
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01

Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province, People's Republic of China, and is the most populous city in central China. It lies at the east of Jianghan Plain, and the intersection of the middle reaches of the Yangtze and Han River. Arising out of the conglomeration of three boroughs, Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang, Wuhan is known as "the nine provinces' leading thoroughfare"; it is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and expressways passing through the city. The city of Wuhan, first termed as such in 1927, has a population of approximately 9,100,000 people (2006), with about 6,100,000 residents in its urban area. In the 1920s, Wuhan was the capital of a leftist Kuomintang (KMT) government led by Wang Jingwei in opposition to Chiang Kai-shek, now Wuhan is recognized as the political, economic, financial, cultural, educational and transportation center of central China.

Replica instruments of ancient originals are played at the Hubei Provincial Museum. A replica set of bronze concert bells is in the background and a set of stone chimes is to the rightWuchang has the largest lake within a city in China, the East Lake, as well as the South Lake.
The Hubei Provincial Museum includes many artifacts excavated from ancient tombs, including a concert bell set (bianzhong). A dance and orchestral show is frequently performed here, using reproductions of the original instruments.
The Rock and Bonsai Museum includes a mounted platybelodon skeleton, many unique stones, a quartz crystal the size of an automobile, and an outdoor garden with miniature trees in the penjing ("Chinese Bonsai") style.
Jiqing Street holds many roadside restaurants and street performers during the evening, and is the site of a Live Show with stories of events on this street by contemporary writer Chi Li.
The Lute Platform in Hanyang was where the legendary musician Yu Boya is said to have played. According to the story of zhiyin Yu Boya played for the last time over the grave of his friend Zhong Ziqi, then smashed his lute because the only person able to appreciate his music was dead.[citation needed]
Some luxury riverboat tours begin here after a flight from Beijing or Shanghai, with several days of flatland cruising and then climbing through the Three Gorges with passage upstream past the Gezhouba and Three Gorges dams to the city of Chongqing. With the completion of the dam a number of cruises now start from the upstream side and continue west, with tourists traveling by motor coach from Wuhan.
The Yellow Crane Tower (Huanghelou) is presumed to have been first built in approximately 220 AD. The tower has been destroyed and reconstructed numerous times, was burned last according to some sources in 1884. The tower underwent complete reconstruction in 1981. The reconstruction utilized modern materials and added an elevator, while maintaining the traditional design in the tower's outward appearance.
Popular foods

Doupi on the left and Re-gan mian on the rightHot and Dry Noodles, Re-gan mian (热干面) consists of long freshly boiled noodles mixed with sesame paste. The Chinese word re means hot and gan means dry. It is considered to be the most typical local food for breakfast.
Duck's Neck or Ya Bozi (鸭脖子) is a local version of this popular Chinese dish, made of duck necks and spices.
Bean Pan or Doupi (豆皮)is a popular local dish with a filling of egg, rice, beef, mushrooms and beans cooked between two large round soybean skins and cut into pieces, structurally like a stuffed pizza without enclosing edges.
Soup dumpling or Xiaolongbao(小笼包)is a kind of dumpling with thin skin made of flour, steamed with very juicy meat inside, it is called Tang (soup) Bao (bun), because every time one takes a bite from it the soup inside spills out.
Salty Doughnut or Mianwo (面窝) is a kind of doughnut with salty taste. It's much thinner than common doughnut, and is a typical Wuhan local food.

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Wuhan is a disputed city. People talk about Wuhan, words are always paid lip service, "big", "chaos", "hot." Speaking of big, Wuhan is certainly not China's largest city. On the urban population, it is not as Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, can not be matched; terms of area, although it can be considered one of China's largest city, but a great addition to East Lake, and its built-up area of the built-up area of Tianjin is not phase up and down and does not match with the cities of Beijing and Shanghai. The strange thing is that in China, only the front of the two cities have been dubbed the "big" name, one in Shanghai, and the second is in Wuhan. Wuhan, the "big", perhaps because it gives the geographical features of the "atmosphere" feeling, and perhaps also because the three towns across the Yangtze River in the urban fabric to create a magnificent impression. Wuhan ranked Jianghan Plain, in this city, both rivers, there are lakes and hills. The vast Yangtze River north-south urban areas, in series from the Wuhan cities, watching the Han River split Hankou, Hanyang, there may also be regarded as one of China's lakes, the largest cities, Sand Lake, South Lake, East Lake and other lakes located in urban areas, surrounded by excluding the the number of small lakes, one of the Donghu Lake is China's largest city. Left the entire city has a pro-Western and Eastern Han (Hankou Hanyang), right hold Wuchang, the city has lakes, Lake Ring pattern, appeared endless vast and mighty. Wuhan cities, if the two towns of Wuchang and Hankou were resting in other places could have been regarded as two major cities, not to mention they also fused, so he is simply a giant in the city. Nanjing and Wuhan, all major cities in the Yangtze River side, but in comparison with Wuhan and Nanjing becomes small. I remember once riding a bike to see the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, Qiaodong sound of bustling city with one of the city scene, but when I looked into Nishi, this is a wilderness, there is a sense of prosperity will make the desolate. And you will not produce this in Wuhan impression on both the Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge or the bridge, the two are an endless busy looking over the city. After the night Yangtze River Bridge, the whole flow Rusuo lights, the two sides ablaze with lights and there is a high-rise buildings of Hankou, Simen Kou side under the bridge downtown is shining neon lights. If you get off from the Hankou Railway Station, take up to Wuchang Yu Jia Shan Huazhong University of Science of the bus, the need for nearly one and a half hour. No wonder his first visit to Wuhan, people of this city's first impression is great. Speaking of chaos, it seems that the character of the relevant and Wuhan. The edge of the Yangtze River, like all cities, Wuhan and also has its unique charm. Stood overlooking the Yellow Crane Tower Wuhan cities, you will be deeply beautiful face of the city attracted near the Yangtze River such as the Pallas's floating in the east to the Hongqiao puts up, vehicle shuttling, Guiyi two mountains, distant on the TV, the north shore of Hankow skyscrapers, business flourished, south of Wuchang serene beauty, gentle, distant East Lake looming. In fact, in large cities, there is no way what a city like Wuhan, picturesque scenery. Wuhan play's slogan is "Building landscape garden city", I think, with some even more fundamental than the cities lack of such resources, this slogan does not seem hypocritical, and exaggeration. However, the Wuhan although "nine bird" smart, but in a smart addition to its own kind of put up uninhibited, bold and impulsive temperament. Therefore, it appears Taidalielie. Is not bad as some cities in the natural environment as good Cangzhuo. Therefore, unlike Beijing, Wuhan and tidy as grand, but also not as refined Shanghai foreign flavor. When you walk into the streets of Wuhan, it will lead to "chaos" feeling. 武汉是一个有争议的城市。人们谈到武汉,挂在嘴上的总是三个字,“大”,“乱”,“热”。





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