
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

Book 7 Module 1参考答案及部分解析
11-15 BABAC 16-20CBACA
21-25 ABDCD 26-30CAADA
31-35 DAADA 36-40 ADFGC
41-45 BCADB 46-50CADBC
51-55 ADACB 56-60 DACDB
61. player 62.on
63. where 64.to move
65. had heard 66.a
67. strongly 68.himself
69. knowing 70.historical
71. ... dreamed becoming ...
72. To her disappointed ...
disappointed → disappointment
73. ... her parents don't ... don't → didn't
74. Therefore, Li Hui ...
Therefore → However
75. She worked hardly ... hardly → hard
76. Just before he ... he → she
77. ... the famous art school ... the → a
78. The first three winner ...
winner → winners
79. ... to missing the ... missing → miss
80. ... I feel it certain ... 去掉it
One possible version:
To help the students know better aboutfancy basketball and encourage them to take more exercise, a fancy basketballgame was held in our school from 3:00 to 4:00 on the afternoon of 28th,December, 2014. One hundred players from our school took part in the game, anda player from Class One, Grade Three became the champion after several roundsof fierce competition. After the game, some famous fancy basketball playerswere invited to perform on the spot. The students were deeply impressed withtheir wonderful performance. The students said they hoped that such activitiescould be held as often as possible.

21. A。细节理解题。由“Tiny”一节中的his nickname originated off thecourt: he was named after his father, “Big Tiny”可知,Nate Archibald的绰号和篮球没有关系,故选A项。
22. B。词义猜测题。由该词前后相关内容可知,Johnson是一位球技娴熟的运动员,常常会做出一些出人意料的动作使得对手十分懊恼而让观众叫好,故选B项。
23. D。推理判断题。由“The Iceman”一节中的He was also famous for keepinghis cool in every game, playing in a relaxed way under pressure可知,George Gervin之所以被称为“冰人”是因为他在球场上总是能够沉着应战,故选D项。
24. C。写作目的题。作者通过本文主要向我们介绍了几位著名篮球运动员绰号的由来及其相关情况,故选C项。
25. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的Ngari solalew zìsìt apolpxay? (How old are you?)可知D项说法正确。
26. C。推理判断题。由第三段中的Cameron created about30 words和有关PaulFrommer的叙述:He chose20 consonants and 7 vowels,he created rules of grammar,he created a vocabulary of about 1,000 words等信息可知,纳威语其实是一种人造的新语言,故选C项。
27. A。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的Sometimes someonemade a mistake. Then other people laughed可知,有时有人出错了,其他人就大笑,所以那些人一定是在说这个人很笨,故选A项。
28. A。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了《阿凡达》这部影片中人们所使用的语言——纳威语——的由来及其影响,故选A项。
29. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的he was shot down by ayoung guy和that guy madeaway with his violin可知,Frank Almond在演出后遭到袭击并且被抢走了小提琴,故选D项。
30. A。细节理解题。由第一段中的On January 27th, 2014及第二段中的Almond's violin, which datesback to 1715可知,到现在为止这把小提琴已有大约三百年的历史了,故选A项。
31. D。推理判断题。由第三段中的Andrea Amati(1505-1577), who is widely recognized as the inventor and the earliest recordedviolin maker可知,AndreaAmati是小提琴研制这一领域的先驱,故选D项。
32. A。段落大意题。由文章最后两段中的Stradivari improved... broad edges and wide corners和Guarneri's creations are supposed to be even better both visuallyand in sound quality等信息可知,这两段主要向我们介绍了小提琴的改进,故选A项。
33. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的Sensors on the bionicarm detect and receive ... the signal to be sent to the brain可知A项为正确答案。
34. D。细节理解题。由最后一段中的it now works with manywires outside, preventing amputees from using it outside of the lab可知,该仿生手臂现在对于截肢者来说并不方便携带,故选D项。
35. A。标题归纳题。总览全文可知,作者主要向我们介绍了一种新型的仿生手臂,这一发明将有可能给截肢者带来希望,故用A项内容作为标题最恰当。
36. A。由本段标题Does your area receive enoughdirect lighting?和该空后的相关内容可知,这里是说你所住的地方要有足够的直射阳光,否则这些太阳能灯无法正常发挥作用,故选A项。
37. D。本段主要是讲价格高一些的太阳能灯质量会更好,所以人们在购买的时候最好一次性地选购那些价格较高的太阳能灯,故用D项内容作为小标题最恰当。
38. F。由该空前后的it's best to buy moreexpensive lights of high quality和At least you should know the difference between a $10 light and a$45 light可知,作者并不是说要人们把钱都花在那些价格昂贵的灯上,但起码应该明白十美元的灯和四十五美元的灯之间的差异,故选F项。
39. G。由本段标题Buy lights that require lessinstallation和该空后的You don'tneed to buy lights that require half an hour each to plant into the ground可知,作者在此建议人们购买那些易于安装的太阳能灯,故选G项。
40. C。由该空前面的Different solar lights canstore different amounts of energy可知,不同的太阳能灯点亮的时间长短也不相同,故C项说法符合此处语境。
41. B。由上文的My previous job ... 45 miles towork, one-way和The new one... 20 miles in total可知,作者原先开车上班的话单程就有四十五英里,而现在的工作开车总共才二十英里,即:来回是二十英里,故填both。
42. C。由上文的it is in Chicago和下文的heavy traffic可知,新工作虽然更近了但却是在芝加哥这座大城市,开车去上班的话真是自找“麻烦(trouble)”。
43. A。由下文的I had an excuse to say goodbyeto ... a car可知,作者认为自己没有必要再开车了,故填necessary。
44. D。由上下文内容可知,这里是说给汽车所花费的保险、汽油以及“修理(repairs)”等费用。
45. B。由上文的after pouring endless amountsof money into paying for insurance, gas可知,作者“拥有(owning)”自己的车。
46. C。由下文的it seemed cars were giving meproblems可知,这里是说作者自从十八岁开始“开车(driving)”以来。
47. A。由上文的My first ride ended with me twoblocks away from home可知,作者的车在离家还有两个街区的地方不能“动(move)”了。
48. D。由下文的that any car I owned would needrepairs from time to time可知,作者第一次开车,车子就出了故障,这马上成了今后时不时就需要修理的“前兆(sign)”。
49. B。由下文的There are many types oftransportation in the area可知,作者是说自己不再“孤单(alone)”了,即:不用一个人再开着车子上班了,可以每天跟着那么多人一起乘坐公共交通工具。
50. C。由下文的buses, trains, and subways可知,这里是说这些交通工具“包括(including)”公交车、火车和地铁。
51. A。由下文的a mile long walk to the firsttrain, a transfer to another train, and then another mile long walk to thebuilding可知,作者早上上班的行程先是步行一英里。begin with表示“从……开始”,符合语境。
52. D。由上文的new job和Chicago等信息可知,这里是说作者来到了自己上班的大楼,故填employed。
53. A。作者通过步行来增加自己锻炼身体的机会,故填added。
54. C。55. B。“由于(Because of)”交通拥堵,有时候步行反倒“更快(quicker)”。
56. D。由上文的exercise和下文的Now I just pay $5 a day to ride the train可知,作者已经看到了没有车的诸多“好处(advantages)”。
57. A。得益于自己的新工作,作者不用再把钱花在保险、汽油和修理上了,而且现在上班路上还可以步行锻炼身体,终于可以“放弃(giving up)”自己的车子了。
58. C。由上文的Ever since I had begun ... itseemed cars were giving me problems可知,开车已经成了一件让作者十分“担心(worried)”的事情。
59. D。60. B。有了这份新工作,作者将“永远不(never)”必再开着车在停车场里绕来绕去“找(looking for)”车位。
61. player。考查名词。由设空处后面的定语从句who currently plays for the Chicago Bulls of the NBA可知,此处指人,故填player。
62. on。考查介词。表示在具体的某一天,用介词on。
63. where。考查关系词。设空处引导定语从句且在从句中作地点状语,故填where。
64. to move。考查非谓语动词。plan后接不定式作宾语。
65. had heard。考查时态。hear表示的动作发生在过去的动作decided之前,是“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。
66. a。考查冠词。doctor是可数名词且在此处表泛指,故填不定冠词a。
67. strongly。考查副词。设空处修饰形容词interested,故填副词strongly。
