
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-07

Hi, my name is Hou Junqing.I'm 16 years old. I graduated from NO. 37 Junior School and was admitted by NO. 3 Senior School. To celebrate my success, my mom and I plan to enjoy ourselves in the USA. I want to take a visit to the Disneyland in the US. I will have a wonderful vacation if you approve my visa application.


what's the theme of the expo?
what does the expo emblem look like?
when does the expo begin and end?
class eight,grade four

Brand is a mark to describe the quality and image of commodity.To a merchandise succeed is very valuable and helpful.Because of the uniqueness of the trademark.The translate of the brand must be consider not only the goods but also the consumer's tradition cultrue 、psychology、sense of worth、 aesthetic value and so on.This thesis explain the problem with example to research the 音译法,音义法,借译法. Obtain a better way to brand tranlattion and To promote consumption

PS:上边 方法是专业词汇,我不敢乱译.

Is a trademark sign of the quality of goods and commodities on behalf of the image, for the success of the goods can not be estimated with a value. Due to the uniqueness of the trademarks, trade marks in the process of translation must not only consider its own trademark, consumers should also consider the cultural heritage, consumer psychology, values and aesthetic value. Article example, to explore the translation of the Korean trademark law, law translation, sound and meaning law, by translation, in order to make better use of the trademark translation, so as to promote consumption.

A trademark marks the quality of the commodity and represents the image of it. It has an unmeasurable value on the success of the commodity. In the translation process of a trademark,due to the uniqueness of trademarks,we should not only take the factors of the commodity itself into consideration,but also the cultrual trandition of the consumers, consumption psychology,value concepts and aesthetic values.In order to achieve a better using of the trademark's translation,thus the stimulation of consumption,we should study the transliteration,the liberal translation,the method of sound/pronunciation and meaning and borrowing translation,combining the article with the example,

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