那里的人是有好并乐于助人的,英语翻译 ,学校前面是车站,后面有新开的大型购物中心,旁边是川菜

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

Hello, everyone ! I am a student from Yangguang Middle School in Beijing and my name is Linda. All my teachers and classmates are very friendly and they would like to help me . In front of the station ,there is a new-opened shopping centre and beside it is a Sichuan Dishes Restaurant . In our school we do morning exercise every morning . The food in our school is very delicious. We can join in many kinds of teams according our interest. Now the spring festival is coming and all the family are busy preparing for it . People are cleaning their houses and buying some delicious food and drinks. They all look very happy.

He is always willing to help others.

People there are nice and helpful
In front of the school was at the station, followed by a new large mall, next to Sichuan restaurant
Students often does morning exercises in the school, school meals are good, many interest groups
Winter is approaching, Chinese Spring Festival will be, Chinese new year is January 31 of 2014, people set off firecrackers, glutinous rice balls

people there are friendly and helpful.

Behind the school is in front of the station, a new large shopping center, next to the sichuan cuisine English translation, the students often do morning exercises in the school, school meals is very good, a lot of interest groups, English translation winter holiday is coming, the Chinese people will celebrate the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival is in January 31, 2014, people set off firecrackers, dumplings

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