
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29

I'm Mimi, candy's colleague, very glad to contact with you. Never mind, I will comply with your request to offer. On the key ring, what is the material? This effect is in the attachment? Receipt of your specific requirements. We will soon give you a quotation.

If can't be shipped before noon today,the goods must be reshipped on Dec 28th as tomorrow is the holiday.

I am a senior at Tianjin Agricultural College students, the current level of English CET4 for, CET6 is in the notes. Although some English proficiency or better, but because the school is very difficult to get to the standard of spoken English as spoken in general, but I will do my best to Enhancing spoken. I believe I can do.
In here, I Eastern Geophysical Company of With simple to understand.
Eastern Geophysical Company (BGP) is a Chinese oil group in 2002 its original restructuring and other geophysical 6 oil field exploration company set up the new company, headquartered in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. Eastern Geophysical Company (BGP) is the China National Petroleum Group (CNPC) to engage in oil geophysical technology professional services, comprehensive strength in the global forefront of the industry ranking, the ability to land-based operations, revenue and market share first in the world.
I am eager to join the Eastern Geophysical Company, I and my colleagues are willing to join in the efforts to create long-term value for customers, at an early date "of the International Geophysical class" goal.

I am a senior at Tianjin Agricultural College students, the current level of English CET4 for, CET6 is in the notes. Although some English proficiency or better, but because the school is very difficult to get to the standard of spoken English as spoken in general, but I will do my best to Enhancing spoken. I believe I can do.

In here, I Eastern Geophysical Company of With simple to understand.

Eastern Geophysical Company (BGP) is a Chinese oil group in 2002 its original restructuring and other geophysical 6 oil field exploration company set up the new company, headquartered in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. Eastern Geophysical Company (BGP) is the China National Petroleum Group (CNPC) to engage in oil geophysical technology professional services, comprehensive strength in the global forefront of the industry ranking, the ability to land-based operations, revenue and market share first in the world.

I am eager to join the Eastern Geophysical Company, I and my colleagues are willing to join in the efforts to create long-term value for customers, at an early date "of the International Geophysical class" goal.

my chan

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