关于英语的两个问题 一个是翻译,另一个是造句

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-20

I am bored with my boss. He keeps arranging me a lot of tasks.我厌烦了我的老板,他总是布置给我很多任务。

I will talk to you later when you are available.等会等你有空我再和你谈。

I won't go to the movie with him.我不会和他去看电影。

No one is born poor.没有人生来就是贫困的。

There is a football match on the playground.操场上在进行足球比赛。

Let's go boating this weekend.这个周末我们去划船吧。

It is cool to go swimming on this hotday.在这个大热天去游泳是很爽快的事情。

Will you come to tea in my house tonight?你今晚可以来我家喝茶吗?

1. It is known to all that Taiwan is part of Chinese territory.
2. I happened to know about the matter.
3.I don't know the writer but I know of him.
造句: 1.look like 看起来像
The cloud over there looks like a sheep. 那边那朵云看起来像一只绵羊。
2.sound like 听起来像
It sounded like someone is running on some dry leaves. 听起来像有人在干落叶上跑。
3.smell like 闻起来像
Michelia figo smells like banana. 含笑花闻起来像香蕉。
4.taste like 尝起来像 5.feel like 感觉起来像

We will win, as we have the best force in the world.
sacrifice must be made, as we bear the hope of all our citizens.

she is welcomed as she always help others.
she like doing exercises as she want to keep fit.

They barely have rest as they have so much paperwork to deal with.
