
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06




一. 出现以下词,用do填空:

can , could, may, must, need, had better, why not, make, have to, let's, see,
hear, watch, notice, Will ( Would ) you please…

二. 出现以下词,用to do 填空:

would like, want, begin, start, hope, decide, ask, wish, have something to do,
tell, take time, it's time, remember, forget, learn, teach, try, stop, plan,
adj./疑问词后,take ,allow, encourage, warn, It's +形容词+to do something,
discuss, know, refuse, invite , get order, like, offer, lend, make up one's
mind to do, set one's mind to do, enough, need

三. 出现以下词,用doing 填空:

finish, like, enjoy, mind, keep, be busy, there be, do some…, go doing,
prevent, be worth, spend, practice, feel like, thank somebody for doing
something ,stop, excuse somebody for doing something, can't help, prefer…
to…,look forward to…hate, mention, have fun doing,介词:at, in, on, of,
from, for, about, with, without, ,make a contribution to, be used to, hear,
see, watch, notice, listen,

四. 基数词的特殊变化

one---first ; two---second; three---third; five---fifth; eight---eighth;
nine---ninth; twelve---twelfth; twenty---twentieth; twenty-one---twenty-first

五. 代词的变化:

主格 宾格 所有格(adj.) 所有格(n.) 反身代词
I me my mine myself
you you your yours yourself
he him his his himself
she her her hers herself
it it its its itself
we us our ours ourselves
you you your yours yourselves
they them their theirs themselves

六. 表示天气的词

1. sun—sunny 2. cloud—cloudy
3. rain—rainy 4. wind—windy
5. fog—foggy 6. mist—misty
7. snow—snowy 8. shower—showery

七. 表示方向的词

1. east—eastern—easterner(s)
2. south—southern—southerner(s)
3. west—western—westerner(s)
4. north—northern—northerner(s)

八. 国家---国家的(人)

1. China—Chinese
2. Japan—Japanese
3. Germany--German
4. Canada—Canadian
5. Sweden—Swedish
6. Australia--stralian
7. Italy—Italian
8. India—Indian
9. France—French-renchman
10. merica—American

九. 一些特殊的名词复数及短语

1. leaf__________________ 2. life__________________
3. thief_________________ 4. knife_________________
5. shelf_________________ 6. half__________________
7. roof__________________ 8. German_______________
9. sheep_________________ 10. deer_________________
11. child________________ 12. woman teacher________
13. tooth________________ 14. foot_________________
15. people_______________ 16. postman______________
19. boy__________________ 20. key__________________
21. story________________ 22. family_______________
23. century______________ 24. baby_________________
26. tomato_______________ 27. potato_______________
28. radio________________ 29. zoo__________________
30. kilo_________________ 31. photo________________
32. businessman__________ 33. woman________________
34. man__________________ 35. difficulty___________
36. monkey_______________ 37. mouse________________

十. 词型转换(200个)

