involve 后面加动词是用doing 吗?  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

involve in doing sth现在进行时 involve in sth


admit avoid consider
delay dislike enjoy escape
excuse finish imagine keep
mind miss practise risk
be used to can`t help
can`t stand give up go on
feel like keep on
insist on look forward to put off
devote to stick to object to
thank you for be busy
get down to
have difficut/trouble
还有一些动词后面可加to do形式,可加-ing 形式的
forget to do sth 忘记去做某事
doing sth 忘记已经做过某事
remember to do sth 记住去做某事
doing sth 记得曾经做过某事
stop to do sth 停下来接着去做另一件事
doing sth 停止做某事
mean to do sth 企图做某事
doing sth 意味着做某事
go on to do sth 做完某事接着去做另一件事
doing sth 继续做同一件事
try to do sth 试图做某事
doing sth 尝试着做某事
can`t help to do sth 不能帮助做某事
doing sth 情不自禁地做某事
be worth +n 值多少
+doing 值得做某事
还有动词后必须加sb然后才可接to do 形式如:
allow / advise / forbid / permit + sb to do sth
+ doing sth

1)作为及物动词, involve可以接名词作宾语,当然动名词也不例外. 但involve似乎一般并不直接接动词:迄今,本人未见到过involve doing ..,或者involve to do..这样的结构. 此外,involve一般用被动结构最多(也可用主动结构). be involved in st/doing st就是最典型的用法: He was involved in working out a plan. 他专心致志地制订计划。 All the children were involved in the school play. 所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的剧。 Don't involve other people in your trouble. 别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。 2)只要你掌握了以下几个固定表达,相信就基本上掌握了这个词的用法: (become)be involved in sth/doing sth 包含在...; 与...有关; 被卷入; 专心地(做) be involved with sth/doing sth涉及get involved with sth/doing sth给...缠住