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kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29







big house 是指什么意思?监狱么。下面是翻译

"Love life," Du Hougan
• Jack London's "love life" is on such a story: a western United States in the Gold Rush was on the way back to a friend abandoned his trek alone in the vast wilderness on. Winter approaching, the cold wind Qiazhe snowflakes coming to him, that he had no food, but his leg was injured, shoes breaking the legs in the bloodshed. He can only Waiwaixiexie to stumble in full of swamps, hills, creeks of the wilderness, very difficult to move forward with. In his health is very weak, he encountered a wolf. He found that with the horsepower of the wolf in his death, Tianzhuo his blood with his tail. In this way, the two towing the brink of death of the people dying in the wilderness of the Body hunting each other on the other side. In order to go back alive, in order to overcome the horsepower of his nausea of the wolf, the wolf finally in the fighting and the man was a victory, he killed a wolf, the wolf has to drink the blood. He eventually rescued, the dazzling light emitted life.
Novels almost cruel to people under the harsh environment, with the main character so cold, hunger, injury and beast struggle, in the choice of life and death, fully demonstrated the depths of human nature to flash some of the things lively Realistic describes a life of perseverance and tenacity, has played a hymn of life, a stirring魄the power!
What is life » Why is life so strong »
Nature of the flowers and trees, no matter Are its place, regardless of the merits of the environment, as much of the upward growth, the pursuit of the radiance of the sun, the green stretch of life; kinds of animals have their own unique way, with growth , And multiply in.
The same is live the life, why some people there do not like the bleak lives of the luminous moon, fragile as in the autumn wind Yousi, depression is like out of the Youwei sigh » In addition there are some people moving in the strong, it is shocking, tenacity is inconceivable in, bright as the midday sun » ! This is why »
• Jack London in "love life", it seems to us the Notes: In order to achieve the goal of a life, to life with all the difficulties and obstacles on the road to life-and-death struggle, and the courage to victory. As the novel's opening, like the poem: "This is the only wealth in life / live and experience the pain / can do this also good / even lost the last bet." When a sharp incomparable Chris Sword of the devil Gaoxuan in our head, but could fall at any time when we can Zuoyidaibi? » Only when we rise up protest, because in addition to the victory, we have no choice!
So, in order to make life becomes meaningful and valuable, or let us love life! Let our lives emitted dazzling Guanghua, let us have their own strong and beautiful life and proud!
Love life, we must have faith, in pursuit! When people without a faith, not the pursuit of life will become a full Body, and became a Xingshizourou. Thus, it was Zibaoziqi, some people spend time, some people exclaimed, "The Unbearable Lightness", so they began to sink.
Love life, we must learn protest, and we must dare to win! Is not it » Alive, it is necessary to experience pain, will encounter all sorts of difficulties, frustrations and setbacks; alive, to face the pressure from all sides and the resistance, because life has never been a smooth road, Saman sun, covered with Flowers of the road of life is always a good pledge. The heroine of this novel in the face of many difficulties and obstacles, want to give up life and death is to choose the easy things, but he did not wish to die, he chose to fight. Therefore, life must be pursued, it is necessary to live the vigorous, a cause of success in life to learn strong and learn to fight, so that we can not disappoint the trust of life, life can be fair to the process.