求1篇《Nanny mcphee》英文观后感

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-20

The story is locked in an ordinary high school chemistry teacher Walter who he worked for 25 years in the extraordinary position . He could have been so extraordinary it, until one day , a paper has revolutionized the diagnosis of a terminal illness Walter's life. In order to make his wife after the death of his son in his own livelihood can not worry , Walter began using his knowledge of chemistry to make "medicine" and begin everywhere trafficking, drug trafficking along prodigiously embarked on the road ......

Because of the relationship between financial resources , the drama scene is small, small cost , played characters much, and the difference between the cost of other TV stations are great, but this caught people's psychological drama , you know, in the environment of economic crisis, many people willing to take risks in order to survive , is reflected in the drama with advanced cancer and encounter the hero of many families in crisis , and the plot hint of social , psychological audience catered by had raised concerns .

In fact, sometimes life is an endless repetition and kill in order to live , to work , to save face, to the house , for all you need to fight all the mainstream stuff , the cycle of plain hard work and compromise patient, every day in the bow forward , missing , but one day when you know all you spend is a waste , you will reap a cancer and death , the end of it at the end , when the true humanity will suddenly rise in smoke filled with despair , and finally saw a real need to guard and fight for something , then desperate to fight , and contempt to abandon everything, including ethics , rules, and others. Under the so focused and disdain , human hand, looking up, anyway, back to the wall , it is better to enjoy another repressed guilt and bring their own enjoyment and excitement as well.

AMC drama always tell a story , the focus of a unique small , gradually developing exaggerated seriousness explore the process of legal and illegal forget humor . Lens bloody violence , filled with cult flavor, absolutely restricted , while dramas reflected his knowledge is power, and every time they use to watching the Raiders win or chemical knowledge to escape thriller , full of black humor and meaningful ten .

On the other hand , although the drama theme chosen black edges , but the core is still the mainstream of American families expressed ethics : For family happiness and the future path of no return , and therefore , Walter has made understanding the behavior of the audience and sympathy.

Of course, " Breaking Bad " did not care whether you can never forgive him , manufacturing drugs manufacture of explosives , the People's Walter teachers, even escalating to kill off the corpse , without any explanation of the surge of black self-deprecating and cult mean blowing.

An ordinary person before his own doom, self- determined and no bottom line cruel sentencing uncompromising , self-serving sense of despair filled with anxiety and violence , unequal you understand , you can not be denied.

When the world fooled and bullied you , how do ?

I do not forgive , never compromise - so sonorous , leisurely, " deadly poison teacher" and life is to Sike in the end .
When dad started from action star
After Schwarzenegger retires,as if Hollywood busy to this has become aclassic big tribute,and copy creates a new generation of action star,in addition to the rock,paper.A desire also has great potential."Superdog"makes me think of Shiwa inevitable uncle "Kindergarten Cop",to tell the truth,this section uses a time called creative,then it can only be to follow the footsteps of their predecessors forward.
It need not see also completely also imagine style and typical plot,join children,small will certainly be interesting young,middle age to have mentalconfusion period,the greater is quite rebellious period,as caught in the middle of the hero,not only to Wu,also want to text,and then add somewarmth and humor,is a piece of sandwich film.
Dicer in the film played harder,carrying a small baby,like arranged like a hand grenade into the waist bag is inserted in the bottle,funny,found that when he smiles is a baby face,not too many good action.But as the action route actor,in addition to action film hard fight to try other elements areabsolutely necessary,Wen.Desire is a promising actor,shoot the film to pay tuition,can understand.There is a house:if there are 5 children,really is a terrorist.
Familiar faces of supporting
Disney,which belongs to won't surprise you that kind of film is also too won'tlet you down,action Menzerna + cute baby is a common but safe routine.The female baby to Adonis uncle Vin Diesel about breast secret that,the most funny.
The only unsightly is some familiar faces,the protagonist faces familiar is not terrible,originally well,most of the movies people are rushed to thehero.Terrible is the familiar faces of those small supporting role,especiallythe original is some drama starring,so the image of the past very profound,but also easy to let the audience have funny feeling.The Pacifier has two such faces,that captain Bill is clearly the Queer as Folk Michael Dr.DavidCameron sweet ex boyfriend,and vice president of that beauty is theGilmore Girls in the single mother Lorelai.
No creativity
It is the story of a commando in the failure of the mission,was sent as ananny for 5 children do dads story
This story is also very old,many films by the man with the children of thisplot to attract viewers,but faster and more not new
This movie is the male protagonist,as a special forces soldiers background to start jokes,was still not creative.My last two back to the toilet,also gettwo cola
Tough guy version nanny
When the same thing total dry people will inevitably have bored,the majority of the people are like from time to time,the change of taste,taste fresh.Need passion movie actor too,most of them are not like being affixed rangesingle label,try different types of videos to show his acting,performinggeneralist always sounds to enjoy some.So there are many different types of actors in the film between the bigger jumps,contrast is willing to try.Playthe comedy like to play tragedy,can the audience to cry wet handkerchiefto provoke a lot of want to try next time everyone happy one,play toromance niche is thought the mighty tough addiction.The same is true of the film's protagonist,know he is in that cool "XXX",and now the mighty boldbut Van Diso in this warm comedy "Daxian a skill".
In fact,I am still very admiration for Van Diso,in the "male male or femalefemale" movements of the era,such as Van Diso grey Menzerna really likea fresh wind,watching is comfortable.Van Diso starred in several movies,such as "star legend","speed and passion" is said to be very popular,but unfortunately I have not read.But he was still "Saving Private Ryan" playeda supporting role of soldiers,not much but time,Xifen not many (like rescue team in the first sacrifice),so my impression is not deep.Really seen also in that department "XXX" and the film.To tell the truth in my opinion Van Diso that a sturdy big muscles even if he goes to Hollywood favorable capital,may also become obstacles to the development of limit him,the way hebody too easy to turn his action star closely relates in together,and in view of the "limbs developed,simple minded" wrong idea.People have a habit ofquestioning his acting,or even just think of him as a film "action vase".I think it must be all the actors to meet the situation.And even though he willown physical capital to get incisively and vividly,be sure it is very difficult,because he had two similar types of successful predecessors with him -- Schwarzenegger and Stallone,he could hardly avoid to be compared to thetwo former star,I'm afraid not to say no pressure perhaps?
Although the development of the difficulty is not small,but I am still very optimistic about his.I have seen his two film,you can see that it is acting in a very hard,but also to see his good potential.But in my opinion,his "XXX"to film the pacifier "than" better,it seems now van Di is more suitable in action films,in fact,he played in the two characters in the play are very similar,is a drug specific