68. himself。考查代词。由语境可知,加索尔是自学意大利语和法语,故填himself。
69. knowing。考查非谓语动词。介词后接动词-ing形式作宾语。
70. historical。考查形容词。设空处后接名词,故填形容词historical,意为“有关历史的”。

1-5 ADBCD 6-10 CABAD
1. A。细节理解题。由第一段中的in the barn owned byPatrick and Catherine O'Leary, a fire started可知,芝加哥大火是在O'Leary家的畜棚里引发的,故选A项。
2. D。推理判断题。由第二段中的Michael Ahern, thereporter who wrote the story, admitted in 1893 that he had made up the storysimply to sell more newspapers可知,为了卖出更多报纸,Michael Ahern编造了这一火灾的起因,所以他是不诚实的,故选D项。
3. B。细节理解题。由第二段中的Even today, no oneknows for sure what started the fire以及最后一段中的Most scientists have been unable to find enough evidence可知,芝加哥大火的真正原因尚不明了,故选B项。
4. C。细节理解题。来自外太空的流星只是人们对于引发火灾的一种猜测,并不是使灾害加重的因素,故选C项。
5. D。推理判断题。由第一段中的相关数据可知这次芝加哥大火造成的损失巨大,在最后一段中作者说Anyway, when it comes to safety, you cannot be too careful,所以通过本文我们应该明白:防范胜于补救。
6. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的Not only does thecharity provide meals for the homeless but it also teaches them cooking skillsthat prepare them for jobs in food service可知,FareStart这一慈善组织不但为无家可归者提供食物,而且还教给他们一些烹饪技术以便将来他们能够找到相关工作,这样他们就会生活得更好了,故选C项。
7. A。写作目的题。作者在第二段中通过一些数字向我们说明了FareStart这一慈善组织在解决就业问题上所作出的积极贡献,故选A项。
8. B。推理判断题。由第四段中Jayna所说的I could not have put myself backtogether again和FareStart didthat for me以及第五段中的Kevin, whograduated from FareStart in April 2012, is another success story等信息可知,Jayna和Kevin一定都对FareStart充满了感激之情,故选B项。
9. A。细节理解题。由最后一段中的FareStart plans toshift more focus to women, ... the local homeless population可知,FareStart将会更加关注那些无家可归的女性,故选A项。
10. D。标题归纳题。总览全文可知,对于那些无家可归者,FareStart不仅仅是向他们提供食物而且还对其进行培训,让他们有一技之长,从而可以找到工作而不用再挨饿了,正如文章开头所说:授人以鱼,不如授人以渔,故用D项内容作为文章标题最恰当。

高二英语周报外研版Book 7 Module 2 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 ABABC 6-10 CABCA
11-15 CBACB 16-20 BCAAB
21-25 BDBDB 26-30ADBCC
31-35 ACCBB 36-40AFCDE
41-45 BCADC 46-50ADBCD
51-55 BACDA 56-60BDACB
61. industrial 62.because
63. to make 64. had
65. which / that 66.into
67. equipment 68. a
69. was built 70.or
71. Known that our school ...
Known → Knowing
72. ... give some advices. advices → advice
73. ... are interested at ... at → in
74. ... that provide us with ... that → which
75. As result ... result前加a
76. ... and singing ... singing → sing
77. When we are always ...
When→ Although /Though / While
78. ... we can't easy communicate ...
easy → easily
79. ... why I suggested ...
suggested → suggest
80. I'll be glad that if ... 去掉that
One possible version:
Dear Bob,
It's time to say goodbye. The memories ofthose beautiful days we spent together often come to my mind. You are my bestfriend who gave me a hand when I was in trouble.
Remember that night two years ago? Isuddenly fell ill and it was you who carried me on your back to a nearbyhospital. You took good care of me while I was having an injection and youdidn't sleep for the whole night. I was moved deeply.
I have hundreds of other stories to sharewith you. I'd like to give you thousands of blessings. May all your dreams cometrue! And may our friendship last forever!
