
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-02

1.we will go on working after having a rest.
2.It is six o`clock,time to go.
3.Could you find 5 differents between the two pictures.
4.I`m fond of Geography ,but not history。
5.Compared with chemistry,I prefere biology。

1. British English and American English are more or less different in spelling.
2. Do you still ask your parents for money?
3. How do you change water into ice?
4. In our hometown, we grow wheat, rice, cotton, corn and so on.
5. You look the same as your father.
6. A great many birds fly to Kunming for winter every year.

1,How many athletes attended the last olympic games?
2,Please tell all the children to join in the game.
3,My father joined the army at eighteen .
4,Do you know when she join the party?
5,How many years have you been in the communist youth league?
6,If anyone of you pick up the watch,please hand in to me.
这里考察的是join,join in,take part in ,attend
而"join in"是"参加"的意思
例如:参加党(join the Party)
还有"take part in"也是"参加"的意思
例如:参加歌咏小组(take part in the singing group)
还有"enter for"是"报名参加"的意思
例如:报名参加数学竞赛(enter for the maths contest)
当join和join in当“参加”讲时。
e.g.He joined the Labour Party/this company in 1999.
join in: to take part in an activity 参加(活动)
e.g.We all joined in the singing.我们大家一起唱歌。
另外:join也有to take part in an activity的意思
e.g.Come on in and join the fun!快进来一起完吧!
enter for 是报名参加的意思。(enter这个词有登记的意思)
e.g.He entered himself for the exam.
attend39 vt.①出席,参加②照顾,护理 vi.(与to连用)①专心于,致力于②照顾
经典例句After sleepless nights and long hours of backbreaking work, the prisoners were forced outside to attend roll-calls which lasted for hours.在无数不眠之夜和长时间高强度工作之后,囚犯们还被迫进行几小时的露天点名。
词汇辨析join, take part in, attend, enter:
join 参加,加入,成为……的一员;
take part in 参与,参加某种活动;
attend 出席,参加,定期去(某处);
enter 加入,开始从事;开始参加。

1.How many athletes took part in the last Olympics?多少的提问用how many , 上届奥运会故用过去时 ,参加大型活动用take part in
2.Please tell all the children to take part in this game。 tell sb to do sth 告诉某人作某事,take part in 参加(活动,游戏)3.My father joined the army at the age of 18。在某人...岁时用词组at the age of .. 参军必须用join, 不同于第二题4.Do you know when she joined the Party?同上,参军,参加政党,参加俱乐部都用join5.How long have you been in the League?本句是入团多久,要表达一种状态,不能用短暂性动词join,要说be in ....区别于上一题6.Whoever picks up the watch should hand in. whoever无论是谁 看来你这是要练习“参加”吧,要注意他们之间的区别噢。

1.How many athletes attended the last Olympics?(一般过去时)
2.Please tell all the children to participate in/join in this game.(join in+活动;join sb in+活动)
3.My father joined the army when he was 18 years old(at the age of 18). (一般过去时)
4.Do you know when she joined the Party?(宾语从句中用一般过去时)
5.How long have you been in the League(How long have you been a League member)?(本句是入团多久,要避免用短暂性动词join)
6.If anyone picks up the watch, please hand in.(Whoever picks up the watch should hand in.主语从句)

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