
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-19



Perhaps,I experienced turns of life,

He is at a distance/flowers come about.


  • 懂英语的快来帮我翻译一下文章
    答:Did the detectives save the diamonds 那些侦探挽救了那些钻石吗?The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.飞机晚点了,而且侦探们等了整整一个早上。They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. 他们在等一个从南非来的装着钻石的有...
  • 懂英语的人帮我翻译下
    答:I called WanLing,I'm 20-year-old,I was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu. Wuxi in the Electrical and Mechanical higher vocational technical school students five years, the past five years has learned many things, the study of several programming languages such as: JAVA, C + +, J2SE, VB,...
  • 麻烦懂英语的高手帮帮忙翻译一下,大概的意思俺是知道了,恐理解错了,造...
    答:me.Awaiting to hear from you soonest Yours in faithful friend,and beloved 我喜欢的语言是英语,但我们的母语是法语,不过我可以说得一口很流利的英语.同时我也希望你可以像我以前告诉你的那样来叫我.希望你有个美好的一天,也请考虑我的建议.等待你的回信.期待你的早日回复,你真诚的心爱的朋友 ...
  • 懂英语的来帮我翻译一下!
    答:应该是 i feel bad 我感觉糟糕、、fell 是掉下的意思
  • 英语好的来吧!来帮我翻译一下
    答:no much in here...这还没什么 that shaolin guy is so fast.那个少林寺的家伙动作很快。I see some dumb people posting shit about karate like they know everything about it, DUDES ITS NOT KARATE ITS TAIKWANDO!!!我看到有些蠢蛋发些乱弹关于跆拳道的东西,好象他们什么都懂一样。家伙 这...
  • 懂英语帮忙翻译一下Kynareth shrine
    答:shrine 常用词汇 英 [ʃraɪn]     美 [ʃraɪn]n. 圣地; 神龛; 庙 v. 将 ... 置于神龛内; 把 ... 奉为神圣 kynareth 网络凯娜瑞斯;吉娜莱丝女神;吉娜丽丝 网络释义 1.凯娜瑞斯 独孤城圣灵神殿里的祭坛祝福分别... ... 智理之神 尤里安诺思( Julianos) ...
  • 懂英语的来帮我翻译一下,不是很难的
    答:XXX's choices are always correct.XXX is always making the right choice.(欢迎大家修改,我就是砖头)
  • 请懂英语的高手们帮忙翻译一下,我不要用网上翻译软件翻译出来的英语。因...
    答:楼上的那位仁兄,翻译的话在后面加上“一定准确”,会给人以误导的。你的翻译前面两句就已经有很明显的错误了。No matter how good the things are, they will be lost one day...如果你是由于打字匆忙导致的错误,那么请在确定你的答案“一定准确”之前重复检查几遍!再好的东西,也有失去的一天...
  • 懂英语的进来 帮我翻译一下 ,翻译成英文 急急急急急急
    答:We carry all major brand names at an unbelievable bargain prices; With stable supply for all products that we carry, we continue to receive new products every week. They are all ready for you.Our products include accessories such as belts, wallet of various sizes, jean for men ...
  • 英语学霸来,翻译一下