
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-26


一、 中西方服饰文化的特征概述
与此相对,西方文化是以围绕着地中海的北非的尼罗河文明、西亚的两河流域文明、爱琴文明以及南欧的古希腊、古罗马文明为基础,经过来自北方的日耳曼民族大迁徙而形成的。 西欧诸国经过在中世纪的发展和拜占庭文化的滋养,特别是基督教文化的发展,从而形成与远东的中国完全不同的基督教文化圈。在这个文化圈中生存着众多的种族,存在着性格不同的文化,这些文化之间相互碰撞、交流和融合,形成了一种跃动的、积极进取的性格特色。
2. 中、西方服饰文化特性
Abstract: This paper sets out the culture of Chinese and Western clothing characteristics of Chinese and Western clothing in the material culture, function awareness, dress sense, dress the way evolution of the different points in depth and from a social function, aesthetic function, Yung Miriam functional, morphological structure, functional areas such as analysis of Chinese and Western dress culture in common. This article holds that the current development of China's clothing should be advanced in their efforts to study Western science and technology and culture, the treasures of this nation's original culture, which will be modified to become acceptable to both East West New Oriental Art, China on the world stage costumes .

Key words: Chinese culture in western dress


From a logical point of view, "China" and "Western" is the concept of two different levels, the former is a specific country, while the latter is a position. General should be "China" and "France" or "Italy" cultural comparison, or "Oriental" and "Western" cultural logic of comparison only. So why should this concept of two different levels together with a comparative study? Because here the "Western" is behind the "dress culture" a concept closely linked, namely, "Western dress culture" refers to the Mediterranean civilization, based on the development of the Middle Ages in Europe since the formation of the Christian cultural circle of the dress culture. This issue is to the world of today's culture has an important impact on clothing clothing cultures with the formation of the Yellow River civilization, based on the Chinese cultural circle in a comparative study of cultural dress. This ruled out the Islamic cultural circle and Indian cultures.

Eastern and Western dress culture for a long historical period, in a relatively independent social environment, each formed its own system of clothing. Today, with the continuous development of economy, science and technology advances in the world economy and trade has brought about the global homogenization of lifestyles. Fashion trends are also the general trend of increasing "convergence." Westerners to China that the rise of the Oriental dragon impressive, especially in the West as a result of the new costume designer for them continuously into the cultural elements of Chinese dress. Through these appearances, can not help but raise a series of food for thought: The Chinese culture and Western dress costumes which have different cultures in the end? Two cultures whether or not similar or the same place? The future will be Chinese people's clothes "internationalization" of the Western apparel the mainstream culture or the local Chinese culture as a mainstream clothing? fusion or both?

To clarify these issues, I am afraid, only in these two cultures to conduct in-depth study, based on the comparison of their respective character traits and development of evolution, which summed up some of the laws in order to get an answer.

First, in Western dress culture characteristics outlined

Comparison to the cultural differences between Western dress, they should first understand the Chinese culture and Western culture characteristics.

1. In the characteristics of Western culture

From the geographical environment, the Chinese culture, originated in the Yellow River civilization, is in a relatively fixed and closed geographical environment developed. Since ancient times, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity have in this land mutual collisions, and communicate together to jointly form a subtle, inclusive characterized Chinese culture, coupled with a long social and political system of feudal rule, to build a highly developed cultural system.

On the other hand, Western culture is based around the Mediterranean, North Africa, the Nile civilization, and Western Asia, Mesopotamia civilization, Aegean civilization of ancient Greece and Southern Europe, ancient Rome-based civilization, after the Germanic peoples from the north, formed by migration of. Western European countries in the Middle Ages through the development and Byzantine culture of trophoblasts, in particular the development of Christian culture, thus the formation and the Far East, China is totally different from the Christian cultural circle. Survive in the cultural circle of many races, there is a character of different cultures, these cultures collide with each other, exchange and integration, the formation of a and positive personality characteristics.

Chinese culture and Western culture as compared to the former is relatively fixed in a geographical environment, development and prosperity together with the relative single and distinct personality characteristics, the nature of an individual occurs; latter across Asia, Africa, Europe and across three continents, in a broad geographical environment, by a variety of civilizations mixed, alternating domination and influence, along with the nation's movement, cultural movement formed with mixed characteristics, the nature of a system.

2. In the Western cultural identity apparel

In these two completely different cultural systems, as an integral part of the dress culture will inevitably also showed significant difference.

I learned from the run that moment, I began to keep running forward, because I can not go back, afraid to go back to see, is your eyes down.

The supervision system in the engineering project management on the great advantages, the implementation of supervision system has achieved great economic effect. Rules for the implementation of supervision as the guiding supervision personnel to carry out the supervision work basis, plays a more and more important role. Preparation of supervision rules should be established according to the plan has been approved, relevant and professional engineering standards, design documents and technical data, and the construction organization design and construction scheme, combined with the specific conditions of construction site and the existing technical level. The detailed rules for the supervision of the content is very extensive, including almost all aspects of project construction. A perfect supervision rules is the basis of supervision work successful, is a necessary condition for security supervision work carried out smoothly. But the supervision system of our country is still not perfect, most supervision rules without the cumbersome, difficult to play effective role in guiding.

This paper takes Copper Mt. County Community Health Service Center construction as an example, from the control points of supervision work flow, supervision, supervision methods and measures and safety civilized construction supervision and inspection requirements four aspects to the establishment of the rules, the supervision rules targeted, operability, avoid apply mechanically.

Specific supervision system in project management a lot of advantages, supervision system has made great economic effect. Overseeing implementation regulation as a basis for guiding the work of supervision staff supervision, play an increasingly important role. Compiling supervision should rule according to the approved building plan, associated with professional engineering standards.

Supervision System in Project Management on specific great advantage, implementation supervision system has made tremendous economic effects. Supervision Supervision Regulations as a guide for staff to carry out work on the basis Supervision is playing an increasingly important role. Supervising the preparation of rules should be based on the approved establishment plan associated with professional engineering standards, design documents and technical information, and construction organization design and construction programs, combined with the specific circumstances of the construction site and the existing level of technology. Supervision rules are very broad, including almost all aspects of construction. A perfect supervision rules is the basis of successful supervision, supervision is to ensure the smooth progress of the necessary conditions. However, China's supervisory system is still not perfect, most burdensome without supervision rules targeted content, it is difficult to play an effective role in guiding. In this paper, Tongshan County Community Health Center relocation, for example, the control points from supervision, supervision work processes, work methods and measures of supervision and inspection requirements for safe and civilized construction supervision and supervision of four aspects of the preparation conditions, highlighting the supervision rules targeted, operability, avoid rote.

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