
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-15
手机的利弊 英语作文

Using the mobile phone is a normal phenomenon in school. Like many things it has both advantage and disadvantage. Chatting with friends by message is an interesting things. And it is convenient to communicate with parents having a mobile .but it is obvious that carrying can disturb teaching in class and it can cause the comparison between students. So the attitude towards mobile should be forbidding using mobile in school and call on students concentrate on studies.

Nowadays, going study abroad is very popular. Many people want to the United States of America, because other people will envy them and they can get a certificate from abroad, which separate them from the students in domesticate.
But there are some disadvantage of going abroad. People should study for SAT, which is very difficult for the foreign students. People should study English very hard, and it is very demanding. Also going study abroad is very expensive, especially for the schools of top ten, although the schools abroad may have good conditions for study.
If i have chances, i will choose to study in domesticate. Because many of my friends will remain in domesticate, and it is easily to keep in touch with them. Also it is easier for me to get a good score in the entrance exam to the university.


Disadvantages of using mobile phone: 1, interference, a waste of time to study classroom order 2 3, using mobile phone cheating plus 4, heavy economic burden of parents 5, damage to physical and mental health of students in 6, a threat to personal safety 7, increase the students' psychological treatment in 8, if the bad behavior of students will steal phenomenon, affecting the campus security 9, mobile phone radiation, long-term use of harm to students' health in the rest 10, text chat, delay academic 11, do not pay attention to the use of mobile phone time, influence of some special function influence of school climate, mobile phone 12 students attending a lecture quality 使用手机的弊端:1、干扰课堂秩序2、浪费学习时间3、利用手机作弊加4、重家长经济负担5、损害学生身心健康6、威胁人身安全7、加重学生的攀比心理 8、若有不良行为的学生会发生偷盗现象,影响校园治安9、手机有辐射,长期使用危害学生健康 10、短信聊天影响休息,贻误学业11、不注意使用手机的时间,影响学校风气12、手机的一些特殊功能影响学生上课听讲质量

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