Nanny McPhee & The Big Bang 《魔法保姆麦克菲》第2部 观影收获

Nanny McPhee is back ... finally !!!

一句“I'm Nanny McPhee , small ‘c’ big ‘P’.”让人对这位相貌“丑陋”的不速之客印象深刻无法忘怀。

英文童话电影还是英国的好!用语考究古典气息浓厚。这部家庭喜剧由埃玛以英国小说家克里斯蒂安娜(Christianna Brand)的系列儿童小说《玛蒂尔达护士》(Nurse Matilda)为基础,朴实、诙谐、隐晦和甜美的原著基于作者家庭世代相传的传说,成功塑造了一个类似于1964年经典影片《欢乐满人间》里的仙女保姆Mary Poppins的魔幻保姆。

第2部Nanny McPhee来到二战期间英国一户人家,在制止孩子们打闹争执后解释了自己的原则:“Listen to me very carefully ,I am going to explain to you the way I work:when you need me but do not want me ,then I must stay; when you want me but no longer need me,then I have to go.”

第2部中魔法保姆麦克菲将教五个孩子们Five Lessons:


Lesson One to stop fighting;

Lesson Two to share nicely ;

Lesson Three to help each other ;

Lesson Four to be brave ;

Lesson Five to have faith .



一直以能演能写的才女形象著称电影界的奥斯卡影后艾玛·汤普森Emma Thompson是本片的主演,编剧和制片人,剧本改编花了9年时间,结果大获成功。曾有评论认为这部电影可以看作是哈里波特与小鬼当家的结合:欢闹之间洋溢着《小鬼当家》式的喧嚣,奇幻当中不乏《哈里?波特》式的惊奇。这种评论非常恰当。

期待Nanny McPhee能有第3部!

剧情:in this fable movie, Thompson played a girl who looked a bit scary and the magical woman who had just died, his wife entered the house of Mr Brown, trying to uniforms very slapstick Brown refuses to accept pipes 7 children. Among these children, a boy named Simon, the largest, Lancaster played by Thomas Sanger, who had driven away 17 previous nannies employed at home, he also believes will be able to drive away, "Thompson", but played with Thompson maid McPhee began to control the family, these children come to realize that they will soon produce extreme actions that they themselves are afraid of the results. McPhee's influence has gradually extended to the family's deeper problems, including the Brown Plan for no reason suddenly find a wife, played by the likes Brie Angela Lance dictates aunt Edailaide announced She wanted to adopt one child, and Kelly Macdonald Stewart played by the female domestic Everett JI Lin began to make some surprise. As children began to change behavior, McPhee's looks and body are starting to change, and the children and Mr. Brown are beginning to enjoy the magic of her on the stranger, then a series of questions to follow.
观后感:Norman lives in the village, he had a sister called Meige Xi, there is a younger brother Vincent, also from London and cousins - Cyril and Xi Liya, and then home, and the emergence of a Paul Mumai Kofi bit of magic, giving them a vivid Class 5.

McPhee into that house, have two moles on her face, one buck teeth, looks awful. She gave them on the first class, McPhee control them with a cane, so apologies to each other after the children returned to their freedom, the first lesson is to teach them not to fight, and then down to teach four lessons are: the second class to teach them to learn to share; third class to teach them to unite; IV classes to teach them to be brave; V class to teach them to have confidence. Cyril, Xi Liya by the five class, more and feel better rural life, and each time the children finish teaching a lesson, McPhee face mole will be gone, as was taught in class five, Mike Philippine become very beautiful, and their father back.

By watching the film, I deeply feel: You can not fight, to unite, to share with others, not selfishness, but also confident that if we could do that, I believe that success is not far from us it!