1. work—worker 2. vent—inventor(人)--invention(物)
3. use—useful-used 4. teach—teacher
5. conduct—conductor 6. care—careful--carefully
7. play—player 8. visit—visitor
9. careless—carelessly—carelessness 10. clean—cleaner
11. inspect-inspector 12. wake--awake
13. speak--speaker 14. piano—pianist
15. sleep—asleep 16. cook—cook(人)—cooker(物)
17. science—scientist 18. miss—missing
19. dance—dancer 20. art—artist
21. fish--fishing 22. drive-driver
23. tour-tourist 24. kind-kindness
25. farm-farmer 26. joural-jouralist
27. nature--natural 28. mange-manger
29. library-librarian 30. cover-discover
31. foreign-foreigner 32. music--musician
33. feather--feathered 34. help-helper
35. busy-business--businessman 36. follow--following
37. read-reader 38. post-postman/postwoman
39. enter-entrance 40. write-writer
41. sit--seat 42. danger--dangerous
43. run-runner 44. wool--woollen
45. serve--service 46. win-winner
47. lose--lost 48. pride--proud
49. sing-singer 50. worry--worried
51. collect-collection 52. swim-swimmer
53. break--broken 54. produce--production
55. sleep-sleeper 56. fill-filled--full
57. contribute--contribution 58. travel-traveller-traveling
59. reward--rewarding 60. comfort--comfortable
61. climb-climber 62. turn--turning
63. instruct--instruction 64. keep-keeper
65. fly--flight 66. pollute--pollution
67. strange-stranger 68. please-pleased
69. move--moving 70. wait-waiter
71. know-knowledge 72. appear--appearance
73. jump-jumper 74. meet--meeting
75. disappear--disappearance 78. speak-speaker
79. thank--thankful 80. frighten--frightened
81. print-printer(物) 82. noise—noisy--noisily
83. life--lifetime 84. sell—seller
85. cross—across--crossing 86. frustrate--frustrated
87. dive—diver 88. ill—illness
89. fire—fireplace 90. own—owner
91. pain--painful 92. tradition--traditional
93. explore-explorer 94. thank--thankful
95. decorate-decorator--decoration 96. surf-surfer-surfing
97. help--helpful 98. confident--confidence
99. help-helper 100. wonder-wonderful--wonderfully
101. different--difference 102. begin-beginner
103. colour-colourful 104. importanrt--importance
105. paint-painter 106. beauty-beautiful-beautifully
107. good--goodness 108. rob-robber--robbery
109. forget--forgetful 110. person-personal
111. active-activity--actively 112. think-thought
113. decide-decision 114. breathe-breath
115. review-revision 116. describe-description
117. possible-impossible 118. late--later
119. discuss-discussion 120. celebrate-celebration
121. dry-drought 122. enjoy-enjoyable
123. air-airport 124. lone--lonely
125. fun-funny 126. live-lively--alive
127. train-training 128. educate-education
129. love-lovely 130. clear-clearly
131. slow-slowly 132. exact-exactly
133. final-finally 134. quick-quickly
135. happy-happily 136. heavy-heavily
137. near-nearly 138. real-really
139. sad-sadly--sadness 140. quiet-quietly
141. silent-silently 142. polite-politely
143. safe-safely-safety 144. luck-lucky-luckily-unlucky
145. usual-usually-unusual 146. health-healthy-healthily
147. success-successful-successfully 148. excite-excited-exciting
149. interest-interested-interesting 150. surprise—surprised—surprising
151. amaze—amazed—amazing 152. mean--meaning
153. bore—boring 154. grate—grateful(近)thankful
155. dark—darkness 156. park—parking
157. treat—treatment 158. cross—across—crossing
159. boat—boating 160. salt-salty
161. home-homework 162. house-housework
163. check---check-out 164. begin-beginning
165. marry-married 166. lie-lying
167. hard-hardly 168. friend-friendly-friendship
169. most-mostly 170. die-dead-death
171. especial-especially 172. fail-failure
173. probable-probably 174. realize-realization
175. rail-railway 176. shy-shyly-shyness
177. space-spaceship 178. high-highly-height
179. one-first-once 180. two-second-twice
181 .bear-born-birth 182. relax-relaxed
183. true-truly-truth 184. name-named
185. call-called 186. bright-brightly
187. sudden-suddenly 188. direct-directly
189. wide-widely 190. volley-volleyball
191. foot-football 192. base-baseball
193. give-given 194. harm-harmful
195. neat-neatly 196. build-builder-building
197. deep-deeply 198. die-dying
199. correct-correctly 200. pleasant-pleasure

十一. 不规则形容词和副词的比较级及最高级:

1. good—better—best
2. well—better—best
3. much—more—most
4. many—more—most
5. bad—worse—worst
6. badly—worse—worst
7. ill—worse—worst
8. far—farther—farthest
9. old—older—oldest
10. old—elder—eldest
11. little—less—least

十二. 动词时态的句子结构及关键词:


句子结构: 肯定句 主语+be (am, is, are ) + 其他
否定句 主语+be not +其他
疑问句 Be+主语+其他
或: 肯定句 主语+动词原型+其他 ( 第三人称单数作主语动词要加"s" )
否定句 主语+don't+动词原型+其他(第三人称单数作主语don't改为doesn't)
疑问句 DO+主语+动词原型+其他(第三人称单数作主语do改为doess)
关键词: sometimes, often, usually, always, every day, on Sunday
afternoon, at 10 o'clockin the morning, five days a week, three
times a month等.


句子结构:肯定句 主语+be +动词的现在分词+其他
否定句 主语+be not+动词的现在分词+其他
疑问句 Be +主语+动词的现在分词+其他
关键词:now, right now, at the moment, It's+几点钟等的句子.或look,
listen, keep quiet等提示语.


句子结构: 肯定句 主语+will+动词原型+其他
否定句 主语+will not +动词原型+其他
疑问句 Will +主语+动词原型+其他
(will 可改为be going to ,当主语是第一人称时will可用shall)
关键词:tomorrow, tomorrow morning, at seven o'clock tomorrow evening,
next year,
at ten o'clock next Sunday, this year, at the end of this term, from now
on, in the year 2008, soon, in a few days' time, in the future 等.


