
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-17


By 2010, Nokia hopes to half of the sales revenue comes from Asia Pacific region. Emerging markets, as Nokia continues its strong development momentum of the main force.
With data expected in 2009 mobile phones will reach the third one billion users.
Latin America, Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Central and Eastern European countries are becoming an increasingly strong demand for mobile services in emerging markets, these markets for mobile service providers to form a huge temptation. India is where the world's fastest growing mobile phone market countries, as many as six million new users every month. Nokia hopes to maintain its emerging markets such as India's dominant position, and then in the next 1 billion slice of the mobile communications market.
Most of mobile users in emerging markets are from rural areas, and the rural population base, such as India's rural population accounts for the country's population of 2 / 3. Therefore regard the largest mobile service provider focused its attention on the rural market, as a profit-big cake. Nokia is no exception, has been continuously increasing in these markets, the promotion and marketing efforts. To learn more about consumption patterns of the rural population, among them promote the Nokia brand, the need for a new environment, comply with local objective methods. In order to reach the remote mountainous areas come into contact with consumers, the Nokia organized Nokia truck fleet.
All the team trucks are drawn with a blue Nokia brand logo and various product advertisements. Nokia Bashansheshui truck and went into a lot of publicity to the past, not villages. Nokia trucks, Nokia cell phone can be brought to those living in remote locations in front of consumers. The slack in the local market or holidays, these mobile teams will be docked in the countryside. Service staff have the opportunity to patiently told the crowd of people how to use and purchase of Nokia mobile phones. So far, it is Nokia, trucks, and other ways to help Nokia in some remote mountain village town with the sales revenue, and continue to have greatly improved.
With the return of sustained advocacy efforts: the opposite a few years ago, more and more consumers are willing to pay even a cell phone a few months of income, because they have realized that the connection would give their lives to bring earth-shaking changes. Ie single in the Indian market, Nokia's revenue in 2006 to 3.7 billion U.S. dollars, becoming the most important emerging markets.
Apart from promoting a truck, the product is the Nokia entered India and other emerging markets, another way - provide the basis for the development of the local special circumstances, targeted functional mobile phone. It is this feature specially designed for Nokia to bring 70% of India's market share.
Since 2003, in emerging markets, you can see a variety of Nokia, the market tailored specifically for the mobile phone. Such as dirt, is targeted in rural areas, dry and dusty weather, so that consumers feel more intimate; still flash functions in often unexpected power outages in the rural environment, the role played great help. While visiting a number of most companies ignored the market, with local consumers face to face communication for Nokia to bring some useful information, particularly in terms of sales. Nokia employees in the Kenyan capital Nairobi slums on the outskirts of the survey found that many residents have formed spontaneously to buy the club to buy mobile phones, all members of the money put together a one to buy mobile phones, until everyone has had so far and each of the first owners were determined by random draw. This way the local consumption of Nokia's product innovation has brought inspiration.
May 3, 2007, Nokia launched seven models in India, specifically for developing markets for new mobile phones - which is designed for ease of several family members, designed to share.

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