
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

Hello, everyone. My name is Torm.There are five people in my family which is my mother ,father,and two young brother and me . My parents are both of workers , and my two young brothers are students as same as me but we are in the different school. My favourite food is mango and fish but vegetable is not my choose. In my free time i like playing badminton and table tennies with my brothers. I also like drawing. This is me and my family which is a happiness family.

from that day on,my arm has been changed. A voice occurred to my brains,"power,give me the more power". It's not worthwile to talk about,if I becomed an evil ,I can stand in exile,as long as I can take care of her,I am willing to bear anything.

I am a Shanghai business school students, and good humor, lively, good at communication, can be hard in school during the good results, with an open mind eager to learn, in order to broaden their knowledge and actively participate in practical activities, the emphasis on team spirit. I am hard-working hard, up to and strive to learn professional knowledge and skills test and a school provided for the professional certificates. Chuxiao Men set foot on the cross-community now, I am enthusiastic and confident that we can meet all of this, I believe I can redouble our efforts And positive to do our best. Thanks

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