Li Hua

A篇 (体育)
21. B。细节理解题。由第一段的最后一句可知,参加Girl's NightOut的女孩不需要带高尔夫球杆和钉鞋,只需要穿运动鞋。
22. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的Foot Golf is whathappens when you combine golf and soccer可知,Foot Golf是一项把高尔夫运动和足球运动结合在一起的运动。
23. B。推理判断题。根据文章内容以及倒数第三段中的To manage thenumber of people ... Here is a quick and easy form to fill out:可知,本文是一则通知。
B篇 (学校生活)
24. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的I don't always get thechance to go to the ones I want because of classes and other schedule conflicts可知,作者因为有课或者其他的日程冲突而不能去参加他想参加的会议。
25. B。推理判断题。由第一段中的Having five days ...was great和第二段中的One ofthe sessions I enjoyed以及文中的描述可知,作者非常喜欢参加PRSSA的会议。
26. A。推理判断题。由第二、三段的描述可知,作者从PRSSA的会议中学到很多,再结合第四段中的also allowed ...know each other better ... always try to help each other,可以推断出,PRSSA的会议可以让其成员受益。
27. D。推理判断题。由最后一段的描述可知,作者强烈建议读者若有机会一定要去参加PRSSA的会议。
C篇 (语言学习)
28. B。推理判断题。第一段列的数字就是为了说明科学家SteveSutherland的观点:languagesare in more danger of extinction than birds or mammals,即语言比鸟类和哺乳动物消失的速度快。
29. C。词义猜测题。由第四段中的Languages may be lostthrough migration和Governmentsalso play a role in the extinction of languages可知,本段主要讲述了导致语言消失的原因,故由此推断,devastate意为“毁坏”。
30. C。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的As languages arelost, whole ways of life and knowledge may be lost along with them可知,随着语言的消失,与之相应的生活方式和知识也会消失。
31. A。推理判断题。由最后一段中的language expressessomething about identity, about our place in the world以及Ani Rauhihi说的话可知,我们的语言反映了我们的身份和在世界上的位置。
D篇 (现代技术)
32. C。细节理解题。由第三段中的computers can't handleany process that completely integrates information和第四段中的the ability to integrateinformation is a key feature of consciousness可知,计算机没有整合信息的能力,所以没有意识。
33. C。细节理解题。由第五、六段的描述可知,大脑可以整合信息,第六段举例来说明这一论点。
34. B。推理判断题。由最后一段可知,人类不可能找到机器人爱人。
35. B。标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了数学模型表明机器人不会像人类一样有情感体验,机器人是永远不会有感情的,故B项作标题最能概括文章主旨。
36. A。由第一段的描述以及下文中的There are severalstages of child development可知,A项“这种成长被称为儿童发展”符合此处语境。
37. F。由该空前的Their thinking skills alsoimprove和该空后的They liketo copy what other people say and do可知,F项“他们慢慢开始把词放在一起来组句子”符合此处语境。
38. C。由该空前的Children learn many importantskills during this stage以及该空后的Playing with others helps them learn how to get along with all kindsof people可知,C项内容“他们学习如何玩有简单规则的游戏”符合此处语境。
39. D。由该空后的They become better at ...understand how to be helpful to others可知,在接近青春期的岁月,他们会变得更加独立。
40. E。由上文的描述以及该空后的As preteens becometeenagers, they move one step closer ...可知,E项“接近青春期岁月的结束标志着童年的结束”符合此处语境。

41. B。由下文的描述可知,这位女顾客近来处境“艰难(hard)”。
42. C。由上下文的描述可知,她前一天晚上来过,这次返回来是要“决定(determine)”她能买得起什么。
43. A。由下文中的was only enough for oneblanket可知,她想给自己和两个儿子买“毯子(blankets)”。
44. D。由上下文的描述可知,她最后“决定(decision)”买一条毯子和其他一些东西。
45. C。46. A。由该句中的all of the cash, but it was only enough for one blanket可知,她“数出(counted out)”所有的零钱,却只能买一条毯子,没钱购买“剩余的(rest)”物品。
47. D。由文中的描述可知,这位先生正“等着(waiting)”结账。
48. B。由下文中的signaled to me可知,他“静静地(quietly)”看着。
49. C。由下文的描述可知,他告诉“我”他想为这位女顾客“买(buy)”其他的东西。
