
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

1.I'd like to eat apples.
2.I want to go somewhere warm.
somewhere 是不定代词 形容词放在后面~
3.why not try your best to do the thing?
why not是一种习惯语后面省略了前面指代的内容
用法:why not + do
why don't you +do 这里的do是助动词必须加实义动词
4.I am considering going or not.
consider doing 是考虑的意思.
5.Please come whenever it is convenient to you.

My cat is cute.

1、you are very beautiful。

2、He is a lucky boy。

3、 It's a nice book。

4、The rainbow is very colorful。

5、you are fat。

6、her face is round。

7、her coat is red。

8、she is slim。

9、Our teacher is kind。

10、The bike is good。

11、The desk is heavy。

12、The building is high。

13、The Yellow River is long。

14、we are helpful。

15、the song is popular。

1、you are very beautiful。 2、He is a lucky boy。 3、 It's a nice book。 4、The rainbow is very colorful。 5、you are fat。 6、her face is round。 7、her coat is red。 8、she is slim。 9、Our teac

1、you are very beautiful。
2、He is a lucky boy。
3、 It's a nice book。
4、The rainbow is very colorful。
5、you are fat。
6、her face is round。
7、her coat is red。
8、she is slim。
9、Our teacher is kind。
10、The bike is good。
11、The desk is heavy。
12、The building is high。
13、The Yellow River is long。
14、we are helpful。
15、the song is popular。
推荐于 2019-11-07


12项内容深度英文论文母语润色。搞定所有问题,专业20年! 85折优惠!免加急费!2天返稿!始于1999年!10年以上工作经验对口母语专家!包至发表!不限轮次修改!仅0.34元每字!
1.I'd like to eat apples. 2.I want to go somewhere warm. somewhere 是不定代词 形容词放在后面~ 3.why not try your best to do the thing? why not是一种习惯语后面省略了前面指代的内容 在很多电影里经常听到 用法:why not + do why don't you +do 这里的do是助动词必须加实义动词 4.I am considering going or not. consider doing 是考虑的意思. 我正在考虑去不去 5.Please come whenever it is convenient to you. 方便的时候,请随时来。
12 浏览3015
He is an old man. 他是个老人。 She plays piano very well. 她弹钢琴弹得很好。 It's a nice book. 这是一本好书。 The bed is soft. 床很舒服。 My bedroom is very clean. 我的卧室很干净。 There are many tall buildings. 那有很多高耸的建筑。 I have a good computer. 我有一台好电脑。 He is a lucky boy. 他是个幸运的男孩。 The rainbow is very colorful. 彩虹很多彩。
66 浏览22792017-11-26
My cat is cute. These flowers are beautiful. The pig is lazy. The building is tall. This film is exciting. He is very funny. My teachers are very kind Jack is friendly The box is heavy The dress is expensive. 望采纳谢谢,喵~
8 浏览244
lovely......She is a lovely girl. poor........There is a poor dog. smart......They are a bunch of smart people. rich.........He is a rich man. beautiful,.It was a beautiful story.
9 浏览362
1. i am tall.2. you are fat.3. he is thin.4. she is slim.5. they are busy.6. it is small.7. we are helpful.8. Lucy is polite.9. Tom is careful.10 Our teacher is kind.11 The bike is good.12 His pen is expensive.13 Her bag is cheap.

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