English 一篇小论文求翻译(汉译英)

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

The contrastive study of English and Chinese people have often seemed to discuss three problems: Theory and applications, the commonness and individuality, "two skins" (referring to the foreign and Chinese scholars are not in contact with the phenomenon). On the theory and application of the problem, I always feel that the emphasis on the application of more people, less people pay attention to theory. As for the commonness and individuality of the problem, I think the emphasis on personality (i.e., pay attention to "different") many people, and stressed the common (i.e., pay attention to the "same") fewer people. We always like to talk about "China characteristics" and"Chinese characteristics", not to talk about "human nature" and "universal language", is this why? The "two skins"phenomenon, I feel the problem still exists.

Major problems existing distribution system
Chongqing Yeung Ka-Ping United States a "shop storage distribution" logistics model, although to provide bulky goods door-to-door service, but the retailing of goods are stored in the shop coffers. Customer contributions directly to the stores after the Treasury delivery, post-mortem box-satisfaction, followed by stores Paju door-to-door. Visitors to the delivery of this approach to control them very troublesome for each store to have its own warehouse and have their own delivery trucks Moreover, resources can not be shared, a great waste. The key issue is the following:
1, (1) No comprehensive information-sharing systems
Yeung Ka-Ping Although the United States has also passed with suppliers through the sales data, inventory information to participate in certain suppliers of production, and become Changhong, Konka, and many other well-known electrical sharing of resources, mutual benefit and mutual interests of the United Democrats, but As the United States and many countries in the information provider has been done to the lack of sharing, coupled with other suppliers did not possess the United States and the National Council of the establishment of an information sharing system capacity, in partnership with suppliers and the relations between unsatisfactory. Therefore, the United States wants to control wholesale costs, and accelerate inventory turnover rate to attract more partners to access to low-cost purchase price.
(B) without a strong logistics and distribution system
They used data transmission and telephone communication, information distribution system in the area is still not perfect, the need to improve, and not every employee can access all products distribution center inventory levels of real-time information. They do not have their own team, and not conducive to distribution center management, and improving customer service levels. Distribution center in storage, packaging, shipping, as well as the coordination of the efficiency of the management staff is still very low.
(C) supply chain information management and operation of interactive performance low
Although the United States has been using EDI and POS systems, the establishment of a relatively good ERP system, but information integration technology level is not high. And in inventory management, replenishment system, the field has yet to be established orders advanced information systems replace many manual labor, and also the need to improve supply chain management operation.
(D) online mall failed to fully play the role
Of the United States in the distribution of goods, often mistaken, the website updated with updates commodity prices to the consumer price inconsistencies great inconvenience and dissatisfaction. Customers on the security of payment is still not assured, in the area of return are many other restrictions. Therefore the online mall and the United States did not play its selling products, and expand their business functions, to a large extent is only a consumer and the exchange of information platform.
Recommendations for improvement
In order to improve the level of logistics services, the company will be "big bank" gradually transformed into a multifunctional warehouse management, distribution management, information processing and distribution processing functions such as modern logistics distribution center, the implementation of "centralized distribution" logistics model, all refrigerators, washing machines, air-conditioning, color televisions and other large commodities and some small items stored in a centralized distribution center, the sale of merchandise from the distribution center should be centralized distribution to the customer's home. Centralized distribution to achieve the integration of logistics service.
With the development of the retail industry, the competition among retailers has been transferred to the supply chain management based on the core competitiveness. Gome although it is now only rely on high-volume purchase orders to reduce costs, thereby enhancing their competitiveness, but this is not a permanent solution. With the development of technology, the information of their own building is to be carried out sooner or later. In improve their core competitiveness, the establishment of an efficient operation of the supply chain is essential.
(1) improve the customer feedback system to enhance customer satisfaction
Establish and improve customer information feedback system, it should investigate the needs of customers through the telephone network and the Internet. Also strengthen staff training, from top to the grassroots level, should be strengthened and appraisal services as the content, and on this basis to improve their lessons, and the ability to deal with the problem. Information on the data analysis products to grasp trends in a timely manner, does not lead to shortage of products to enable their clients to buy and disappointed. Not only to win customers lower prices, better left to give customers the impression, it is also necessary to further improve their efficiency.
The United States should also adopt CRM (Customer Relationship Management) to improve the level of services and customer satisfaction. Focus on the exchange with customers, the corporate business is customer-centric, rather than the traditional product or market centres. To facilitate communication with customers, CRM to provide customers with a variety of communication channels.

Environmental protection and sustainable development, sustainable development
Sustainable development is both can meet the demand of contemporary, and no future generations to meet their needs the ability to constitute a hazard. Their significance, focuses on sustainable development is the premise. Sustainable development involves many aspects or fields, but is closely linked with our life the most is that it is on the natural and environmental impact. Our current living environment, everywhere there is a phenomenon of environmental pollution, such as white pollution, water pollution, air pollution and so on. Take the white pollution, the plastic is not easy to degrade, affect the environment is beautiful, contains ingredients that have potential hazards. White pollution can cause visual pollution and potential hazard, no matter use what method to deal with waste plastic, it will leave a harmful substance, has adverse effects on the environment and human health will be.
For the white pollution, the government put forward the plastic limit order, has carried on the limits to the use of plastic bags, this is undoubtedly reduce the white pollution cause some harm, cannot let all people to accept. My solution: supermarkets or shopping malls can undertake plastic bags for paper bag at the entrance, people can use a certain number of plastic bags in exchange for a can be repeatedly used and will not cause harm to the environment of the paper bag. Plastic bags are still sold in stores, paper bag production cost to offer money to sell with a plastic bag. This formed a virtuous circle, can the people use less than plastic bag recycling, can also make fewer people through the use of paper bags instead of plastic bags.
We want for the next generation, create a healthy planet.


Environment Protection and Sustainable Development

Sustainable development refers to not only meet the needs of people without prejudice to future generations the ability to meet the demand. It emphasizes the sustainable capability along with the precondition of development. Sustainable development has invloved in many fields and its influences to nature and environment have the most closely interrelations to our lives.

The phenomenons of environemental pollutions are existed everywhere in our current living environment, for example, plastics pollution, water pollution, air pollution, and etc.

Let's take the example of plastics pollution. Plastic cannot be easily degraded and also affect the environmental aesthetics and its composition may have potential hazardousness. Plastics pollution will cause visual pollution and hazard issues. No matter what methods will be used to deal with abandoned plastic, it will alway leave harmful substance to affect the environment and human health.

Although the government has raised the order to limit the usage of plastic bags which has reduced the harzard caused by plastic bags at a certain level, unfortunately, it will not be accepted by everyone of us.

My solution: At the entrance of supermarkets and malls, paper bags can be exchanged for plastic ones. Several plastic bags can be used to trade for one paper bage which is more environmental friendly and can be repeatly used. Plastic bags can still be purchased in malls to cover the cost of the production of those paper bags. This will form a virtuous cycle which those oversupplied plastic bags will be recovered, as well, it wil make more people to choose paper bags instead of plastic ones.

For our younger generation, we will make a healthier earth.
