
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01

Weight is crucial in diving because the aim is to cause the smallest splash possible.

1、I shall wait for him at the school gate. 我将在学校大门等他。
2、Wait me for a moment. 等我一会儿。
3、We're waiting for the bus. 我们在等公车。
4、They waited for Owen's arrival. 他们等待欧文的到来。
5、Don't wait supper for me. 别等我吃晚饭。
6、We're waiting for the rain to stop. 我们正在等雨停。
7、I can wait forever for you to come home. 我将会永远等待着你归来。
8、I've been waiting for twenty minutes. 我等了二十分钟。
9、She has impatience to wait for the bus. 她没有耐心等公共汽车到来。
10、The general ordered the fleet to remain where they were and wait for the further instructions. 将军命令舰队原地待命。

不及物动词 vi.
1. 等,等待[(+for)][+to-v]
Dodge is waiting to have a word with you.
We're waiting for the bus.
They waited for Owen's arrival.
他们等待欧文的到来。 2. 延缓处理;耽搁
That matter can wait.
那件事可以暂时搁置一下。 3. (常用进行时)已准备好[(+for)]
Your dinner is waiting.
你的晚餐已经做好了。 4. 服侍,伺候[(+on/upon/at)]
We must get enough people to wait upon the guests.
The old man has no one to wait on him.
及物动词 vt.
1. 等待(机会等)
He held her hand and waited the answer.
他握着她的手等待回答。 2. 【口】(为...)延后(用餐等)[(+for)]
Don't wait supper for me.
名词 n. [S]
1. 等待 2. 等待的时间

I can't wait to see you.我迫不及待想见你。

I am waiting for a bus

please wait for me. 请等等我。

wait a minute 等一下;等一会

  • wait 造句
    答:wherever you go ,I will be right here waiting for you.求采纳,互帮互助
  • “I will wait for you”什么意思?
    答:“I will wait for you”的意思是:我会等你的 。【wǒ huì děng nǐ de 】造句:1、I will wait for you at the entry. 我在入口处等你 2、Forever I will wait for you here. 我会永远等待你在这里
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  • 怎么用waitaminute造句
    答:"Ben, wait a minute!" She shouted. "I've got money for you.""本,等一会儿。"她喊道,"我有钱给你。"Please wait a minute, I'll go with you out of hand.请等一下,我立即跟你走。
  • cantwait是什么意思(wait造句)
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    答:可以根据需要来构造句子,以下是几个例子:I can hardly wait to meet my friend at the airport tomorrow!She can hardly wait to see her favorite band perform live next month.They can hardly wait to start their vacation on the beach next week.We can hardly wait to try the new ...
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    答:You must wait.你一定要等。你必须等。为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
  • 英语造句
    答:1.wait for sb/sth 2.do sb‘s homework 3.write to sb 4.want sth 5.drive to 1. I am right here waiting for you.我就在这里等你。2.Jack asked his older brother to help him do his homework. Jack叫他哥哥辅助他做家庭作业。3.Mary writes to her father everyweek. Mary每周...