
You keep making cakes 你坚持做蛋糕
单数人称:He keeps making cakes 他坚持做蛋糕
复数人称:We keep making cakes 我们坚持做蛋糕

1、My teacher kept me doing my homework all the afternoon.


2、We should keep exercising.


3、He always keeps smiling .


4、Just keep on doing it.


5、If they keep on doing evils, they'll reap what they sow.

如果他们继续作恶, 必将自食其果。

6、The machine kept running.


7、I think it would be a good idea to keep on doing morning exercise.


8、Keep reading the book until you understand it.


9、They keep on muddying the waters by raising other political issues.


10、As long as we keep on doing so, we shall not alienate ourselves from the masses.

只要我们这样干了, 就不会脱离群众。

11、Graph those numbers and keep doing everything to make them trend higher.


12、If I don't nip it in the bud, he'll keep doing it.

如果我不防患于未然, 他会继续干这种事的。

13、I kept doing homework for 6 hours.


14、To know it's no use , but keep on doing it , there can be no greater folly than this.


15、It is raining, the farmers keep on working in the fields.
