
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

안립규김은 고독미가 집밖으로 나가지 않는 생활에 호기심이 생겨 천천히 고독미와 접촉하기 시작했다.
고독미가 집 밖으로 나가 세상과 접촉하게 도와주었으며 고독미의 이야기도 좋아하게 되었다.


The American War of Independence was the successful military rebellion of the Thirteen American Colonies, during which they broke from the British Empire. It was also a rivalry among several European powers. The British colonial exploitation has become obstacles to capitalist development in North America. As the American people became more and more against the British economic policies, it led to the outbreak of the revolution. The Lexington gunfire, took place in April 1775, lit the flame of the revolution. The Declaration of Independence, drafted by Thomas Jefferson, was adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, announcing the birth of a new nation. The British recognition of American independence did not happen until 1783 and after an arduous struggle of the American people. As a result of the American War of Independence, the Americans have put an end to the British colonial rule, realized the national sovereignty and defined liberal democracy in their political system. The new developments have contributed to the development of capitalism in the U.S. Moreover, the American Revolution serves as a case in point for Latin American and the French Revolution.

USA war of independence, the British Empire and the thirteen North American colonies revolutionaries, a war between and several European powers. Due to the development of the British colonial exploitation seriously hindered the capitalism, in order to fight against the British economic policy, led to the American people. In 1775 April, Lexington gunfire, July 4, 1776 the Continental Congress adopted by Thomas Jefferson drafted the "Declaration of independence", proclaimed the birth of the America. After a hard struggle of the peoples of North America, and finally in 1783 forced the British to admit America independent. The war of independence the British colonial rule, to achieve national independence, the establishment of a democratic bourgeois democratic system, is conducive to the development of capitalism, the Latin American and the French Revolution played a role in promoting.


The American revolutionary war, began with the British empire and its north American colonies thirteen states revolutionaries and several European powers.
Since the British colonial exploitation seriously hindered the development of capitalism, in order to fight against the British economic policy, led to the struggle of the people of North America. Lexington gunfire began in April 1775, the continental congress on July 4, 1776 through the written by Thomas Jefferson drafted the declaration of independence, declared the birth of the United States.
After north American people's hard struggle, finally forced Britain granted independence to the United States in 1783.
The war of independence ended the British colonial rule, realized the national independence, establishes a more democratic bourgeois democratic system, promotes the development of capitalism, and the French revolution in Latin America.

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