用wish sb to do sth,someday, one day, predict,predictio分别造两个句子,初二水平,谢谢了,在线等啊

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29
wish sb to doing sth如何造句

wish sb to do sth 【希望某人干某事】
We wish you to have a good time .【我们希望你玩的开心】

1Wishyougoodluck Wishuswonderfullifetogether Wishyouapleasantjourney Hiscolleagueswishhimahappyretirement Wishyouahappybirthday 2Myparentsareverystrictwithme. Don'tbesostrictwithyourself Theteacherisstrictwithhisstudents Ourbossisverystrictwithus. I'mstrictwithmyself. 3Themanagerisstrictinhiswork. Heisstrictinhismoney. Thestudentsarestrictindiscipline. Thegovermentisstrictinenviromentalprotection. Theteacherisstrictinmoraleducation. 4Iwishhimtodowellinthejob. Iwishhimtostudyoverseas. Doyouwishmetoservedinnernow? Iwishhimtowintheprize. Iwishhimtovisitmesomeday.

I wish you to do your homework by yourself. I wish me to fly like a bird.
I want to go to Hong Kong someday. I hope you can visit me someday.
One day, he found he made a serous mistake. I hope to be a teacher one day.
It's predicted that it's going to rain tomorrow. I predict that it's going to be colder tomorrow.
The prediction turned out to be wrong. The prediction of the weather isn't always right.