50. D。由下文中的The man provided me with his creditcard可知,当“我”问他是否确定时,他“点了点头(nodded)”。
51. B。“当(while)”“我”请这位女顾客稍等片刻时,“我”很快算出了其他东西的价格。
52. A。由上文中的rang out the rest of thepurchases可知,此处指“总价(total)”。
53. C。这名男顾客“毫不犹豫地(without blinking)”提供了他的信用卡。
54. D。由上文中的credit card可知,他“签了字(signed)”,离开了。
55. A。由上文中的all of the things were hers可知,“我”告诉她,她买的东西已经“结账(checked out)”了。
56. B。由上文中的She stared at me可知,她非常“吃惊(shock)”。
57. D。由下文中的I started crying too可知,她感动地流下了“眼泪(tears)”。
58. A。在“我”十年的兼职工作中,“我”从未见过这样的“无私行为(selflessness)”。
59. C。由上文中的good可知,这个世界上有很多“非常好的(great)”人。
60. B。由文中的描述可知,这名男顾客的善举给这位女顾客带来了“欢乐(joy)”和帮助。
61. industrial。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处作定语,修饰areas,故填industrial。
62. because。考查连接词。设空处引导表语从句,且表原因,故填because。
63. to make。考查不定式作宾补的用法。permit sb. to do sth.意为“允许某人做某事”,故填to make。
64. had。考查一般过去时。have所表示的动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时。
65. which / that。考查关系词。 设空处引导定语从句修饰idea,且在从句中作主语,故填which/ that。
66. into。考查介词。turn ... into ... 意为“将……变为……”。
67. equipment。考查名词。设空处与bag并列,故填equipment。
68. a。考查不定冠词。success在此表示“成功的事”,是可数名词,故填a。
69. was built。考查一般过去时的被动语态。build所表示的动作发生在过去,且dormitory与build之间是被动关系,故填was built。
70. or。考查连词。a week or more表示“一周或更长的时间”。

1-5 DADBC 6-10 DBDCA
A篇 (自然)
1. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的How young cougars learnto hunt is one of the things cougar researchers ...及第二段中的he put expandable trackingcollars on them too, so he could follow them as they grew可知,给美洲狮幼崽脖子上佩戴项圈是为了观察它们如何学习捕猎,也就是如何掌握生存技能的。
2. A。推理判断题。由第三段中的Their brown and blackspots could mix with the forest, helping to keep them safe from predators可知,这些棕黑色的斑点与森林的颜色融合,可以保护美洲狮免受其他食肉动物的袭击。
3. D。词义猜测题。由划线词下文中的They'd still benursed for another month, but they were ready to go out of their hideaway withtheir mother可知,这些美洲狮幼崽应该是“急切地”想出去捕猎。
4. B。细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的The minute she makesthe kill, she hides it and heads back for the kittens, and they follow her tothe kill site可知,F51捕到猎物后,会叫来自己的孩子们一起分享食物。
5. C。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了美洲狮在森林里与不同的对手抗衡捕猎的过程,由此可以推断文章主要描述了它们的坚毅。
B篇 (现代技术)
6. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的which allows visuallyimpaired or blind people to be more mobile可知,Alex的发明能够帮助盲人自如地行走。
7. B。细节理解题。由第三、四段可知,Alex受到一位盲人女士的启发,想出了这个创意。
8. D。推理判断题。由第六段中的works by using soundwaves to discover objects in the users' path and show how close things are tothem可推断,蝙蝠用声呐系统对周围的物体进行定位。
9. C。推理判断题。由倒数第三段可知,McLaughlin的这番话饱含着对Alex的赞扬。
10. A。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的Alex is now workingclosely with the team at the science centre to hold an exhibition for hisinvention可知,他正在筹备他这项发明的展览。

Book 7 Module 2 参考答案及部分解析
11-15CCBBA 16-20CCBCC
21-25DCBBA 26-30ABDDB
31-35CDCAA 36-40DABDA
41-45CCBBD 46-50AADCD
51-55BCDAB 56-60BCDBC
61-65AACCA 66-70DADDC
76. Because he had a terrible car accident.
77. He was kind of shocked.
78. Through his church.
79. He nursed Smith and drove for him.
80.To help Smith get his diploma.
