
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-09-11

1. 关联词有哪些是适合写文章的

假如······那么········ 因为·······所以······· 或者······或者······ 一边······一边·······如果······就······· 只要·······就········ 尽管······却······· 既······又·······倘若······就······ 无论······都······· 即使·····也········ 既然·····那么······虽然······但是····· 不是·····而是····· 只有······才······· 不但·····而且·····不仅······而且····· 由於·······因此···· 宁可······也······ 与其······不如······个人经验:只要是关联词几乎都行,不过要看用法。


2. 有动词和关联词的作文

青年一般地是无思虑的.—— 霍默霸祖孤身取二江,子孙多以百城降.豪华尽出成功后,逸乐安知与祸双.—— 王安石管理阶层的领导能力是 *** 员工努力工作的原动力.—— 毕雷敦没有十全十美,也没有人不可或缺,每个人都有这种或那种弱点.当他失败时,这种弱点将会缓解他的沉痛之情.—— 拉布吕耳尔寿命的缩短与思想的虚耗成正比.—— 达尔文23-17= 69-66= 87+9+1= 53+17( )30+39 54-31= 57+18= 73+26+4= 12+31( )64+14 17+26= 22-17= 45+11+9= 32+24( )52+18 18-9= 74-65= 2+20+50= 39+45( )91-83 92-27= 76-38= 40+25+5= 83-70( )92-30 54+29= 89-28= 59+36+4=。

3. 帮我写一篇带有常用修词、关联词的作文 谢谢










4. 三四年级的小学生作文 关联词 选词填空 这类题做不好该怎麽办将来上







5. 用信念不朽青春三个关联词写一篇八百字作文





王小波在他的《黄金时代》中写道:“在我人生的黄金时代,我有好多奢望。我想爱想吃,还想在一瞬间变成天上半明半暗的云。”也许这就是大多数人心中的青春:无所畏惧,心境明朗。所以,真正的青春,应该是与年纪、健康等等一切外界因素都无关的一种心境,是想到心中梦想便充满 *** 的一种执着,不惧一切,冲破束缚,只为让自己从心里感到骄傲。


的确,“老去”,是自然界不可抗拒的规律,但是,正如王国维老先生的那句“一事能狂便青春”,物质会腐朽,但保持一份青春之气,执着, *** ,纵然我们会白发苍颜,心灵却不会颓然老去。青春便成为一种精神存在,万古不废!

也许无论是死亡,还是岁月,还是那些难以为个人左右的无常世事,都会消磨那有关青春的 *** ,可是在彼时彼地,某一个时刻,一定会有真心之托、长久之诺,一定会有什么与天地相通、与宇宙呼应,在无尽的时间和空间里留下遥远的回响——那是不朽的青春!

6. 带有关联词的200字作文



7. 英语作文关联词 带中文

英语作文关联词1) 先后次序关系:at this time; first; second; at last; next;previously; simultaneously; eventually;last but not least;to begin with;to start with;to end with;finally;seeing。

;since then;first of all;afterwards; following this; preceding this. 2) 因果关系:because;because of this;being that;another important factor/reason of。 ; since; as; for; in that。

; owing to; due to; for the reason that。; in view of; the reason seems to be obvious; there are about。

;for this reason; as a result of this; therefore;。and so。

; consequently;as a result; thus; hence; so;so that。; in consequence; as a consequence; accordingly; inevitably; under these conditions; thereupon. 3) 转折关系:but;even so;however;though;even though;independent of;reckless of ;despite that; in spite of that; regardless of; yet。

;and yet; but unless. 4) 并列关系: and; also;too;as well as;either。,or。


5) (补充)递进关系: furthermore;moreover;further;In this way ;still; not only。but also。

; not。but。

; in addition (to);additionally, much more interesting, more specifically, next, besides; as far as。 is concerned; moreover;in other words;along this line of consideration;on the one hand。

,on the other hand。; even; as a poplar saying goes。

;in order to do it。; meanwhile; at the same time; accordingly; In the first place。

,in the second place。;equally important; of even greater appeal. 6) 比较关系: similarly; in like manner, in parison with;when pared with;pared with;when in fact。

; like。; likewise; similarly important; apart from (doing)。

; 。 rather than。

,by doing so ;both…and。; in the same way; not only。

but (also). 7) 对照(不同点):yet; still; for all of that; noithstanding; rather; neither 。 nor; although; though; but; however; something is just the other way around;yet; conversely; unlike; opposed to; as opposed to ; in contrast (to); by way of;on the contrary;different from this;as opposed to this; nevertheless; contrary to; whereas; while;but on the other hand. 8) 举例关系:for example; for instance; in this case; namely; as you know; you may as/say; as he explains; like; such as; a case in point is。

; consider。; in particular;including。

;for one thing。,for another。

;put it simply;stated roughly; as an illustration, I will say。; a good example (of。

)would be。;to detail this,I would like to。

; It is interesting to note that。;in this situation; as proof; take the case of; take as example (something); as for; as regards; as to; according to; on this occasion. 9) 强调关系:in fact; especially;particularly;moreover;naturally; what is more important; in reality; certainly; of course; indeed; in particular;not to mention。

;believe it or not;undeniably; other thing being equal;it is certain/sure that。;to be strict; to be true;by definition; definitely; undoubtedly; without a doubt; in truth, in any event(不论怎样); without reservation(毫无保留地); obviously, not only.. but(also。

), both。 and。

10) 条件关系: if;unless; lest;provided that;if it is the case;in this sense;once。;if possible;if necessary;if so;if not all; if anything. 11) 归纳总结类: in other words;on the whole; in sum; therefore;hence;in short;in brief;to sum up;in conclusion; in summary; to conclude; the conclusion can be drawn that。

; for this reason; in short. 12) 地点关系:beyond; opposite to; adjacent to; at the same place; there; over; in the middle; around; in front of; in the distance; farther; here and there; above; below; at the right; beeen; on this side. 13) 目的关系:with this object; for this purpose; in order that; in this way, since; so that; on that account; in case; with a view to; for the same reason. 14) 重申关系:in other words; that is to say; as I have said; again; once again. 15) 结果关系:accordingly; thus; consequently; hence; therefore; thereupon; inevitably; under these conditions; as a result; as a consequence; because; because of; so that; not only。but (also。

); so。 as to. 16) 顺序关系:first; second; thirdly; next; then; at the outset(在开始时),following this; at this time; now; at this point; after; afterward; after this; subsequently; lastly; finally; consequently; before this; previously; preceding this; simultaneously; concurrently(同时). 17) 时间关系:at once; immediately; at length; in the mean time; meanwhile; at the same time; in the end; then; soon; not long after; later; at once; at last; finally; some time ago; at present; all of a sudden; from this time on; from time to time; since then; when; whenever; next point; a few minutes later; formerly; as; once; since; occasionally; in a moment; shortly; whereupon; previously。

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