句子结构:肯定句 主语+be(was,were)+其他
否定句 主语+be not+其他
疑问句 Be+主语+其他
或: 肯定句 主语+动词的过去式+其他
否定句 主语+did not+动词原型+其他
疑问句 Did+主语+动词原型+其他
关键词:yesterday,yesterday morning等 ,last week, last year, at the end
of last term,
一段时间+ago如:ten years ago, five hours ago, on January 1st,2004, in the
Just now,in the old days, long ago, a moment ago等.


句子结构: 肯定句 主语+was/were+动词的现在分词+其他
否定句 主语+was/were not +动词的现在分词+其他
疑问句 Was/Were + 主语+ 动词的现在分词+其他
关键词:具体时间+过去的时间壮语 如:at ten o'clock yesterday morning, at
this time last Sunday等.


句子结构:肯定句 主语+have/has+动词的过去分词+其他(第三人称单数用has)
否定句 主语+have/has not+动词的过去分词+其他
疑问句 Have/Has + 主语 + 动词的过去分词+其他
关键词:already, yet, just, ever, never ,so far, for +一段时间,since+过去的
时间或过去时从句.或this year alone"今年以来",these five years alone"这五年
以来",in the last ten years "在过去的十年中"等.


句子结构: 肯定句 主语+ would+ 动词原型+其他
否定句 主语+ would not + 动词原型+ 其他
疑问句 Would+主语+动词原型+其他
(would可改为was/were going to ,主语第一人称时would可用should)


句子结构: 肯定句 主语+had + 动词的过去分词+其他
否定句 主语+had not +动词的过去分词+其他
疑问句 Had+主语+动词的过去分词+其他
关键词:by+过去某一时间点 如:by last year, by the end of+过去某一时间点 如:
by the end of last year, before+过去某一时间点,by the time +从句,或宾语从


1. 强调句与主语从句的比较

强调句将句子中的it is / was …that同时省去,句子仍然成立;而主语从句将that与后面部分代替it,成立。如:

(1) It is Li Lei’s brother that you met in the street yesterday. 你昨天在街上所见到的就是李蕾的兄弟。

本句若将It is 及 that同时省去为:You met Li Lei’s brother in the street yesterday. 句子同样成立,因此前面的句子是强调句型。

(2) It is exciting that we have succeeded in sending up Shenzhou V. 我们成功地发射了神舟五号这件事情真令人兴奋。

本句若将It is 及 that同时省去为:We have succeeded exciting in sending up Shenzhou V. 显然句子错误,因此,前面句子不是强调句型,而是主语从句。

2. 强调句与定语从句的比较

◎强调句中的It没有实际意义,It be与that可同时被省略;而定语从句中的It是主语,It be与that不可同时省略;

◎强调句型中be的时态须跟后面句子的时态相一致;而定语从句中主句谓语动词be的时态须由主句的时间确定(from www.yygrammar.com);


◎当it be后面的时间、地点名词作主语、宾语或表语时,引导词可用that / which;而作其他成分时,引导词须用when / which。如:

(1) It is an English book (that / which) I bought yesterday. 它是我昨天买的书。(本句是对What is that?问句的回答,that所引导的是定语从句,that可被省略)

It was the English book that I bought yesterday. 昨天我所卖的就是这本书。(本句相当于对I bought the English book yesterday中an English book进行强调)

(2) It was a room where we used to have meetings. 它是我们过去常在开会的房子。(where 所引导的从句对前面的room进行说明,它是定语从句)

It was in the room that we used to have meetings. 过去我们开会就在这间房子里。(in the room是被强调的部分,本句是强调句型)

(3) It is a day when the people celebrate their victory. 这是人们庆祝他们的胜利的日子。 (when所引导的从句对a day进行说明,是定语从句)

It was on that day that people celebrated their victory. 就在那一天,人们庆祝了他们的胜利。(强调on October 1, 1949)



◎状语从句的连接副词that及句子前面的It be不能去掉。

◎状语从句的引导词可以是when / where,而强调句型中的that不能用其他词代替。如:

(1) It is such an interesting book that we all like it very much. 它是一本如此有趣的书,我们大家都非常喜欢。(结果状语主从复合句)

It is such an interesting book that we all like very much. 我们大家都非常喜欢的就是一本如此有趣的书。(强调such an interesting book)

(比较:It is such an interesting book as we all like very much. 这就是我们大家都非常喜欢的如此有趣的书。定语从句)

(2) It was already morning when he woke up. 当他醒来时,已经是早晨了。(时间主从复合句)

It was the next morning that he woke up. 就在第二天早晨他醒来了。(强调the next morning)

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