81. ... attend to a ... 去掉to
82. ... was easy ... easy → difficult / hard 或easy前加not
83. ... Julie injure her ... her → herself
84. ... one of her injury ... injury → injuries
85. ... Julie watches a ... watches →watched
86. That's how... how→ when
87. Because her ... her前加of
88. ... training or hard work ... or → and
89. Several years late ... late → later
90. ... and becoming ... becoming → became
One possible version:
Dear Jack,
It's nice to hear from you. Now let me tell you something about my senior high school life.
I live in the school dormitory and I spend five days at school every week. Our school begins at 7:00 am every day. We have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. In the evening, we study by ourselves in the classroom from 7:00 to 9:00. And we usually go to bed at 10:00 pm. With a heavy learning load, we really have busy days.
To build up my body, I usually play basketball with my classmates during the 40-minute break in the afternoon. At weekends, I often climb mountains or go swimming to relax.
In a word, my senior high school life is busy but colourful. I believe all that I do today is worthwhile.
Best regards,
Li Hua
21. D。此处success意为“一件成功的事”,是可数名词,故第一空用a;have a good time玩得愉快。
22. C。when引导的从句是真正的宾语,故用it作形式宾语。
23. B。allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事。因kids与run之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用其动词不定式的主动式。
24. B。由when a man ... son可知,这是一个传统(tradition)。
25.A。本句使用了强调句型It was ... that ...,强调时间状语not until I read the writer's book。
26.A。由I find it hard to believe anything bad of her可知,innocent(天真无邪的)符合题意。
27.B。have fun doing sth. 做某事很开心。
28. D。I was not interested in the topic是I left so early的原因,故用why引导表语从句。
29. D。the high salary 及the possibility of foreign travel是那份工作吸引(attracts)我的地方。
30. B。look back at your life回首你的人生。
31. C。由knocked, there was no reply及答语中的then可知,当时“我”正在打乒乓球。故用过去进行时。
32. D。由I’m nervous about the operation可知,“我”没有像我应该(should)的那样勇敢。
33. C。由makes me annoyed 可知,他总是(forever)评论我的体重。
34.A。consider与the painting之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用Considered。
35.A。由They are safe places for kids可知,答话者同意对方的观点,故用I’m with you on that(我同意你的这一看法)。
36. D。由上文的One day, my father ... business meeting可知,作者的父亲开车送他的老板去另外一个城市开商务会议。他们来到市郊“停下(stopped)”吃一顿便饭。
37. A。由下文的He stepped out of the car可知,他们在汽车里吃的三明治。可以判断,孩子们路过了这辆“汽车(car)”。
38. B。由上文的Looking more closely可知,老板对那个男孩进行了仔细的观察。observe有“看到,观察到”的意思。
39. D。由上文可知,孩子们路过了这辆车,逐渐走远了。老板下了车,“追上(caught up with)”男孩,说他可以帮助男孩矫正跛足。
40. A。有人愿意帮助自己消除残疾,男孩自然很“高兴(delighted)”。
41. C。由上文可知,老板下车以后追上男孩,记下了他的名字,然后应该“回(returned)”到车上。
42. C。43. B。由下文可知,作者的父亲按照老板的吩咐,找到了男孩的家,目的是让他的父母同意接受捐助。
44. B。由上文的One day, my father ... business meeting 和On the outskirts ... sandwich lunch可知,他们吃完了三明治之后继续赶路。
45. D。没过多久,作者的父亲“找到(find)”了吉米的家。
48. D。耐心地讲解完之后,作者的父亲“离去(left)”了。
49. C。50.D。由上文可知,吉米的父母对这项捐助计划仍存疑虑。因此,作者父亲的老板跟当地政府取得联系,请求他们派专人去吉米家,让他的父母相信这是合法的捐助活动。
51. B。由下文的After five operations可知,作者的父亲带着吉米去了另外一个州的一家很好的“医院(hospital)”。
