hit sb+介词+the部位,这个介词怎么用

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-01

at sunrise ,at noon,at midnight,at ten o’clock
at New Year, at the Spring Festival
throw at 朝…扔东西(砸什么)

be angry at 恼怒于

hit+ sb.+ on/in + the +身体部位"这样的结构(其中的定冠词不可用物主代词代替).如果打在坚硬结实的部位(如head, shoulder, back等),前面常用介词on;如果打在柔软多肉的部位, (如leg, eye, face等)前面常用介词in.
e.g. hit him on the head/ shoulder/back
hit him in the face /eyes/right leg

hit him in the face; hit him on the shoulder; hit him on the head; 这个短语的关键在于身体部位前用定冠词而不用不定冠词。

常理说,是in或on例:hit him on the head/ shoulder/back(打在表面)
hit him in the face /eyes/right leg(打进内部)

in/ onin 敲在硬的部位,比如 鼻子on 敲在脸上,比如 脸上

如果是大人比较软的地方,是hit sb. in the+部位;如果是大人比较硬的地方,是hit sb. on the+部位。