52. C。由上文的After five operations, his limp disappeared可知,吉米的跛脚已经治好了。他回来的时候,迈着轻快的步伐走向他的父母,他的父母很“惊奇(amazement)”。
53. D。吉米的父母仍然难以“相信(believe)”,一个他们从没见过的人会花一大笔钱为他们的孩子矫正跛足。
54.A。由上文的an unknown benefactor可知。
55. B。本文是一个爱心小故事。福特汽车公司的创始人亨利·福特做好事不留名,匿名捐助一个男孩,治好了他的跛足。文章最后一句话是点睛之笔。福特总是说:当匿名为别人做点事情时,更快乐。
56. B。推理判断题。根据第一段中的You’re greeted by a friend ... before he helps you with your homework及第二段中的It kind of looks like you, walks and dances, listens and talks, and even learns and thinks for itself可知,这是一款智能化程度很高的机器人。
57. C。写作手法题。根据第三段中的These robots,Other robots可知,本段主要是对新款机器人与以往的机器人作一比较,故选C项。
58. D。推理判断题。根据末段中的have an emotional appeal to people 及NAO’s friendly design可知,这款机器人设计得很人性化。
59. B。写作目的题。文章主要介绍了一款新型的机器人,故选B项。
60. C。细节理解题。根据第一部分中的Candidates must speak excellent fluent English 可知。
61. A。细节理解题。根据第四部分中的which delivers services through volunteers to help older people remain active and independent in their communities及You will be required to have good communication skills可知。
62. A。推理判断题。根据文章中的VOLUNTEER HELP WANTED,VOLUNTEERS WANTED等可知,四则广告主要是为了招募志愿者。
63. C。推理判断题。根据第二段中的smiled及第三段中的feel so much smarter可知,获取高中毕业证书弥补了自己的一个遗憾,她应该很高兴。
64. C。细节理解题。根据第五、六段可知,Crabtree没有继续完学业是因为她要结婚。
65. A。细节理解题。根据第七段中的Her family today includes five grandchildren and four great grandchildren可知,她有个大家庭。
66. D。细节理解题。根据第九段中的She had voiced quite a while back the one regret she had in life was that she never had gotten her diploma可知。
67.A。词义猜测题。根据第二段中的stomachs pressed against backs 及for a seat at the same time on that same bus可知,此处是说人们为了一个座位“竞争(competing)”。
68.D。段落大意题。第三段的首句Cultural display rules differ from country to country, state to state, even city to city是该段的主题句,下文所举的例子都是为了说明这一主题。
69. D。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的show a great deal of respect 和a huge step toward bridging cultural gaps with language可知,了解不同的文化表现规则意义重大。
70. C。标题归纳题。文章主要介绍了文化对身体语言的影响,故C项作标题最贴切。
1. D。细节理解题。根据第一段的末句可知,奥巴马夫人召集此次会议的目的是讨论儿童食 品方面的问题。
2.A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的decreasing rates of childhood obesity及下文给出的数据可知,美国儿童肥胖率下降了。
3. C。推理判断题。第六段提到食品广告对孩子的影响,第七段奥巴马夫人给出研究结果对这一影响加以说明。
4. B。推理判断题。根据第六段中的The First Lady then encouraged the food industry to actively market fruit, vegetables ... 及最后一 段中的A bigger challenge is convincing companies ... market more nutritious whole foods instead可知,奥巴马夫人希望这些食品公司生产、销售更多有营养的食品。
5. B。标题归纳题。文章主要介绍了美国第一夫人召集食品企业老板开会讨论食品健康的相 关事宜,故B项作标题最贴切。
6. B。段落大意题。由First let’s take a look at exactly what's happening to your skin 可知,本段主要讲的是水母如何蜇人。
7. A。细节理解题。由第二段的Before you do any washing, however, remove any jellyfish tentacles可知,在开始清洗皮肤之前,应该先把皮肤上水母的触手清理干净。
8. D。篇章结构题。联系when you go to the beach just in case可知,this information指的是上一段提到的蛰伤处理方法。
9. A。推理判断题。由第三段的A study from April 2012和after analysis of available information from 1950 to the present可知,这项研 究对60多年的数据进行了分析。
10. D。细节理解题。由最后一段的with websites where ... on jelly populations 和enter your location ... from the experience可知,作者希望读者帮助科学家们收集关于水母的信息。